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SOLVED : Fastest Method To Find Selected Items

Raja Segar -- rsz@pc.jaring.my
Saturday, January 04, 1997

Environment : Win95, NT 3.51 Visual C++ 4.0

Okay here is the method which can be applied to ListCtrl, ListBox etc ...
The problem was simple - to find out all the selected items in the ListCtrl.
The only official method was to use GetNextItem to query for the selected flag.

The problem was it too slow as the items in the list grows.
But with the method below it does not matter whether you have 10 or
1 million items, finding the selected items is a snap and it's superfast too :)

The idea is to keep a list of items in an array as the user is selecting them
instead of searching the listctrl for the selected items.
This would be use full in a Explorer like application where certain action must
be performed on the selected items etc ....

BTW i would like to thank Dean Wiles & Kenneth A. Argo  .... for giving their
views on the the problem.

Here i present a enhanced version of the code posted by Dean Wiles. 
Thanks Dean. :)

I duplicated the exact behaviour of the ListCtrl in terms of selecting
items using Control or Shift key using the mouse. BTW u still have to handle
selection of items using the keyboard. Haven't got around it yet but it should
be a snap after this experience.

1) First step is to setup an array to hold the selected rows.
   int SelectedRows[LIMIT] or etc ....
   I personally created a very simple list class with 5 function.
   AddTail(), GetTail(), NotDuplicate(), RemoveAll() & GetCount() 
   functions. The functions should be self explanary. 

2) As each item are selected update the array above while duplicating
   the selection behaviour of the ListCtrl.

Ok folks here is the code. Feel free to enhance it or whatever.
If there is any bug please let me know :) 

//- User Selected an item in listctrl
void CListCtrlBox::OnItemchanging(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
    // the only purpose of this function is to get the current item
    // the processing is done in the click handler.

    if ( (pNMListView->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) ||
         (pNMListView->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED) )
        m_CurItem = pNMListView->iItem; 
     // BTW,  m_CurItem is global to the class ( member variable )

    *pResult = 0;

void CListCtrlBox::OnClick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
    // Was CTRL or SHIFT down while this key was pressed ?
    if ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) > -1) && (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) > -1))
       // Nope , so do what we have to 
       KeyStack.RemoveAll();              // Dump all selected items
       KeyStack.AddTail(m_CurItem);       // Just add the current one.
       *pResult = 0;
       return;                            // Bail out 

    if ( GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 )    // Control Key Down ?
       if ( KeyStack.NotDuplicate(m_CurItem) )

    if ( GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0)       // Shift Key Down ?
       // If no selected items so far
       if (! KeyStack.GetCount() )
          // Ok get the last selected item 
          int m_LastItem = KeyStack.GetRowNo (KeyStack.GetTail());
          if ( m_LastItem != m_CurItem )    // Make sure not the same key
             if ( m_LastItem > m_CurItem )  // Swap it around if nessary
                int temp   = m_LastItem;
                m_CurItem  = m_LastItem;
                m_LastItem = m_CurItem;

             KeyStack.RemoveAll();    // Dump all selected items
             for (int j = m_LastItem ; j <= m_CurItem; j++)
    *pResult = 0;

Bye .. If anyone needs any explanation, feel free to email me.
 (  _ \/ __)(_   )
  )   /\__ \ / /_ 

Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@nwlink.com
Saturday, January 04, 1997

At 22:59 1/4/97 +0800, Raja Segar wrote:
>Environment : Win95, NT 3.51 Visual C++ 4.0

>Okay here is the method which can be applied to ListCtrl, ListBox etc ...
>The problem was simple - to find out all the selected items in the ListCtrl.
>The only official method was to use GetNextItem to query for the selected flag.

>The problem was it too slow as the items in the list grows.
>But with the method below it does not matter whether you have 10 or
>1 million items, finding the selected items is a snap and it's superfast too :)

>The idea is to keep a list of items in an array as the user is selecting them
>instead of searching the listctrl for the selected items.

This is unnecessary. The problem you were experiencing was because your
GetNextItem() loop was incorrectly coded. A properly coded GetNextItem()
might execute in _one ten thousandth_ of the time that the loop you presented
would take to execute. You weren't using information that you already had
available to you, and were searching through items you'd already searched

In a previous note to this list with the suject "Re: Fastest Method To
Find Slected Items", I show a properly coded list that doesn't take long
to execute--even on a 75 Mhz Pentium laptop with a list control that has
nearly 9000 items in it.

