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AfxSocketInit(), MFC 4.1 (DLL version) - subtle bug

Bradley V. Pohl -- brad.pohl@pobox.com
Sunday, January 05, 1997

Environment:  MSVC 4.1, Win32s, (complied on Windows NT 4.0)

Greetings, all.

I just filed the following bug report with Microsoft regarding AfxSocketInit() and the DLL
version of MFC 4.1.  If anyone else out there is having to support Win32s, you may find this interesting.

If coding hacks make you shudder, turn back now.  This solution is a doozy, although it works nicely.

Brad Pohl                          Custom software development & solutions
brad.pohl@pobox.com               Internet and intranet consulting services
The Brads' Consulting          Windows NT/Windows 95 software development
http://www.thebrads.com    Web site planning, development and maintenance

Visual C++ 4.1 Bug Report

MFC 4.1, which supports the creation of executables targeting Win32s, has
a design bug that prevents a successful WSACleanup() call from occurring 
when an application terminates after a (successful) call to AfxSocketInit(),
IF the application is built using Shared MFC (i.e., the DLL version of MFC).

This bug manifests itself only when the executable runs under Win32s;  Windows 95, 
Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 work as expected.

1. Using Visual C++ 4.1, create a new project with AppWizard.
2. Accept all defaults, but add MFC socket support.  The only requirements
   are that:
   (a.) The application is buit using the DLL version of MFC.
   (b.) The applicaiton uses MFC socket support (specifically, it calls 
3. Compile the executable.
4. Obtain a second machine running Windows 3.1x with Win32s 1.30.  Use MSDEV's
   remote debuging facility to execute the application just compiled.
5. Set a breakpoint on _AFX_SOCK_STATE::~_AFX_SOCK_STATE() in sockcore.cpp.
6. Exit the running application (on the Win32s machine).
7. The deugger will break on the dtor from step 5.  Step into the call to WSACleanup().
   This will take you into AfxThunkWSACleanup().
8. Step past the call to the SOCKLOAD macro.  This will work okay.
9. Single-step to execute the indirect call (via function pointer) to WSACleanup().
   In your debug window you will see a First Chance Exception trace message.
10. NOTE that the call to WSACleanup still returns 0, even though the call did not
    actually succeed.

Note: The following applies to the DLL version of MFC.  MFC's WinSock "thunking" support
is bypassed in the statically linked versions.

MFC attempts to automagically call WSACleanup() after a successful call to 
AfxSocketInit().  This functionality is implemented via MFC's CProcessLocal<> 
facility (see MFC TechNote #58) in combination with a helper class called 

An instance of _AFX_SOCK_STATE is placed in process-local storage by AfxSocketInit().
Process-local items are managed by the CThreadSlotData instance referred to by 
_afxProcessData.  AfxTlsAddRef() and AfxTlsRelease() are used to control the lifespan
of MFC's thread-local and process-local data.  When the last DLL contributing to the
reference count on these items enters its DllMain, AfxTlsRelease() will be called and the
process- and thread-local data will be cleaned up.

Now consider the following additional facts:
	(1) Win32s provides automatic thunking of WinSock functions for 32b 
        applications from WSOCK32.dll down to winsock.dll (16b).
	(2) No order may be assumed with respect to the unloading of DLLs attached to a process.

It appears that at the point of destruction of the _AFX_SOCK_STATE instance, WSOCK32's automatic
thunking has already been unhooked.  Hence, the first-chance exception down in the bowels of
the CRT.

I believe that this must be classified as a bug in MFC.  Although the problem is encountered 
because of Win32s thunking, the fact remains that MFC chose too late a point in program shutdown
to perform the cleanup.

This problem is also easily obsevered by the authors of a winsock.dll.  When the 16b winsock.dll
is unloaded following the shutdown of an MFC application, its WSAStartup()/WSACleanup() reference
count will be non-zero.  The call stops in the thunk layer (I think).

This bug seems to be mostly benevolent, which is why I think it has not been noticed until now.
(I found no reference to any such problem in the MSDN knowledge base).  However, depending upon
the robustness of your 16b WinSock stack, it could have serious repercussions.  To further
complicate the issue, MFC's CSocket implementation requires a successful call to AfxSocketInit().

