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Bitmap & printe problem

Joern Dahl-Stamnes -- Jorn.Dahl-Stamnes@fysel.ntnu.no
Monday, January 20, 1997

Environment: VC++ 1.52, WinNT 3.51

I'm designing a calendar view where I use four different bitmaps to
indicate different events. I use black color in the bitmap as the
transparent color. The other colors are inverted (I think).

The first problem is to draw the bitmap correctly in the view using
different brushes. As long as brush is grey (= RGB(192,192,192)), the
background color in the bitmaps it looks OK, but if I change the brush
(e.g. = RGB(255,255,255)), the result does not look good.

Question: How do I draw a bitmap transparently regardless of the brush
in the view?

Part of the code that draw the daynumber and the bitmaps for a given

  // Marks is a enumerator
  static Marks Markers[] = {Marker1, Marker2, Marker3, Marker4};
  static UINT  Bitmaps[] = {IDB_MARKER_1, IDB_MARKER_2, IDB_MARKER_3,

  dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC (pDC);

  if (!pDC->IsPrinting()) oldBrush = pDC->SelectObject (pGrayBrush);
  pDC->Rectangle (m_Size);

  pDC->SetTextColor (RGB(0,0,0));
  oldFont = pDC->SelectObject (pFont1);

  sprintf (buffer,"%d",m_iDay);
  TextSize = pDC->GetTextExtent (buffer,strlen(buffer));
  xpos = m_Size.TopLeft().x + 4;
  ypos = m_Size.TopLeft().y + 2;
  RectSize = m_Size.Size ();
  if (TextSize.cx+4 >= RectSize.cx || TextSize.cy+2 >= RectSize.cy)
    bToSmall = TRUE;
  } else {
    pDC->TextOut (xpos,ypos,buffer,strlen(buffer));

  if (!pDC->IsPrinting()) pDC->SelectObject (oldBrush);
  pDC->SelectObject (oldFont);
  if (bToSmall) return;

  // Display one or more bitmap markers?
  xpos = m_Size.BottomRight().x - 2;
  minx = m_Size.TopLeft().x + 4 + TextSize.cx;
  for (i = 0; i < iMarkCount; i++)
    if (m_lMarks & ((LONG)1 << Markers[i]))
      xpos -= iXSize;
      if (xpos < minx) break;
      status = BitMarker.LoadBitmap (Bitmaps[i]);
      if (status == 0) TRACE ("LoadBitmap failed\n");
      dcMem.SelectObject (&BitMarker);
      pDC->BitBlt (xpos,ypos+2,iXSize,iYSize,&dcMem,0,0,0x00600365);
      BitMarker.DeleteObject ();

  // more code to display text information...

Second problem:

My current solution look good on the screen as long as I don't change
the brush. When I use the print preview command to look at the view I
can see the bitmaps in black and white. But when I print the view to my
HP Deskjet 600 (with color), the bitmaps are not printed out. When
printing the view, I change the brush to white.

It has also been tested on another machine with a different printer, but
with the same result.

Question: Why? What am I doing wrong?

Bing Hou -- hou@tfn.com
Wednesday, January 22, 1997

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]


Here is the trick I played to draw a transparent bitmap depending on the 
background color of the view window.

void DrawTransparentBitmap(CDC* pDC)
  CDC dcMem;

  CBitmap bitmap;
  CBitmap* pOldbitmap = dcMem.SelectObject(&bitmap);

  CBrush brush(WhateverColor);
  CBrush* pOldbrush = dcMem.SelectObject(&brush);
  ::ExtFloodFill(dcMem.GetSafeHdc(), 1, 1, RGB(255, 255, 255),                  

  CRect rect;
  pdc->StretchBlt(0, 0, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), &dcMem, 0, 0,              
                 m_bitmapWidth, m_bitmapHeight, SRCCOPY);

  // clean up omitted

The code looks just like yours with one exception of the call to the 
ExtFloodFill function.

The ExtFloodFill function is documented in SDK documentation. When the 
fill type is FLOODFILLSURFACE, it fills the dc's surface with the 
currently selected brush, note the fill starts at the x, y location, and 
replace the color you specified. 

Therefore, you need to pay a little attention to the way you create your 
bitmaps. In my case, I created my bitmap with WHITE background color, 
and made damn sure that the pixel at (1, 1) is nothing but a white dot.

Bing Hou
  Jambalaya Baby!!!
______________________________ Reply Separator 
Subject: Bitmap & printe problem
Author:  Joern Dahl-Stamnes  at 
Date:    1/20/97 12:21 PM

Environment: VC++ 1.52, WinNT 3.51

I'm designing a calendar view where I use four different bitmaps to 
indicate different events. I use black color in the bitmap as the 
transparent color. The other colors are inverted (I think).

