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CListCtrl Column Resizing

Sridhar Rao Chedalla -- C.Sridhar@blr.sni.de
Tuesday, January 07, 1997


        Environment : Visual C++4.2-flat , Window NT 4.0

	I have one CListCtrl in which I have 6 columns. Everything is working
fine except that it is possible to resize columns. But I want the
facility to resize some of the columns and  some other columns I do not
want to resize at all and width of it has to be fixed.. Any one of you
can help me in this aspect.


Sridhar Rao Chedalla -- C.Sridhar@blr.sni.de
Wednesday, January 08, 1997


        Environment : Visual C++4.2-flat , WinNT 4.0

        I have one CListCtrl in which I have 6 columns. Everything is
fine except that it is possible to resize columns. But I want the
facility to resize some of the columns and  some other columns I do not
want to resize at all and width of it has to be fixed.. Any one of you
can help me in this aspect.


Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@nwlink.com
Wednesday, January 08, 1997

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

At 18:05 1/7/97 -0800, Sridhar Rao Chedalla wrote:

>        Environment : Visual C++4.2-flat , Window NT 4.0

Please upgrade to 4.2b by installing the patch.  4.2-flat works
only against beta operating system components and will get you
into trouble sooner or later.

>I have one CListCtrl in which I have 6 columns. Everything is working
>fine except that it is possible to resize columns. But I want the
>facility to resize some of the columns and  some other columns I do not
>want to resize at all and width of it has to be fixed.. Any one of you
>can help me in this aspect.

In your WM_INITDIALOG handler obtain a pointer to the header control
and dynamically subclass the window.

In your subclass, trap HDN_BEGINTRACK and return FALSE to disallow
the tracking (and, therefore, the sizing).  You can conditionally
return FALSE if the notification is related to column which you
do or don't want to size.

.B ekiM
Why does the "new" Corvette look like a 1993 RX-7?
These words are my own. I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.

-----From: derek.groft@utiligent.com (Derek F. Groft - UTL)

I cut and paste this stuff out of my code and tweaked it by hand, so it may
not compile as is, but it should give you the basics.  Also, my code turns
off resizing for  ALL columns so you will need to peak at pNotifyStruct to
handle sizing on a per-column basis.  I derived CMyHeaderCtrl from
CHeaderCtrl, and the have only the following 2 functions and a public
m_bSizeable flag.  I ripped out error checking, so don't just use this

I'm interested in comments on better ways to do this from anyone else out
there, but this works for me.

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyHeaderCtrl, CHeaderCtrl)

void CMyHeaderCtrl::Resize(NMHDR * pNotifyStruct, LRESULT* pResult)
	//pResult should be TRUE if resizing is not allowed, 
	//pResult should be FALSE if resizing is allowed.
	*pResult = (m_bSizeable == TRUE) ? FALSE : TRUE;

The user isn't going to want to see a resizing mouse cursor if they can't
resize the list box, so handle the OnSetCursor message as well:

void CMyHeaderCtrl::OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) 
	if ( m_bSizeable == FALSE )
		return TRUE;
	return CHeaderCtrl::OnSetCursor(pWnd, nHitTest, message);

In order to get the header ctrl class instantiated, get the handle in the
listctrl PreSubclassWindow as follows:

void CMyListCtrl::PreSubclassWindow() 

	m_pHeader = new CMyHeaderCtrl;

	ASSERT( GetDlgItem(0) ); //This fails if "Visible" attribute is not set in
				   //resource editor..
	m_pHeader->SubclassWindow( GetDlgItem(0)->m_hWnd );

Hope this helps,


> From: Sridhar Rao Chedalla 
> To: mfc-l@netcom.com
> Subject: CListCtrl Column Resizing
> Date: Tuesday, January 07, 1997 8:05 PM
> Hello,
>         Environment : Visual C++4.2-flat , Window NT 4.0
> 	I have one CListCtrl in which I have 6 columns. Everything is working
> fine except that it is possible to resize columns. But I want the
> facility to resize some of the columns and  some other columns I do not
> want to resize at all and width of it has to be fixed.. Any one of you
> can help me in this aspect.
> C.Sridhar
-----From: Barry Tannenbaum 

At 08:57 AM 1/8/97 -0800, you wrote:

> I have one CListCtrl in which I have 6 columns. Everything is working
> fine except that it is possible to resize columns. But I want the
> facility to resize some of the columns and  some other columns I do not
> want to resize at all and width of it has to be fixed.. Any one of you
> can help me in this aspect.

The following routine allowed me to prevent a column from getting too small.
I'm sure you can modify it to prevent a column from being resized.

 * WindowProc
 * Called to process windows messages.  This routine is used to get access to
 * WM_NOTIFY messages.  Unfortunately, I'm unable to pass the HDN_TRACK messages
 * on the the base class for processing unless I implement my own WindowProc.
 * Failing to pass the messages on results in missing feedback for the user.
 * I have to specify *both* the ASCII and Unicode version of the messages since
 * NT is sending me Unicode messages when I'm in ASCII mode.  This is likely to
 * change someday when NT gets fixed, so I'd better handle both now.

LRESULT CAgentListCtrl::WindowProc (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
    HD_NOTIFY *pNotify = (HD_NOTIFY *)lParam;

    if (WM_NOTIFY == message)
//      TRACE ("Notify code %d\n", pNotify->hdr.code);
        switch (pNotify->hdr.code)
            case HDN_TRACKA:
            case HDN_TRACKW:
                if (0 != pNotify->iItem)      // Make sure this is column 0

                if (pNotify->pitem->cxy < m_cxMin[0])         // Enforce minimum
                    pNotify->pitem->cxy = m_cxMin[0];

    // Let the base class do it's thing
    return CListCtrl::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);

        - Barry


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