Ideally, this would be fixed by a new revision of MFC 4.1, which is the last MFC version
supporting Win32s.  However, that code has been frozen.

You could also rebuild the DLL version of MFC and provide a cleanup function that could be
called from your ExitInstance to do the cleanup, or something similar. Rebuilding MFC should probably
be avoided, if at all possible, however.

Upon examination of sockcore.cpp, it appears that it may be possible to simply call WSAStartup() and
WSACleanup() directly (from InitInstance and ExitInstance, respectively).  This will fix the Win32s
problem noted here.  On the down side, the application will have to explicity link to WSOCK32 or
perform an explicit LoadLibrary, etc.  Additionally, the MFC CSocket routines will still perform
a LoadLibrary of WSOCK32 even though the application would be statically bound to the DLL.

Because the underlying process-local and thread-local support is so very well encapsulated,
this problem is _nearly_ impossible to fix.  However, I was able to come up with a workaround
(albeit a HUGE HACK! ;-).  By adding some code to an MFC application's CWinApp-derived class'
InitInstance and ExitInstance, proper cleanup can be assured.

After picking through the MFC source with a fine-tooth comb, I was able to conjure up the Mother Of 
All Hacks to bypass the problem and ensure proper cleanup.

The validity of my workaround is dependent upon the internals of MFC 4.1.  However, since MFC 4.1
is frozen, this is not a major concern.  

(1) Add the following to your CWinApp-derived class (in the example, CSockintApp):
#include "wsaclean.h"

static CSocketCleanupHelper f_CleanupHelper;

// CSockinitApp initialization

int CSockinitApp::ExitInstance() 
	return CWinApp::ExitInstance();

} // CSockinitApp::ExitInstance

BOOL CSockinitApp::InitInstance()
	if ( ! Win32sAfxSocketInit( f_CleanupHelper ))
		return FALSE;
		} // if
// the rest of your code here...

(2) Add the the following two files to your project:  wsaclean.h and wsaclean.cpp.
/*** wsaclean.h *************************************************************

Author:		Bradley V. Pohl (brad.pohl@pobox.com)
Date:		Jan 05, 1996

This code will ensure that WSACleanup() is called successfully after
a (successful) call to AfxSocketInit() when running under Win32s.

Copyright (C) 1996 Bradley V. Pohl
This code may be used for any purpose, provided that:
  (1) This copyright is preserved in the code.
  (2) If this source is redistributed, it must be provided free of charge.

#ifndef __WSACLEANUP_H__
#define __WSACLEANUP_H__


class CSocketCleanupHelper
friend BOOL Win32sAfxSocketInit( CSocketCleanupHelper& );

	_AFX_SOCK_STATE*	m_pSockState;

	CSocketCleanupHelper() : m_pSockState( NULL ) {}

	void DoSocketCleanup( void );

}; // class CSocketCleanupHelper

BOOL Win32sAfxSocketInit( CSocketCleanupHelper& );

#endif // __WSACLEANUP_H__


/*** wsaclean.cpp *************************************************************

Author:		Bradley V. Pohl (brad.pohl@pobox.com)
Date:		Jan 05, 1996

This code will ensure that WSACleanup() is called successfully after
a (successful) call to AfxSocketInit() when running under Win32s.

Copyright (C) 1996 Bradley V. Pohl
This code may be used for any purpose, provided that:
  (1) This copyright is preserved in the code.
  (2) If this source is redistributed, it must be provided free of charge.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "wsaclean.h"

// We need afximpl.h to use afxData.
#include <../src/afximpl.h>

// We need sockimpl.h for _AFX_SOCK_STATE and _afxSockState.
#include <../src/sockimpl.h>

#ifdef WSACleanup
	// Sanity check.
	#pragma message( "->Using MFC's internal WSACleanup thunk macro" )

#if 0
// YOU CAN DELETE THE CODE IN THIS #if block (shown for demonstrative purposes only).
// This function would be the ideal way to fix the problem (it is not nearly
// the hack that is required because it would unconditionally be safe:  
// it is not affected by FreeSlot() calls).  However, it cannot be used 
// becuase the MFC dlls do not export _afxSockState.
void IdealEnsureSafeAfxWSACleanup( void )
	// There is only a problem when running under Win32s:
	if( afxData.bWin31 )
		// See if a call to WSACleanup() is pending.
		_AFX_SOCK_STATE* const pState = _afxSockState.GetDataNA();
		if( pState != NULL && pState->m_pfnSockTerm != NULL )
			// Yup!  But it will fail at static object destruction time, 
			// so do it now...

