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CRecordSet with Oracle 7 and 32 bit Drivers

Lee Fuller -- fulll@Sherwood.co.uk
Monday, January 06, 1997

Environment: Windows 95, Visual C++ 4.2-flat

We currently have a project that uses 16 bit ODBC drivers (OpenLink)
into an Oracle 7 database with few problems. I want to start re-writing
a chunk of this code in Visual C++ 4.2 using 32 bit ODBC drivers
(OpenLink tried, any others?), but without success. Whenever I try to
create a CRecordSet with the Class Wizard, I get the following error
message, "Invalid Cursor State". The wizard does not even get to the
stage of being able to see what tables are on the database.

Now, I assume this is an ODBC driver problem in connection with our
database. Beyond this, I'm a little bit stumped. Does anyone have any
suggestions (or a pointer to a FAQ/KB)?



Lee H Fuller
Broking (somewhere) - Sherwood International PLC

"There are no significant bugs in our released software that any
 significant number of users want fixed."  -- Bill Gates

Monday, January 06, 1997

      We are using OpenLink lite 32bit and VC42b on Win95 and it works.
      The visigenic driver come with VC42 is for NT, and it does have problem
      under Win95 like you experienced in Class Wizard. My suggestion is
      apply the patch and try Openlink again.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: CRecordSet with Oracle 7 and 32 bit Drivers
Author:  mfc-l@netcom.com at Internet
Date:    1/6/97 1:38 PM

Environment: Windows 95, Visual C++ 4.2-flat
We currently have a project that uses 16 bit ODBC drivers (OpenLink) 
into an Oracle 7 database with few problems. I want to start re-writing 
a chunk of this code in Visual C++ 4.2 using 32 bit ODBC drivers 
(OpenLink tried, any others?), but without success. Whenever I try to 
create a CRecordSet with the Class Wizard, I get the following error 
message, "Invalid Cursor State". The wizard does not even get to the 
stage of being able to see what tables are on the database.
Now, I assume this is an ODBC driver problem in connection with our 
database. Beyond this, I'm a little bit stumped. Does anyone have any 
suggestions (or a pointer to a FAQ/KB)?
Lee H Fuller
Broking (somewhere) - Sherwood International PLC
"There are no significant bugs in our released software that any
 significant number of users want fixed."  -- Bill Gates

William Drew -- solset@cais.com
Tuesday, January 07, 1997

[Mini-digest: 4 responses]

On Mon, 6 Jan 1997 13:38:08 -0000, you wrote:

I'm using the INTERSOLV 2.12 32-bit drivers on Personal Oracle w/out any of the mentioned problems.

>Environment: Windows 95, Visual C++ 4.2-flat
>We currently have a project that uses 16 bit ODBC drivers (OpenLink)
>into an Oracle 7 database with few problems. I want to start re-writing
>a chunk of this code in Visual C++ 4.2 using 32 bit ODBC drivers
>(OpenLink tried, any others?), but without success. Whenever I try to
>create a CRecordSet with the Class Wizard, I get the following error
>message, "Invalid Cursor State". The wizard does not even get to the
>stage of being able to see what tables are on the database.
>Now, I assume this is an ODBC driver problem in connection with our
>database. Beyond this, I'm a little bit stumped. Does anyone have any
>suggestions (or a pointer to a FAQ/KB)?
>Lee H Fuller
>Broking (somewhere) - Sherwood International PLC
>"There are no significant bugs in our released software that any
> significant number of users want fixed."  -- Bill Gates


William J. Drew
Solution Set, Inc.
-----From: Knut Erik Hollund 

>>Environment: Windows 95, Visual C++ 4.2-flat
>>We currently have a project that uses 16 bit ODBC drivers (OpenLink)
>>into an Oracle 7 database with few problems. I want to start re-writing
>>a chunk of this code in Visual C++ 4.2 using 32 bit ODBC drivers
>>(OpenLink tried, any others?), but without success. Whenever I try to
>>create a CRecordSet with the Class Wizard, I get the following error
>>message, "Invalid Cursor State". The wizard does not even get to the
>>stage of being able to see what tables are on the database.
>>Now, I assume this is an ODBC driver problem in connection with our
>>database. Beyond this, I'm a little bit stumped. Does anyone have any
>>suggestions (or a pointer to a FAQ/KB)?
>>Lee H Fuller

Check with OpenLink that your ODBC driver supports the specs for ODBC

I think this problem is related to your's ....:
".....I'm writing an MFC application, and I'm having a problem
when I don't use the ODBC cursor library.  If I don't use
the cursor library, I can't add rows to an empty table.
I get an "Invalid Cursor State" error.  If I use the ODBC
cursor library, everything works.

