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Right Justification in CEdit derived control

Derek F. Groft - UTL -- derek.groft@utiligent.com
Monday, December 30, 1996

Environment:  VC++4.2b, NT4.0

This is probably quite basic, but I have a class derived from CEdit and I
want to force the contents to be right justified.  The IDE has several
styles for an edit control that seem like they might work ( "Right aligned
text" for example), but they do not seem to do anything.  There is also an
"Align text" combo box in the Edit Properties menu, but it is only
available for multi-line entry fields, which is not what I want.

Best case, I would like the text to actually enter from right to left. 
Worst case, I would like for the text to jump to the right edge at
OnKillFocus time.

I implemented right justification in a ListCtrl by overriding the DrawItem
function.  As a general question, any particular reason why CEdit controls
are not owner-draw-able?

Thanks for your help,


David Little -- dlittle@equinoxcorp.com
Tuesday, December 31, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

Make your edit box a multi-line edit box, but don't change its size.  =
Then, dont process keystrokes that would add a line (VK_ENTER, etc....), =
and call SetLimitText() to stop "soft" additions....


From: 	Derek F. Groft - UTL[SMTP:derek.groft@utiligent.com]
Sent: 	Monday, December 30, 1996 6:16 PM
To: 	mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject: 	Right Justification in CEdit derived control

Environment:  VC++4.2b, NT4.0

This is probably quite basic, but I have a class derived from CEdit and =
want to force the contents to be right justified.  The IDE has several
styles for an edit control that seem like they might work ( "Right =
text" for example), but they do not seem to do anything.  There is also =
"Align text" combo box in the Edit Properties menu, but it is only
available for multi-line entry fields, which is not what I want.

Best case, I would like the text to actually enter from right to left.=20
Worst case, I would like for the text to jump to the right edge at
OnKillFocus time.

I implemented right justification in a ListCtrl by overriding the =
function.  As a general question, any particular reason why CEdit =
are not owner-draw-able?

Thanks for your help,


-----From: Stuart Downing 

The "right-aligned text" checkbox corresponds to an extended window 
style (WS_EX_RIGHT) that applies to right-to-left reading order 
languages like Hebrew and Arabic.  

You want the multi-line style (ES_MULTILINE) in combination with the
Align text-right style (ES_RIGHT).  Make sure you DON'T specify
the vertical scroll style.

A multiline edit control will only allow as many lines as can be
displayed in the control.  So long as your control is not too tall,
the user will only be able to enter a single line of text anyway,
and you get the right justification you want.

If you play around with the edit control height and styles, you'll
see this for yourself.
Stuart Downing						Thanks David E.
FAME Information Services, Inc.

From:  Derek F. Groft - UTL[SMTP:derek.groft@utiligent.com]
Sent:  Monday, December 30, 1996 7:16 PM
To:  mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject:  Right Justification in CEdit derived control

Environment:  VC++4.2b, NT4.0

This is probably quite basic, but I have a class derived from CEdit and I
want to force the contents to be right justified.  The IDE has several
styles for an edit control that seem like they might work ( "Right aligned
text" for example), but they do not seem to do anything.  There is also an
"Align text" combo box in the Edit Properties menu, but it is only
available for multi-line entry fields, which is not what I want.

Best case, I would like the text to actually enter from right to left. 
Worst case, I would like for the text to jump to the right edge at
OnKillFocus time.

I implemented right justification in a ListCtrl by overriding the DrawItem
function.  As a general question, any particular reason why CEdit controls
are not owner-draw-able?

Thanks for your help,


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