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CFileDialog and 'Whats this help'

Christine Hagberg -- CHAGBERG@datx.com
Monday, January 27, 1997

Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.2-flat

I use a CFileDialog to compress files to another file format (I have
changed the "save" button to "compress")

When I try to use the question mark help, in the upper right hand corner,   

I never see the WM_HELP command come through my derived class.
So I end up with the standard Windows help for a save dialog, not what I   

Is there a way for me to get first crack at all of the messages that go   

through CFileDialog?  Is there atleast a way for me to get first crack at   

a Help message -- then I can get help that is appropriate for my   
compress/save dialog?



Kenneth A. Argo -- argo@rias.COM
Tuesday, January 28, 1997

[Mini-digest: 4 responses]

Cut from documentation

	Causes the dialog box to display the Help button. The hwndOwner member =
must specify the window to receive the HELPMSGSTRING registered messages =
that the dialog box sends when the user clicks the Help 	button.An =
Explorer-style dialog box sends a CDN_HELP notification message to your =
hook procedure when the user clicks the Help button.


From:  Christine Hagberg[SMTP:CHAGBERG@datx.com]
Sent:  Monday, January 27, 1997 5:26 PM
To:  'MFC List'
Subject:  CFileDialog and "Whats this help"

Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.2-flat

I use a CFileDialog to compress files to another file format (I have
changed the "save" button to "compress")

When I try to use the question mark help, in the upper right hand =
corner,  =20

I never see the WM_HELP command come through my derived class.
So I end up with the standard Windows help for a save dialog, not what I =

Is there a way for me to get first crack at all of the messages that go  =

through CFileDialog?  Is there atleast a way for me to get first crack =
at  =20

a Help message -- then I can get help that is appropriate for my  =20
compress/save dialog?



-----From: Christine Hagberg 

Thanks, but I want to get the "whats this help" working.

That the small question mark in the upper right corner of the dialog.   
 When the user uses this they end up with the standard windows help for   
the file save dialog.

I can get the help button to work but I also need the "whats this help"

Any suggestions?

Thanks again


From:  Kenneth A. Argo[SMTP:argo@rias.COM]
Sent:  Tuesday, January 28, 1997 2:51 PM
To:  'Christine Hagberg'; 'MFC List'
Subject:  RE: CFileDialog and "Whats this help"

Cut from documentation

        Causes the dialog box to display the Help button. The hwndOwner
member =
must specify the window to receive the HELPMSGSTRING registered messages   
that the dialog box sends when the user clicks the Help         button.An   
Explorer-style dialog box sends a CDN_HELP notification message to your =
hook procedure when the user clicks the Help button.


From:  Christine Hagberg[SMTP:CHAGBERG@datx.com]
Sent:  Monday, January 27, 1997 5:26 PM
To:  'MFC List'
Subject:  CFileDialog and "Whats this help"

Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.2-flat

I use a CFileDialog to compress files to another file format (I have
changed the "save" button to "compress")

When I try to use the question mark help, in the upper right hand =
corner,  =20

I never see the WM_HELP command come through my derived class.
So I end up with the standard Windows help for a save dialog, not what I   

Is there a way for me to get first crack at all of the messages that go   

through CFileDialog?  Is there atleast a way for me to get first crack =
at  =20

a Help message -- then I can get help that is appropriate for my  =20
compress/save dialog?



-----From: "lee@rocsinc.com" 

Try trapping the WM_HELPINFO message in your dialog.

Put the following in the header file  :

	afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo); <-- this

Put the following in the message map section of the .cpp file :

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CYourDialog, CFileDialog)

And here's the code :

BOOL CYourDialog::OnHelpInfo (HELPINFO* pHelpInfo)
	if (pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW)
		AfxGetApp ()->WinHelp (pHelpInfo->dwContextId,HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP);
		return TRUE;
		return CFileDialog::OnHelpInfo (pHelpInfo);


The ClassWizard can automate some of this.

Good luck.