			// ...and make sure MFC doesn't try it then.
			pState->m_pfnSockTerm = NULL;
			} // IF
		} // if

} // IdealEnsureSafeAfxWSACleanup

// CSocketCleanupHelper Implementation 

void CSocketCleanupHelper::DoSocketCleanup( void )
	if(		afxData.bWin31 
		&&	m_pSockState != NULL 
		&&	m_pSockState->m_hInstSOCK != NULL
		&&	m_pSockState->m_pfnSockTerm != NULL )
		// Do some of the work of _AFX_SOCK_STATE::~_AFX_SOCK_STATE
		// by calling WSACleanup() now.
		// NOTE:
		// (1)  By #include'ing sockimpl.h, this call to WSACleanup will 
		//      actually be the thunked version used internally by MFC.
		// (2)  This method should be called from you APPLICATION's 
		//      CWinApp::ExitInstance() override.  WSACleanup() can
		//      successfully be thunked down to winsock.dll from wsock32.dll
		//      at that point.
		TRACE( "[CSocketCleanupHelper::DoSocketCleanup] "
		   "Win32s detected - forcing early WSACleanup()\n" );


		// Make sure MFC does not try to call WSACleanup() as well.
		m_pSockState->m_pfnSockTerm = NULL;
		} // if

}; // CSocketCleanupHelper::DoSocketCleanup

BOOL Win32sAfxSocketInit(
	CSocketCleanupHelper&	rHelper )
// NOTE: This method must be called in your APPLICATION's
//       CWinApp::InitInstance instead of AfxSocketInit().
	const BOOL bSuccess = AfxSocketInit();

	// There is only a problem when running under Win32s.
	if( bSuccess && afxData.bWin31 )
		// Temporary CProcessLocal instance so we can use its m_nSlot
		// value to determine the slot value for _afxSockState.
		CProcessLocal< _AFX_SOCK_STATE > slotinfo;

		// CProcessLocalObject instances are assumed to always be declared
		// at file scope (We know this because CProcessLocalObject checks for
		// m_nSlot to be zero as a flag, but there is no ctor to do this.
		// However, file-scope variables are automagically zero-intialized!).
		// Therefore, we must manually initialize slotinfo:
		slotinfo.m_nSlot = 0;

		// Force slot allocation.

		// As long as no FreeSlot() calls have been made for _afxProcessData
		// (and this ONLY occurs in CProcessLocalObject::~CProcessLocalObject),
		// AfxSocketInit() allocated its _AFX_SOCK_STATE instance in the 
		// previous contiguous slot (see CThreadSlotData::AllocSlot()).
		// Furthermore, this will ALWAYS be the case unless someone has put
		// a CProcessLocal<> instance somewhere besides global scope
		// (and even then, this would have had to have taken place prior to 
		// the call to Win32sAfxsocketInit()).
		// Again, because of the lack of a CProcessLocalObject ctor, we know 
		// MFC 4.1 never does this.  
		ASSERT( slotinfo.m_nSlot > 1 );

		// Now pluck out the _AFX_SOCK_STATE pointer.  Although additional
		// CProcessLocal::GetData() calls may force _afxProcessData's thread
		// slot table to be reallocated, the referenced objects (e.g.. the 
		// _AFX_SOCK_STATE instance we're after) will not move in (virtual)
		// memory.  Therefore, we can stash off a pointer for later.
		rHelper.m_pSockState = slotinfo.GetDataNA();
		ASSERT( rHelper.m_pSockState != NULL );

		// IMPORTANT:  Restore slotinfo's m_nSlot so that the proper slot is
		// freed when its dtor fires.

		TRACE( "[Win32sAfxSocketInit] Win32s detected; stashing off %lX\n",
			rHelper.m_pSockState );
		} // if

	return bSuccess;

} // BOOL Win32sAfxSocketInit

Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@nwlink.com
Wednesday, January 08, 1997

At 21:43 1/5/97 -0500, Bradley V. Pohl wrote:

To me, this looks like a bug in Win32s.  Your additional "facts" are a bit

> (1) Win32s provides automatic thunking of WinSock functions for 32b 
>     applications from WSOCK32.dll down to winsock.dll (16b).

