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How to get active view pointer?

P. Senthil -- senthilp@geocities.com
Wednesday, January 15, 1997

Environment: VC++ 1.52, Win 95

I have a distributable AFXDLL which is dependent on two other Extension
              / Package.dll  -- Extension DLL
    |         \ Design.dll   -- Extension Dll

This Engine.Dll creates a CFrameWnd and also a view for an SDI Document
template. The calling application is an _AFXDLL compiled EXE and this
has an application object.

I need to get the active View pointer created by Engine.Dll
I can't use AfxGetMainWnd() because it returns the applications Framewnd
And that does not contain any active view. 

How can I get the Frame window pointer?

P. Senthil

Gururaja D. -- gururaja@aditi.com
Thursday, January 16, 1997

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

>Environment: VC++ 1.52, Win 95
>I have a distributable AFXDLL which is dependent on two other Extension
>              / Package.dll  -- Extension DLL
>    Engine.Dll 
>    |         \ Design.dll   -- Extension Dll
>    |
>This Engine.Dll creates a CFrameWnd and also a view for an SDI Document
>template. The calling application is an _AFXDLL compiled EXE and this
>has an application object.
>I need to get the active View pointer created by Engine.Dll
>I can't use AfxGetMainWnd() because it returns the applications
>And that does not contain any active view. 
>How can I get the Frame window pointer?

Hi Senthil,

	I had ran in to same type of problem while working with VC4.2b on Win
95. When I tried to call AfxGetMainWindow, I was getting applications
main window in the Exported function of the .dll. Then I used 
AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro to set the proper state in the Exported function
to work it properly. You can try the same but keep this as a last option
to try out. 

	You can get more help on AFX_MANAGE_STATE in Online Help or in MSDN. 

	It's just a guess. Hope it works.


	Aditi Technologies Private ltd.
-----From: SCS.007@mch.scn.de

You must be calling some function in your Engine DLL to initiate this 
creation process. Let this function return a FAR pointer to that view/frame. 

Surely, this can't be your problem.... is there more to the question???


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