>Bye .. If anyone needs any explanation, feel free to email me.

I'm dying to know: did you not trace through the loop you originally posted
here?  It would be easy to see, if you did, that it looped both for each
selected item _and_ each item between each selected item!  Did you actually
post the wrong code?  I'm mesmerized because other people have also coded
handlers for selection changes to maintain they're own selection lists even
when it seems completely unnecessary to me: the code I wrote runs very
quickly even with 8800 items in the list on the slowest machine I have.

.B ekiM
I'm afraid I've become some sort of speed freak.
These words are my own. I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.

Raja Segar -- rsz@pc.jaring.my
Sunday, January 05, 1997

At 12:40 04/01/1997 -0800, you wrote:
>At 22:59 1/4/97 +0800, Raja Segar wrote:
>>Environment : Win95, NT 3.51 Visual C++ 4.0

>>The idea is to keep a list of items in an array as the user is selecting them
>>instead of searching the listctrl for the selected items.
>This is unnecessary. The problem you were experiencing was because your
>GetNextItem() loop was incorrectly coded. A properly coded GetNextItem()
>might execute in _one ten thousandth_ of the time that the loop you presented
>would take to execute. You weren't using information that you already had
>available to you, and were searching through items you'd already searched

Ok i've checked and it seams i have misunderstood the documentation on
GetNextItem. What you said was correct. Using GetNextItem the way you
suggested was just a tad slower than maintaining a list of selected items.
I must say it's was a stupid mistake on my part.

int y = -1;
while ( (y = this->GetNextItem (y, LVNI_SELECTED )) >=0 )
   pItem->iItem = y;
  // do work with it ...

My mistake for not stepping into the code line by line to see exactly why
it was so slow. Anyway, thanks a lot Mike for pointing it out.
At end of the day it was a good experience for me to duplicate the selection
behaviour of the ListCtrl and also i learned a lot about nNewState etc..

>I'm dying to know: did you not trace through the loop you originally posted
>here?  It would be easy to see, if you did, that it looped both for each
>selected item _and_ each item between each selected item!  Did you actually
>post the wrong code?  I'm mesmerized because other people have also coded
>handlers for selection changes to maintain they're own selection lists even
>when it seems completely unnecessary to me: the code I wrote runs very
>quickly even with 8800 items in the list on the slowest machine I have.

Well Mike ..people learn from making mistakes.
We made a mistake and since We know it we are wiser now. :)
Maybe the cause of all the problem is the lack of examples in the MFC
I wish it could be more like the C Function reference. They always
throw in an example after the explanations.

Anyway that is what the MFC List is for anyway, to learn.
If people are not making mistakes, well this list would be
a ghost list.

Anyway i would like to take this opportunity to thanks all the guys
who take their time to solve other people's problems.

 (  _ \/ __)(_   )
  )   /\__ \ / /_ 

Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@nwlink.com
Sunday, January 05, 1997

At 11:43 1/5/97 +0800, Raja Segar wrote:

>My mistake for not stepping into the code line by line to see exactly why
>it was so slow. Anyway, thanks a lot Mike for pointing it out.

Great, I'm glad it worked out for you.

>Well Mike ..people learn from making mistakes.
>We made a mistake and since We know it we are wiser now. :)

I was just very surprised that noobdy else noticed the fundamental
problem, and had gone so far to work around the problem.  How could
I have been the only one to see the real problem?  Tools like the
debugger and the profiler would point out the real problem in very
short order.
>Maybe the cause of all the problem is the lack of examples in the MFC
>I wish it could be more like the C Function reference. They always
>throw in an example after the explanations.

We add examples as we have time. I'll see if the doc team can toss
some in for the common control classes. At this time, the team is very
shorthanded (in fact, for the last six months, I, by myself, have been
the only full-time developer on MFC) so these things haven't received
the attention they deserve lately.

.B ekiM
http://www.nwlink.com/~mikeblas/      <-- trip report central!
95 Honda VFR-750F / 88 Yamaha FZ-700 (damaged) / 94 Mazda RX-7
Serial #00050!    /      AMA - HRC - VFROC     / Wang Dang Wankel
         I am bored of this talk. It is time now for the dancing!
These words are my own - I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.

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