From: 	Christine Hagberg
Sent: 	Monday, January 27, 1997 2:26 PM
To: 	'MFC List'
Subject: 	CFileDialog and "Whats this help"

Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.2-flat

I use a CFileDialog to compress files to another file format (I have
changed the "save" button to "compress")

When I try to use the question mark help, in the upper right hand corner,   

I never see the WM_HELP command come through my derived class.
So I end up with the standard Windows help for a save dialog, not what I   

Is there a way for me to get first crack at all of the messages that go   

through CFileDialog?  Is there atleast a way for me to get first crack at   

a Help message -- then I can get help that is appropriate for my   
compress/save dialog?


-----From: Mike Blaszczak 

At 17:26 1/27/97 EST, Christine Hagberg wrote:
>Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.2-flat

You should upgrade to MFC 4.2b as soon as possible.  4.2-flat is
compatible only with beta versions of operating system components,
and will evetually cause you grief.

>I use a CFileDialog to compress files to another file format (I have
>changed the "save" button to "compress")

>Is there a way for me to get first crack at all of the messages that go   
>through CFileDialog?  Is there atleast a way for me to get first crack at   
>a Help message -- then I can get help that is appropriate for my   
>compress/save dialog?

Try PreTrnaslateMessage().  Also, you might want to read up on the EnableHook
flag you can toss into m_ofn.Flags.

.B ekiM
These words are my own. I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.
           This performance was not lip-synched.

Christine Hagberg -- CHAGBERG@datx.com
Thursday, January 30, 1997

Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.2-flat

Thanks everyone for the suggestions, but I guess I should have listed the   
things I have tried so far.

1. I have tried putting a help button on the dialog (OFN_SHOWHELP then   
create a hook procedure OFN_ENABLEHOOK waiting on a CDN_HELP)  This works   
and I can get help if the user uses the help button, but, "Whats this   
help" still goes straight to CFileDialog directly.
2. I have added a handler for WM_HELPINFO -- ON_WM_HELPINFO ()  This   
function never ends up getting called at all.
3. I have tried to trap WM_HELP and WM_HELPINFO in my WindowProc routine.   
 These never occur.
4. I have tried to trap WM_HELP and WM_HELPINFO in a   
PreTrnaslateMessage().  These never occur

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Should I try Subclassing?

Thanks Again


From:  Christine Hagberg
Sent:  Monday, January 27, 1997 5:26 PM
To:  'MFC List'
Subject:  CFileDialog and "Whats this help"

Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.2-flat

I use a CFileDialog to compress files to another file format (I have
changed the "save" button to "compress")

When I try to use the question mark help, in the upper right hand corner,   

I never see the WM_HELP command come through my derived class.
So I end up with the standard Windows help for a save dialog, not what I   

Is there a way for me to get first crack at all of the messages that go   

through CFileDialog?  Is there atleast a way for me to get first crack at   

a Help message -- then I can get help that is appropriate for my   
compress/save dialog?



Brad P. Exchange -- Brad.P.Smith@Cognos.COM
Saturday, February 01, 1997

>Thanks everyone for the suggestions, but I guess I should have listed the
>things I have tried so far.
>1. I have tried putting a help button on the dialog (OFN_SHOWHELP then create
>a hook procedure OFN_ENABLEHOOK waiting on a CDN_HELP)  This works and I can
>get help if the user uses the help button, but, "Whats this help" still goes
>straight to CFileDialog directly.
>2. I have added a handler for WM_HELPINFO -- ON_WM_HELPINFO ()  This function
>never ends up getting called at all.
>3. I have tried to trap WM_HELP and WM_HELPINFO in my WindowProc routine.
>These never occur.
>4. I have tried to trap WM_HELP and WM_HELPINFO in a PreTrnaslateMessage().
>These never occur
>Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Should I try Subclassing?

For fun, I did a little spelunking using the debugger. CFileDialog is a
little different, in that it's a wrapper for the lower-level
::GetOpenFilename() API (owned by COMDLG32).

A breakpoint in CFileDialog's OnNotify did not trip for the "What's This"
help, meaning that GetOpenFilename does not send a notification message back
to the parent. So that'll be no help.

A breakpoint in _AfxCommDlgProc, which is the hook proc used by CFileDialog,
*also* did not trip, meaning that GetOpenFilename does not send *any* message
back to the parent.

Unless there's some additional trick, I've come to the conclusion that the
COMDLG32 designers didn't *want* you to hook into the "What's This"
mechanism. I honestly don't think you can get where you want to go, and still
use anything based on GetOpenFilename. :-(


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