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Window titlebar with gradient colors & no flicker...

Nick Irias -- cabago@netcom.com
Friday, November 22, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2 flat, NT4.0 SP1	

> Speaking naively as someone who hasn't done this, I would think
> this would cause lots of irritating flashing? Shouldn't these
> type of manipulations be done by building the image offscreen
> and using some sort of BitBlt operation?

Two things must be done to avoid flicker when drawing the caption:  1) make
sure the gradient portion is only painted once, and 2) build the gradient +
caption text off screen and blit it in.  I have included code which works
on Win NT 4	
and win95. 

1) Prevent the default process from drawing the area which you intend to
paint yourself (this causes flash).  I do this by calling the default
handler with a region which excludes the portion I will paint:
void CGradientFrame::OnNcPaint() 
	// Calculate exRect, the exclusion rectangle that will not be 
	// painted by the default WM_NCPAINT handler
	int bdrX, bdrY, bmpX, bmpY;
	CRect   exRect, rect;
	GetWindowRect((LPRECT)&rect );
	bdrX=GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFRAME );	// 3D frame width
	bdrY=GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYFRAME );           // 3D frame height
	bmpX=GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSIZE );               // width icon/caption
	bmpY=GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSIZE );             	// height icon/caption

    	// TODO: should probably check whether context help button is present
    	exRect.left = bmpX + bdrX;
	exRect.top = bdrY;
    	exRect.right = rect.right - rect.left - 3 * bmpX - bdrX;
	exRect.bottom = exRect.top + bmpY;

	// Create an update region which excludes exRect
	CRgn    fullRgn, exRgn, diffRgn;

    	fullRgn.CreateRectRgn( rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
	exRgn.CreateRectRgn( exRect.left+rect.left, exRect.top+rect.top,
		                exRect.right+rect.left, exRect.bottom+rect.top );
    	diffRgn.CreateRectRgn(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);

	diffRgn.CombineRgn( &fullRgn, &exRgn, RGN_DIFF );

	// Call the default handler with the region  
	DefWindowProc( WM_NCPAINT, (WPARAM)(HRGN)diffRgn, 0 );
	code ommitted which determines whether window is active, and assigns the
BOOL active
	which is passed to DrawTitleBar() so that it can draw a grey gradient when

	// Finally, draw exRect w/ the gradiant 
	DrawTitleBar(&exRect, active);

2) Build a bitmap off screen and blit it in to avoid flickering of the
caption text.  The code below draws a double gradient to the memDC.  This
is more prestigious than the MS Office single gradient and also avoids the
need to draw your own buttons, since the background near your buttons
(drawn by default handlre) is the correct color w/ a double gradient.

void CGradientFrame::DrawTitleBar(LPRECT rect, BOOL active)
   	CDC* winDC;
	CDC memDC;
	// Get the Window DC, and make a compatible memDC 
    	winDC = GetWindowDC( );
	BOOL success=memDC.CreateCompatibleDC(winDC);

	// Size of caption background area
	int width=rect->right-rect->left+1;
	int height=rect->bottom-rect->top+1;

	// Create a properly sized bitmap for the memDC to manipulate
	CBitmap dummyBMP;
	dummyBMP.CreateDiscardableBitmap(winDC,width, height);
	CBitmap *oldBMP=  memDC.SelectObject(&dummyBMP);

	// Get the caption color and calc the RGBs of its complement
	DWORD capColor;

	BYTE sysB, sysG, sysR, newB, newG, newR;
	// Calculate the complement of the caption colors 	
		newB=newG=newR=0;   // Inactive caption bar goes grey-black-grey
  	//draw the caption background to the memDC
     	float fStep;            // How large is each step?
   	CBrush Brush;
    	int i;
    	// Determine how wide each of 256  gradient bands should be
    	fStep = (float)(width) / 256.0f;

   	RECT rectFill;          // Rectangle for gradiant step

    	// Start filling bands
    	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) 
		rectFill.left= (int)(i * fStep);
		rectFill.right= min( (int) ((i+1) * fStep) , width-1 ); 
        		// Create a brush with the appropriate color for this band
		if(i < 128)
	           		 Brush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB( sysR+(newR-sysR)*i/128,
					sysB+(newB-sysB)*i/128 ));
			Brush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB( sysR+(newR-sysR)*(255-i)/128,
					sysB+(newB-sysB)*(255-i)/128 ));
        		// Fill the rectangle
       		 memDC.FillRect(&rectFill, &Brush);
        		// Get rid of the brush you created
	CString caption;

	code ommitted which sets caption font, color, text   

	CSize size=memDC.GetTextExtent(LPCTSTR(caption), caption.GetLength());
	int X=GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFRAME );  // indent a frames width worth
	int Y=(height-size.cy)/2;
	memDC.TextOut(X,Y,LPCTSTR(caption), caption.GetLength());

	code ommitted which deselects font if reqd   

	// finally, blit from the memDC to the winDC
	winDC->BitBlt(rect->left, rect->top,
				&memDC, 0,0, SRCCOPY );

	// Deselect the bitmap we put into the memDC.  Will be deleted by

	// No need to release or delete memDC - will be deleted by ~CDC()


Si Cruse -- scruse@csfp.co.uk
Monday, November 25, 1996

I have been following this thread with some interest. Having tried a few
tests, I find I cannot catch every message needed to maintain a
consistent look.