MFC isn't thunking 32-bit to 16-bit access.  It's thunking the dependency on
the DLL.  With the AfxThunkSomething() functions and macros and structures
in place, a program that uses MFC in a shared DLL will only need to initialize
additional system components as they're used.  If this mechanism wasn't in
place, even the most trivial MFC application would load and initialize
sockets, the common controls, WININET, OLE, ODBC, and probably a few
other things before it even started. You would have even tribial programs
with a working set over five megabytes, or so.

> (2) No order may be assumed with respect to the unloading of DLLs
attached to
> a process.

This isn't correct.  It's true that the unload order of DLLs implicitly linked
to a process can't be determined, but the uloading order of DLLs explicitly
linked to a process is deterministic.  MFC has explicitly loaded the
and therefore controls its life cycle.

>It appears that at the point of destruction of the _AFX_SOCK_STATE instance,
>WSOCK32's automatic thunking has already been unhooked.  Hence, the
>exception down in the bowels of the CRT.

That's a little confusing to me.  What CRT function is involved in this
process?  Or are you saying "in the bowels of the CRT" because it's the CRT
that's responsible for calling static destructors, like those on the

You can see that, when _AFX_SOCK_STATE destructs, it ends up
calling FreeLibrary() against the dynamically loaded m_hInstSock. 
That handle was obtained back in the implementation of AfxLoadSock().
If Win32s has let go of that library before that last call to FreeLibrary(),
which you say it has, the bug is really in Win32s-- it has no right to
ditch the libray when it has a non-zero refcount, even though the process
which owns that reference count is about to terminate. It should only
shut down the library when the owning process has completely terminated.

>I believe that this must be classified as a bug in MFC. 

I'm not quite as sure as you seem to be.  Since Fact #2 above is
incompletely stated, and Fact #1 doesn't seem to apply to this 
situation, I think your assertion might be on weak ground.

>problem is encountered because of Win32s thunking, the fact remains that
>MFC chose too late a point in program shutdown to perform the cleanup.

I'm not sure I see where you've explained how the problem is caused by
Win32s thunking.  What do you really mean, exactly?

>After picking through the MFC source with a fine-tooth comb, I was able
>to conjure up the Mother Of All Hacks to bypass the problem and ensure
>proper cleanup.

If it was me, I'd experiment with artificially inflating the reference
count to WSOCK32.DLL.  As you mentioned, MFC 4.1 (like Win32s itself)
is frozen and there won't be a forthcoming fix.

.B ekiM
Why does the "new" Corvette look like a 1993 RX-7?
These words are my own. I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.

Bradley V. Pohl -- brad.pohl@pobox.com
Thursday, January 09, 1997

>To me, this looks like a bug in Win32s

I certainly would not be suprised.

> Your additional "facts" are a bit off:
>> (1) Win32s provides automatic thunking of WinSock functions for 32b 
>>     applications from WSOCK32.dll down to winsock.dll (16b).

>MFC isn't thunking 32-bit to 16-bit access.  

Nor did I imply that it was.  Note that I said "Win32s,"  not "MFC."

>It's thunking the dependency on the DLL. 
> With the AfxThunkSomething() functions and macros and structures
>in place, a program that uses MFC in a shared DLL will only need to initialize
>additional system components as they're used. 

I was _not_ confusing the AfxThunkXXX stuff with 32b->16b thunking.  These
are totally separate issues.

> If this mechanism wasn't in
>place, even the most trivial MFC application would load and initialize
>sockets, the common controls, WININET, OLE, ODBC, and probably a few
>other things before it even started. You would have even tribial programs
>with a working set over five megabytes, or so.

I was not in any way saying anything bad about this approach.  In fact, I wasn't
even referring to it at all!  Actually, I  thought the on-demand method of getting function pointers 
from the library was pretty slick--especially the way the thunk optimizes itself out under "pure"
(i.e., non-Win32s) Win32.

>> (2) No order may be assumed with respect to the unloading of DLLs attached to
>> a process.

