Bitmap on a Wizard
Dan Edwards --
Monday, February 03, 1997
Environment: MSVC 4.0/Win95
I've got a CPropertySheet that has been wizard moded. How do I get a bitmap
on the left side of it? The only solution I've thought of is to just move
all the controls over to the right then blit it in. That seems kind of
lame, I also used to have an example that did it a differently, can't find
it now though.
David Lowndes --
Wednesday, February 05, 1997
[Mini-digest: 5 responses]
>I've got a CPropertySheet that has been wizard moded. How do I get a bitmap
on the left side of it? The only solution I've thought of is to just
all the controls over to the right then blit it in. That seems kind of
lame, I also used to have an example that did it a differently, can't
it now though.
As you say, you'll need to re-arrange your dialog to make room, then add
picture control to the dialog, set its property to type "bitmap", and
the Image ID of a bitmap in your resource file.
If you're doing a lot of work with Wizards, have a look at the Ultra
product, It's a Visual C++ add-in component. It makes light work of
fully fledged wizard dialogs (including the bitmaps), and you've got all
MFC source code generated in your project so that you can easily enhance
your wizards should you need to.
-----From: "Rob Warner"
I just put bitmaps on my property pages using the resource editor. HTH.
Rob Warner
> From: Dan Edwards
> To:
> Subject: Bitmap on a Wizard
> Date: Monday, February 03, 1997 7:00 PM
> Environment: MSVC 4.0/Win95
> I've got a CPropertySheet that has been wizard moded. How do I get a
> on the left side of it? The only solution I've thought of is to just move
> all the controls over to the right then blit it in. That seems kind of
> lame, I also used to have an example that did it a differently, can't
> it now though.
> Thanks
> Dan
-----From: "Vincent A. Busam"
We have put a bitmap on all pages in a wizard sheet. In the dialog editor
we put a stataic control of the right size and in the desired position on
each page that was to have the bitmap, and all with the same id. We derived
a class from CPropertyPage that painted the bitmap into the control and used
this class as the base class for all of our property pages. Hope this code
BOOL cSetupBasePage::OnInitDialog()
if ( m_uBitmap != 0 ) // m_uBitmap passed to constructor
{ // must have a dialog item for bitmap on this page
CWnd* pStatic = GetDlgItem ( IDC_SETUP_BITMAP );
ASSERT ( pStatic != NULL );
// get position of static in property page
pStatic -> GetWindowRect ( &m_StaticRect );
ScreenToClient ( &m_StaticRect ); // save where to draw bitmap
// hide static for bitmap
pStatic -> ShowWindow ( SW_HIDE );
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void cSetupBasePage::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
if ( m_uBitmap != 0 )
HBITMAP bmp = ::LoadBitmap(AfxGetInstanceHandle(),
if ( bmp != NULL &&
::GetObject( bmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm ) ==
int(sizeof(BITMAP)) )
HDC mdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( dc );
HBITMAP old = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject( mdc, bmp );
::BitBlt ( dc, m_StaticRect.left,,
bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, mdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
::SelectObject ( mdc, old ); // put back old bitmap
::DeleteDC ( mdc );
::DeleteObject ( bmp ); // delete bitmap we created
ASSERT ( FALSE ); // problem - should not occur
// Do not call CPropertyPage::OnPaint() for painting messages
At 04:00 PM 2/3/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Environment: MSVC 4.0/Win95
>I've got a CPropertySheet that has been wizard moded. How do I get a bitmap
>on the left side of it?
-----From: "Dana M. Epp"
Usually your CPropertyPages for the CPropertySheet are from resource
dialogs. All you have to do is insert an image in there, and your done.
At 04:00 PM 2/3/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Environment: MSVC 4.0/Win95
>I've got a CPropertySheet that has been wizard moded. How do I get a bitmap
>on the left side of it? The only solution I've thought of is to just move
>all the controls over to the right then blit it in. That seems kind of
>lame, I also used to have an example that did it a differently, can't find
>it now though.
PC'ing you,
Dana M. Epp
"How can one work with the technology of today, using yesterdays
software and methods, and still be on the leading edge tomorrow?
Why settle for less... I won't! "
-----From: "P.J. Tezza"
The simplest solution we found to this problem was to place a static
control where you want the bitmap to show up. We then derive a class from
CStatic and subclass it on each of our property pages. The CStatic derived
class then paints the bitmap correctly for various resolutions and color
depths. I played around with a couple of other solutions such as moving the
controls to the right at runtime and painting on the property sheet instead
of the property page. In the end, I decided that the other solutions were
too hard to maintain and stuck with the CStatic solution.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Edwards []
Sent: Monday, February 03, 1997 7:00 PM
Subject: Bitmap on a Wizard
Environment: MSVC 4.0/Win95
I've got a CPropertySheet that has been wizard moded. How do I get a bitmap
on the left side of it? The only solution I've thought of is to just move
all the controls over to the right then blit it in. That seems kind of
lame, I also used to have an example that did it a differently, can't find
it now though.
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