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Printing Views Derived from CFormView

Vinay Desai -- Vinay.Desai@americas.nycomed.com
Sunday, February 09, 1997

Environment: Visual C++ 4.2b, NT4.0 SP2, HotFix

I have written an application that uses a view class derived from
CFormView.  The derived view uses a CListCtrl control.

Unresolved issue: I have been unable to print this view.  Basically my
calls to the Framework supplied print support results in the display of a
blank screen.   Attempts at using pWnd->Print(pDC, PRF_CHILDREN)
results in a Assertion Failure (see code snippets below) or a blank page.
I can print this derived view using CDC::BitBlt, but there has got to be a
better way.  The VIEWEX sample code that is supposed to contain code
for printing from a CFormView, doesn't contain any such code.  I have
searched the contents of Microsoft Technet (Feb '97 CD) and Microsoft
MSDN (Web) for sample code but haven't come up with a sample yet.  No
info was obtained in Scott Wingo's MC FAQ either.  A post to
comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools.mfc has yet to be answered,
although I have seen similar questions posed to the same group.


void CElemPropView::OnPrint(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo) 
// CElemPropView is a derived view from CFormView
// IDD_MYFORM is the dialog  template resource for the derived view
CElemPropView * pWnd = (CElemPropView*) GetDlgItem(IIDD_MYFORM);
            ASSERT(pWnd!=NULL); // ASSERTION Failure


if I try the following,

void CElemPropView::OnPrint(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo) 
// CElemPropView is a derived view from CFormView
// IDD_MYFORM is the dialog  template resource for the derived view
CElemPropView * pWnd = this; 
ASSERT(pWnd!=NULL); // ASSERTION Successful but blank page printed


Any suggestions or tips are welcome.

Vinay Desai, Ph.D.

Paul Gerhart -- pgerhart@voicenet.com
Sunday, February 09, 1997

Vinay Desai wrote:
> Environment: Visual C++ 4.2b, NT4.0 SP2, HotFix
> I have written an application that uses a view class derived from
> CFormView.  The derived view uses a CListCtrl control.

I have an app just the same (CFormView uses a CListCtrl control).

The base class wont do this automatically - you must extract the cells
(rows) from the CListCtrl your self.

I think the Brain/Lovette book covers this well. I cloned their

If you need a code snippet, email me back.

# Paul Gerhart          #
# pgerhart@voicenet.com #

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