>This isn't correct.  It's true that the unload order of DLLs implicitly linked
>to a process can't be determined, but the uloading order of DLLs explicitly
>linked to a process is deterministic.  MFC has explicitly loaded the
>and therefore controls its life cycle.

Sorry, a bit too broad of a statement there.  I was referring to implicitly linked DLLs.

>>It appears that at the point of destruction of the _AFX_SOCK_STATE instance,
>>WSOCK32's automatic thunking has already been unhooked.  Hence, the
>>exception down in the bowels of the CRT.

>That's a little confusing to me.  What CRT function is involved in this

No, that's not what I mean...

>r are you saying "in the bowels of the CRT" because it's the CRT
>that's responsible for calling static destructors, like those on the
>_AFX_SOCK_STATE object?


>>You can see that, when _AFX_SOCK_STATE destructs, it ends up
>calling FreeLibrary() against the dynamically loaded m_hInstSock. 
>That handle was obtained back in the implementation of AfxLoadSock().
>If Win32s has let go of that library before that last call to FreeLibrary(),
>which you say it has, the bug is really in Win32s-- it has no right to
>ditch the libray when it has a non-zero refcount, even though the process
>which owns that reference count is about to terminate. It should only
>shut down the library when the owning process has completely terminated.

Yes, this is the part where I was getting confused.  I was trying to make
sense of what I was seeing and the only consistent behavior I could observe
was that this first chance exception problem was occuring very late in the
application shutdown phase.  Specifically, on a call during static destructor

I was hoping that someone who knows the gory details of Win32s might be able
to make sense of this - or perhaps it _is_ simply a Win32s bug.  One point
I haven't been able to find a definite answer on is the exact point in process
shutdown where the thunked DLLs are unloaded.  

>>I believe that this must be classified as a bug in MFC. 

>I'm not quite as sure as you seem to be.  Since Fact #2 above is
>incompletely stated, and Fact #1 doesn't seem to apply to this 
>situation, I think your assertion might be on weak ground.

Okay, I probably associated the B-word with MFC a little too quickly there.  
Other than an outright bug in Win32s, the only other idea that seems to scream 
out at me is some sort of "too-late" condition.  

>>problem is encountered because of Win32s thunking, the fact remains that
>>MFC chose too late a point in program shutdown to perform the cleanup.

>I'm not sure I see where you've explained how the problem is caused by
>Win32s thunking.  What do you really mean, exactly?

Here's the part that bothers me.  As you say, a DLL should not be unloaded
while an outstanding reference count remains.  However, the system must
be able to unload DLLs with non-zero reference counts, right?  Specifically,
when  an application does a LoadLibrary and then never performs a FreeLibrary.

I was wondering if WSOCK32.DLL might be being unhooked from the 
16b WINSOCK.DLL between the time that WinMain returned and the CRT
ran through its static dtor business.  It seems obvious that these dtors should be
allowed to run first, but, again, I don't know how the thunking unloading takes

This is all guesswork, but it would seem to explain this first-chance exception business.
Some code _somewhere_ is catching that exception and allowing the application to shut
down in spite of it. Any idea at what level this is taking place?

Finally, I seem to remember someone saying that there are restrictions, especially in 
Win16, about what API functions can be called post-WinMain.  If this is true, and if FreeLibrary()
is off-limits this late in the game in 16b Windows, then I think I have a case for
an MFC bug. Certainly, if FreeLibrary() is prohibited after WinMain, Win32s would have the
right to forcibly unload DLLs with outstanding reference counts before the static dtors.
In such a scenario,  the choice of a static-object's dtor for cleanup would be a bad one.

>>After picking through the MFC source with a fine-tooth comb, I was able
>>to conjure up the Mother Of All Hacks to bypass the problem and ensure
>>proper cleanup.

>If it was me, I'd experiment with artificially inflating the reference
>count to WSOCK32.DLL.  As you mentioned, MFC 4.1 (like Win32s itself)
>is frozen and there won't be a forthcoming fix.

If an outstanding LoadLibrary() reference count is not doing the job, I doubt that an extra
one will matter...maybe an off-by-one type bug, perhaps?  

I am pretty darn sure that the code I posted is a trustworthy solution to this problem, albeit
not pretty.  Any comments on that?

