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Not getting TTN_NEEDTEXT called for tooltips

Peter A. Vanvliet -- pvanvlie@neosoft.com
Friday, December 27, 1996


Environment: VC++ 4.1, NT3.51

I have a CPropertyPage-derived class
within which I have a CTooltipCtrl. I am only getting TTN_NEEDTEXT callback
calls for static controls, not for any other control. Why?

As an aside, I
also have a CTooltipCtrl working in both my CFormView and CDialog derived
classes. There it works for all controls *except* for static

Note: You can discover the CPropertyPage problem by adding a
button to the CToolBarCtrlPage class/resource of the CMNCTRLS sample
application that comes with VC++. After adding the necessary code for having
the tooltip recognize the button (calling "m_ToolTip.AddTool(), etc."), you
will not see a tooltip for the button.

I have tried the following:
Created a TTN_NEEDTEXT handler in the page class.
2. Overridden
WindowProc() in the page class calling m_tipCtrl.RelayEvent(&msg);
Overridden PreTranslateMessage() in the page class calling

Any help would be much appreciated.

A. Vanvliet
Engineering Software Consultant
NanoSoft Corporation, Houston,

Roger Onslow/Newcastle/Computer Systems Australia/
Monday, December 30, 1996


>I have a CPropertyPage-derived class
>within which I have a CTooltipCtrl. I am only getting TTN_NEEDTEXT callback
>calls for static controls, not for any other control. Why?
[snip about using CTooltipCtrl etc]

Why do all this?

MFC does tool tips for you - all you have to do is turn on the support and 
provide the callback.

Also, for property pages, you need a simple override of PreTranslateMessage 
(because of the way property pages work)

You simply add string resources to your project with the same ID as the control 
for which you want help.

Here is (a snippet of) my code (you can guess .h file etc):

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyPropertyPage, CPropertyPage)

BOOL CMyPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() {
    BOOL ok = CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
    return ok;

BOOL CMyPropertyPage::OnToolTipNotify( UINT /*id*/, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * 
/*pResult*/ ) {
    TOOLTIPTEXT *pTTT = static_cast(pNMHDR);
    UINT nID =pNMHDR->idFrom;
    if (pTTT->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND) {
        // idFrom is actually the HWND of the tool
        nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID(reinterpret_cast(nID));
        if(nID) {
            pTTT->lpszText = MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID);
            pTTT->hinst = AfxGetResourceHandle();

BOOL CMyPropertyPage::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) {
 return CWnd::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

Hope this helps

    Roger Onslow
 Software Development Manager - Quisine Division
   Computer Systems Australia
Ph:   +61 49 675266
Fax:   +61 49 675554
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