Microsoft says it is a problem with the ODBC 2.0
specification, and has been fixed in the 2.1 spec.  I think
this means ODBC driver writers are supposed to update
their drivers to conform to the 2.1 spec.

Microsoft ODBC KnowledgeBase Article ID Q124998 discusses
the problem I'm having in greater detail."

Knut Erik Hollund
-----From: Tony Headford 

Hi Lee,

Have you tried connecting to your database with another ODBC/SQL tool such
as MS Query ?. This should help determine whether it's an ODBC driver
problem or not. 
Also have you tried the Oracle 7 ODBC driver that ships with the ODBC
redistributables (I'm not sure whether it's a 32-bit driver however) ?

I'm guessing but could you not try using your 16-bit ODBC driver with your
32-bit app ?. I've used a 32-bit ODBC driver with 16-bit database
applications we've written, I assume the underlying ODBC engine take care of
any thunking thats required. However, I haven't tried it the other way
around (32-bit app, 16-bit driver). 

Hope this helps!


At 13:38 06/01/97 -0000, you wrote:
>Environment: Windows 95, Visual C++ 4.2-flat
>We currently have a project that uses 16 bit ODBC drivers (OpenLink)
>into an Oracle 7 database with few problems. I want to start re-writing
>a chunk of this code in Visual C++ 4.2 using 32 bit ODBC drivers
>(OpenLink tried, any others?), but without success. Whenever I try to
>create a CRecordSet with the Class Wizard, I get the following error
>message, "Invalid Cursor State". The wizard does not even get to the
>stage of being able to see what tables are on the database.
>Now, I assume this is an ODBC driver problem in connection with our
>database. Beyond this, I'm a little bit stumped. Does anyone have any
>suggestions (or a pointer to a FAQ/KB)?
>Lee H Fuller
>Broking (somewhere) - Sherwood International PLC
>"There are no significant bugs in our released software that any
> significant number of users want fixed."  -- Bill Gates


 Tony Headford - Software Developer
 RMS Services Ltd
 email: tony@ktgroup.co.uk

-----From: Ola Gunnars 

I have an application that runs with 16/32 bits ODBC for sybase.
The trick is to install ocbc 2.12 or something like that. On the Visual
C/C++ 1.52 there is a directory called redist. Install this ... Then
install Redist on the 4.2 cd. There is an special 16 bit version that
does thunking upp to the 32 bit driver. 
If you need more info I can update myselft on this ...
/Kindly Ola

>From: 	Lee Fuller[SMTP:fulll@Sherwood.co.uk]
>Sent: 	 den 6 januari 1997 13:38
>To: 	'mfc-l@netcom.com'
>Subject: 	CRecordSet with Oracle 7 and 32 bit Drivers
>Environment: Windows 95, Visual C++ 4.2-flat
>We currently have a project that uses 16 bit ODBC drivers (OpenLink)
>into an Oracle 7 database with few problems. I want to start re-writing
>a chunk of this code in Visual C++ 4.2 using 32 bit ODBC drivers
>(OpenLink tried, any others?), but without success. Whenever I try to
>create a CRecordSet with the Class Wizard, I get the following error
>message, "Invalid Cursor State". The wizard does not even get to the
>stage of being able to see what tables are on the database.
>Now, I assume this is an ODBC driver problem in connection with our
>database. Beyond this, I'm a little bit stumped. Does anyone have any
>suggestions (or a pointer to a FAQ/KB)?
>Lee H Fuller
>Broking (somewhere) - Sherwood International PLC
>"There are no significant bugs in our released software that any
> significant number of users want fixed."  -- Bill Gates

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