Brad Pohl                          Custom software development & solutions
brad.pohl@pobox.com               Internet and intranet consulting services
The Brads' Consulting          Windows NT/Windows 95 software development
http://www.thebrads.com    Web site planning, development and maintenance

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Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@nwlink.com
Saturday, January 11, 1997

At 21:31 1/9/97 -0500, Bradley V. Pohl wrote:

>In fact, I wasn't even referring to it at all! 

I guess I'm a littl lost, then: what thunking is happening
here?  You're running as a 32-bit process under Win32s, and
you're hitting WSOCK32.DLL.  There's no thunking between
your application and the 32-bit DLL, is there?  Or does a
Win32s installation see LoadLibrary() requests for WSOCK32.DLL
and substitute a thunked stub for it?

>Actually, I  thought the on-demand method of getting function pointers 
>from the library was pretty slick--especially the way the thunk optimizes
>itself out under "pure" (i.e., non-Win32s) Win32.

It doesn't optimize itself out. What MFC is doing isn't a 32-bit
to 16-bit thunk, and is still there in an AFXDLL-build under Windows NT
or Windows 95. The code that MFC calls a thunk simply isolates the
MFC code from the DLL so that MFC doesn't always pull in the DLL
at load time.  The DLL isn't pulled into your process until you (or MFC)
actually uses it.

>I was hoping that someone who knows the gory details of Win32s might be able
>to make sense of this - or perhaps it _is_ simply a Win32s bug.

>One point I haven't been able to find a definite answer on is the
>exact point in process shutdown where the thunked DLLs are unloaded.  

I pointed it out to you: the DLLs are (normally) unloaded when MFC 
calls FreeLibrary() on them in the destructor of module-state structures,

>Okay, I probably associated the B-word with MFC a little too quickly there.  

Most people do, I'm afraid.

>I was wondering if WSOCK32.DLL might be being unhooked from the 
>16b WINSOCK.DLL between the time that WinMain returned and the CRT

When you use WSOCK32.DLL in a Win32s installation, is it really the same
WSOCK32.DLL that a true Win32 application sees, or is it a forwarder
that calls the 16-bit WINSOCK.DLL?

If so, the problem lies in reference-counting implementation in the
WSOCK32.DLL.  That's odd, because there's no way for the DLL to know
the app is done using it but hasn't called FreeLibrary() on it yet
and spontaneously unload from the process.

If not, the problem lies in Win32s someplace.  There's _still_ no
way for either the real DLL being accessed directly or the
wrapper DLL being access directly or the real DLL under it to
know that the application is about to terminate and start unloading
before the application really has terminated.

>ran through its static dtor business. 

That is to say, I don't think there's an event which the libraries
in the process would see to tell them that they can unload.  The
three events that cause DLLs to unload are calls to FreeLibrary() for
the DLL, a call to ExitProcess(), or the eventual return of the
application from its entry point.  None of those is happened and
MFC is right to continue accessing entry points it knows in the DLL.

So, something in Win32s is buggy.  It's possible that Win32s sees
the application process a WM_QUIT message and jumps the gun, and it's
possible that Win32s just gets confused when trying to manage the
reference count for the DLL.

>Finally, I seem to remember someone saying that there are restrictions,
>especially in Win16, about what API functions can be called post-WinMain. 
>If this is true, and if FreeLibrary() is off-limits this late in the
>game in 16b Windows, then I think I have a case for an MFC bug.

No, you still don't.  Your application is running under Win32s, not 
under Win16. Information about what calls are allowed when in a
16-bit app are irrelevant.

>Certainly, if FreeLibrary() is prohibited after WinMain, Win32s
>would have the right to forcibly unload DLLs with outstanding
>reference counts before the static dtors.

In the mean time, what is "WinMain"?  In a GUI-based MFC application,
the entry point to the application is supplied by the C Runtimes.
The runtimes call WinMain() in MFC, and it runs.  When it returns,
it returns back to the real entry-point provided by the CRTL, which
is where the static destructors happen.

Windows, at runtime, doesn't know when an application enters or
leaves the function named WinMain(), if there _is_ such a function
name.  It certainly knows when the application is done with the
entry point it declared, but _no_ work can be done after that point
because the application isn't executing any more.  At all.

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