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Robert Somrek -- Robert.Somrek@noaa.gov
Monday, December 09, 1996

     Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.1
     I have added a status bar pane for Column/Row to a CRichEditView. 
     There are several examples of tracking the caret and updating a 
     col/row when using a CEditView. Unfortunately they don't work 
     correctly with the CRichEditView/CRichEditCtrl combination. Here's the 
        When the mouse is dragged to select text, it appears that the 
        mousemove event is not passed to the view so the caret cannot be 
        tracked and col/row cannot be updated. When the drag selection is 
        completed, the caret location is not necessarly at the drag 
        endpoint. (This does not happen with CEditView and the col/row pane 
        can be updated dynamically as the mouse is dragged.)
     I have set the CRichEditCtrl's event mask to include ENM_MOUSEEVENTS 
     and can catch all mousemove events (standard, MK_CONTROL, etc) through 
     the view's ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT except those events that include 
     MK_LBUTTON (such as a drag selection). Is this a design characteristic 
     of the RichEditCtrl or have I missed something?
     in MessageMap.....
     void CMyREView::OnRichEditCtrlMsgFilter(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
          if (pMF->msg == WM_MOUSEMOVE && (pMF->wParam & MK_LBUTTON))
               TRACE("wParam: %d\n", pMsgFilter->wParam);
               \\ line about never executed!!             
          *pRsult = 0;
     Bob Somrek
     National Weather Service

Lee Thompson -- lee@mail1.nai.net
Thursday, December 12, 1996

One of my older apps does this for a CRichEditView.  The status bar
pane  creation and updating for col/row is copied from the code added by
the component gallery for date and time on the status bar.  The pane is
updated via ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI.  When this happens I query the view
for the string to display using something like:

CString CNoteView::GetLine()
	CString result;

	int line_num = (int)(GetRichEditCtrl().LineFromChar(-1))+1;//adjust so
not zero based
	int begin_of_line = GetRichEditCtrl().LineIndex(line_num-1);
	CHARRANGE char_range;
	long char_num = (char_range.cpMin - begin_of_line)+1; //adjust so not
zero based
	sprintf(result.GetBuffer(50),_T("Ln %i, Col %i
	return result;

Hope this helps,

Lee Thompson

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