The first problem is to draw the bitmap correctly in the view using 
different brushes. As long as brush is grey (= RGB(192,192,192)), the 
background color in the bitmaps it looks OK, but if I change the brush 
(e.g. = RGB(255,255,255)), the result does not look good.
Question: How do I draw a bitmap transparently regardless of the brush 
in the view?
Part of the code that draw the daynumber and the bitmaps for a given 
  // Marks is a enumerator
  static Marks Markers[] = {Marker1, Marker2, Marker3, Marker4}; 
  static UINT  Bitmaps[] = {IDB_MARKER_1, IDB_MARKER_2, IDB_MARKER_3,
  dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC (pDC);
  if (!pDC->IsPrinting()) oldBrush = pDC->SelectObject (pGrayBrush); 
  pDC->Rectangle (m_Size);
  pDC->SetTextColor (RGB(0,0,0));
  oldFont = pDC->SelectObject (pFont1);
  sprintf (buffer,"%d",m_iDay);
  TextSize = pDC->GetTextExtent (buffer,strlen(buffer)); 
  xpos = m_Size.TopLeft().x + 4;
  ypos = m_Size.TopLeft().y + 2;
  RectSize = m_Size.Size ();
  if (TextSize.cx+4 >= RectSize.cx || TextSize.cy+2 >= RectSize.cy) 
    bToSmall = TRUE;
  } else {
    pDC->TextOut (xpos,ypos,buffer,strlen(buffer));
  if (!pDC->IsPrinting()) pDC->SelectObject (oldBrush); 
  pDC->SelectObject (oldFont);
  if (bToSmall) return;
  // Display one or more bitmap markers? 
  xpos = m_Size.BottomRight().x - 2;
  minx = m_Size.TopLeft().x + 4 + TextSize.cx; 
  for (i = 0; i < iMarkCount; i++)
    if (m_lMarks & ((LONG)1 << Markers[i])) 
      xpos -= iXSize;
      if (xpos < minx) break;
      status = BitMarker.LoadBitmap (Bitmaps[i]);
      if (status == 0) TRACE ("LoadBitmap failed\n"); 
      dcMem.SelectObject (&BitMarker);
      pDC->BitBlt (xpos,ypos+2,iXSize,iYSize,&dcMem,0,0,0x00600365); 
      BitMarker.DeleteObject ();
  // more code to display text information...
Second problem:
My current solution look good on the screen as long as I don't change 
the brush. When I use the print preview command to look at the view I 
can see the bitmaps in black and white. But when I print the view to my 
HP Deskjet 600 (with color), the bitmaps are not printed out. When 
printing the view, I change the brush to white.
It has also been tested on another machine with a different printer, but 
with the same result.
Question: Why? What am I doing wrong?
-----From: "David Carballo" 


For the second problem you can try:

a) implement OnPrepareDC with the following code:

void CYourView::OnPrepareDC(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo) 
	CYourBaseView::OnPrepareDC(pDC, pInfo);

	if ( !pDC->IsPrinting() )
	pDC->SetViewportOrg(pDC->GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES) / 2,
	      			pDC->GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES) / 2);

b) Implement OnPreparePrinting

BOOL CYourView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo)
	// default preparation
	return DoPreparePrinting(pInfo);

c) implement the OnPrint function by calling OnDraw

Hope This help.

David Carballo

> De: Joern Dahl-Stamnes 
> A: mfc-l@netcom.com
> Asunto: Bitmap & printe problem
> Fecha: lunes 20 de enero de 1997 12:21
> Environment: VC++ 1.52, WinNT 3.51
> I'm designing a calendar view where I use four different bitmaps to
> indicate different events. I use black color in the bitmap as the
> transparent color. The other colors are inverted (I think).
> The first problem is to draw the bitmap correctly in the view using
> different brushes. As long as brush is grey (= RGB(192,192,192)), the
> background color in the bitmaps it looks OK, but if I change the brush
> (e.g. = RGB(255,255,255)), the result does not look good.
> Question: How do I draw a bitmap transparently regardless of the brush
> in the view?
> Part of the code that draw the daynumber and the bitmaps for a given
> date:
> {
>   // Marks is a enumerator
>   static Marks Markers[] = {Marker1, Marker2, Marker3, Marker4};
>   static UINT  Bitmaps[] = {IDB_MARKER_1, IDB_MARKER_2, IDB_MARKER_3,
>                             IDB_MARKER_4};
>   dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC (pDC);
>   if (!pDC->IsPrinting()) oldBrush = pDC->SelectObject (pGrayBrush);
>   pDC->Rectangle (m_Size);
>   pDC->SetTextColor (RGB(0,0,0));
>   oldFont = pDC->SelectObject (pFont1);
>   sprintf (buffer,"%d",m_iDay);
>   TextSize = pDC->GetTextExtent (buffer,strlen(buffer));
>   xpos = m_Size.TopLeft().x + 4;
>   ypos = m_Size.TopLeft().y + 2;
>   RectSize = m_Size.Size ();
>   if (TextSize.cx+4 >= RectSize.cx || TextSize.cy+2 >= RectSize.cy)
>   {
>     bToSmall = TRUE;
>   } else {
>     pDC->TextOut (xpos,ypos,buffer,strlen(buffer));
>   }
>   if (!pDC->IsPrinting()) pDC->SelectObject (oldBrush);
>   pDC->SelectObject (oldFont);
>   if (bToSmall) return;
>   // Display one or more bitmap markers?
>   xpos = m_Size.BottomRight().x - 2;
>   minx = m_Size.TopLeft().x + 4 + TextSize.cx;
>   for (i = 0; i < iMarkCount; i++)
>   {
>     if (m_lMarks & ((LONG)1 << Markers[i]))
>     {
>       xpos -= iXSize;
>       if (xpos < minx) break;
>       status = BitMarker.LoadBitmap (Bitmaps[i]);
>       if (status == 0) TRACE ("LoadBitmap failed\n");
>       dcMem.SelectObject (&BitMarker);
>       pDC->BitBlt (xpos,ypos+2,iXSize,iYSize,&dcMem,0,0,0x00600365);
>       BitMarker.DeleteObject ();
>     }
>   }
>   // more code to display text information...
> }
> Second problem:
> My current solution look good on the screen as long as I don't change
> the brush. When I use the print preview command to look at the view I
> can see the bitmaps in black and white. But when I print the view to my
> HP Deskjet 600 (with color), the bitmaps are not printed out. When
> printing the view, I change the brush to white.
> It has also been tested on another machine with a different printer, but
> with the same result.
> Question: Why? What am I doing wrong?

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