MFC and NT 3.51: menu bar obscured by client area
David H. Hovemeyer --
Thursday, January 02, 1997
Environment: VC++ 4.0, NT 4.0, NT 3.51
I have an MFC application that was developed using Visual C++ 4.0
on an NT 4.0 system. It works fine on that platform, and on Windows 95.
However, when I run the application on NT 3.51, the menu bar is obscured
by the client area of the window, so that only the top half of the
menu bar is visible.
Any idea what could be causing this? I initally thought that I might
be using the wrong version of MFC40.DLL, but this doesn't seem to be
the problem.
Background info: it's an SDI app that was created with AppWizard.
The application creates other views in separate frames (this is probably
bad style), and these frames do _not_ have the overlapping client area
problem. Also, the main frame has a dockable toolbar (created by
by AppWizard); the other frames do not have toolbars.
Any clues about what is happening here would be greatly appreciated.
David Hovemeyer
Reliable Software Technologies
Roma --
Sunday, January 05, 1997
David H. Hovemeyer wrote:
> Environment: VC++ 4.0, NT 4.0, NT 3.51
> I have an MFC application that was developed using Visual C++ 4.0
> on an NT 4.0 system. It works fine on that platform, and on Windows 95.
> However, when I run the application on NT 3.51, the menu bar is obscured
> by the client area of the window, so that only the top half of the
> menu bar is visible.
I saw such things in Win 3.11 and VC++ 1.51.
Two times I run into this problem both times spent a LOT of time looking
for the reason. In both cases in the .rc file of the project in the
menu declaration there was an item with empty caption. It's hard to
notice such thing in the resource editor due to this, so check rc file
for the strings, which looks like this:
Hope this will help you.
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