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Hiding Scrollbars in CScrollView/CSplitterWnd

David Halpin -- dhalpin@macromedia.com
Wednesday, December 18, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0

Dear Fellow MFC Developers:

I have created a static CSplitterWnd with 4 panes.  I want each of the
panes to have a scrolling area that is larger than the actual client area
shown in the splitter pane window.  Thus, each of the panes will contains a
CScrollView derived view.   However, I do not want each of the panes to
contain a scroll bar.  How can I hide the scroll bars that are created by
the CScrollView objects in addition to any scroll bars that the
CSplitterWnd  makes?

These are the things I have tried thus far:

1.> SetScrollSize - SetScrollSize sets the scrollable area of the scroll
view.  If the scroll size is larger than the client area, then the
scrollbars appears.  If I set the scroll sizes the same size as the client
area, then the scroll bars do not show.  This defeats the point of having a
scroll view.  Thus did not work.

2.>  OnPreCreateWindow - I turned off the WS_HSCROLL and WS_VSCROLL flags
in the CREATESTRUCT to try and eliminate the scroll bars when the views are
created.  This did not work.

3.> ShowScrollBar - I tried to use ShowScrollBar(SB_BOTH, FALSE) to
elmininate the scroll bars. I called this after creating the views and
during each of the views OnDraw methods.  This did nothing.

4.> GetScrollBarCtrl - I tried to get the scroll bar control from the views
and call ShowScrollBar on each of them.  This did nothing.

5.> CSplitterWnd & CScrollView - I looked into overriding many of the
member functions of these classes after reading the source code and
stepping through a bunch of functions.   No good solution came about.

Obviously, since this is an advanced MFC list., I assumed everyone is
expected to do  background work BEFORE submitting a question.  I believe
this is an advanced question.  A good implementation of this could be used
in may situations.  In fact, I saw an earlier e-mail from someone who
wanted to draw some rulers in their view and have the rulers scroll with
the contents of the view.  I have not seen a response to his message yet.

Because this is an advanced MFC list, I assume specific things:

1.> Responses to messages have been thought through, and are not just the
everyday average thing I should have tried before I sent this mail to the
list.  (Unless you are sure it will work)

2.> You have not tried the basic ideas you proposed or are not familiar
with the subject at hand.

3.> I keep my messages brief  so you don't have to read all the overhead to
get to the question.  I don't think there is a need for a lot of fluff
because, once again, "This is an advanced list".  I have had problems
getting my messages past the moderator because they are to small.
Therefore,  assuming that I have not thought the problem out and completed
the necessary research.

Sorry, about the above.  But, I had to say something.  I enjoy the list and
am looking for it to maintain and improve on  it's "Advanced"  assistance.
Therefore, any "qualified" responses would be greatly appreciated.


"Lotteries are a tax on people who don't understand statistics."
"It is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission."

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If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any
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error, please email dhalpin@macromedia.com

David Lantsman -- davidlan@il.lucky.net
Friday, December 20, 1996


In order to hide a scroll bar you should set it's range to 0-0:
SetScrollRange(SB_VERT /* or SB_HORZ */ , 0, 0, FALSE);

It'll make it hidden.

	David Lantsman
You can check in the same way whether the scroll bar is visible - 
check it's range.

From:  David Halpin[SMTP:dhalpin@macromedia.com]
To:  mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject:  Hiding Scrollbars in CScrollView/CSplitterWnd

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0

Dear Fellow MFC Developers:

I have created a static CSplitterWnd with 4 panes.  I want each of the
panes to have a scrolling area that is larger than the actual client area
shown in the splitter pane window.  Thus, each of the panes will contains a
CScrollView derived view.   However, I do not want each of the panes to
contain a scroll bar.  How can I hide the scroll bars that are created by
the CScrollView objects in addition to any scroll bars that the
CSplitterWnd  makes?

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