If I just handle OnNcPaint, sometimes The frame is repainted by the
default handler causing erratic behaviour. What else do I need to


...A closed mouth gathers no foot...
Si Cruse
Front Office IT Development, Credit Suisse Financial Products
1 Cabot Square, London E14 4QJ
Phone: +44 171 516 2948			Fax: +44 171 516 2688
mailto:scruse@csfp.co.uk	 http://www.cruse.demon.co.uk

Strhan Mojmir -- strhan_m@simultan.ch
Wednesday, November 27, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

>I have been following this thread with some interest. Having tried a
>tests, I find I cannot catch every message needed to maintain a
>consistent look.
>If I just handle OnNcPaint, sometimes The frame is repainted by the
>default handler causing erratic behaviour. What else do I need to

Better you download

In C++ Q&A Mr. DiLascia describes fully functional code for shaded

Hope this helps.

-----From: Simon Coghlan 

Same Here..

This is what I Did Under NT4 VC+ 4.1

1) Catch the OnNcActivate and store the activation state for use in the =
DrawTitleBar function;
2)  Set up a timer in the OnNcActivate for a short time period ( about =
20 millesecs works );
3)  In the OnTimer function, kill the short timer id and then call the =
OnNcPaint function to override the actions caused by the default =

----------<- Smurf-IV ->-------------
Tel : 0121 200 7713
Fax : +44 (0)121 212 2546
Email smurf-iv@sharelink.com
Member of the 'Team of CIS' ;-)
---------<- Fun To All ->------------
We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, then, is not an act, but a =
The one who says it cannot be done, should never interrupt the one who =
is doing it.
The Roman Rule

Simon Coghlan -- coghlans@sharelink.com
Friday, November 29, 1996

Under NT4/95 VC+ 4.1b

I Tried the detection of the region not to be updated in a Dialog Style =
based App as done in the example from =

It worked fine until I brought up another dialog ( AboutBox ) and moved =
it around.. The Following happened..

1)  No initial update of shade when the dialog first appeared above =
2)  When moving .. Got .. 0xC00000FD: Stack Overflow. And the Stack =
Trace ( Function call heirarchy ) showed that the OnNcPaint function had =
been repeatedly called..

This shows that the test for the update region is not as good as it =
should be for the Cdialog based apps but may be adequate for the Frame =
based app that demonstrates it ( Msjjan97.exe )

----------<- Smurf-IV ->-------------
Tel : 0121 200 7713
Fax : +44 (0)121 212 2546
Email smurf-iv@sharelink.com
Member of the 'Team of CIS' ;-)
---------<- Fun To All ->------------

From:  Strhan Mojmir[SMTP:strhan_m@simultan.ch]
Sent:  27 November 1996 09:36
To:  'mfc-l@netcom.com'; 'scruse@csfp.co.uk'
Subject:  RE: Window titlebar with gradient colors & no flicker...

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

>I have been following this thread with some interest. Having tried a
>tests, I find I cannot catch every message needed to maintain a
>consistent look.
>If I just handle OnNcPaint, sometimes The frame is repainted by the
>default handler causing erratic behaviour. What else do I need to

Better you download

In C++ Q&A Mr. DiLascia describes fully functional code for shaded

Hope this helps.

-----From: Simon Coghlan 

Same Here..

This is what I Did Under NT4 VC+ 4.1

1) Catch the OnNcActivate and store the activation state for use in the =
DrawTitleBar function;
2)  Set up a timer in the OnNcActivate for a short time period ( about =
20 millesecs works );
3)  In the OnTimer function, kill the short timer id and then call the =
OnNcPaint function to override the actions caused by the default =3D
----------<- Smurf-IV ->-------------
We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, then, is not an act, but a =3D
The one who says it cannot be done, should never interrupt the one who =
is doing it.
The Roman Rule

Mats Mеnhav -- manhav@connectum.skurup.se
Thursday, December 19, 1996

[Moderator's note: Mats's files are in ftp://advn.com/pub/mfc and
are called ShadeFrm.cpp and ShadeFrm.h.]

Environment: MSVC 4.2b Windows 95

I have implemented title bar with gradient colors using a file created by
Paul DiLascia:
(distributed in ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/SOFTLIB/MSLFILES/Msjjan97.exe)
(files: C++ Q&A/mainfrm.cpp and mainfrm.h)

I have modified the CMainFrame class to be

class CShadeCaptionFrame : MAINFRAMEBASECLASS

where I let MAINFRAMEBASECLASS be CFrameWnd for SDI and CMDIFrameWnd for MDI

[Moderator's note: This is where Mats's last two notes on this ended,
so either it's on purpose or there's something wrong.  Mats?]

Mats Mеnhav -- manhav@connectum.skurup.se
Wednesday, December 25, 1996

[Moderator's note: This is the complete message from Mats.  The
accompanying files are in ftp://advn.com/pub/mfc.]

Environment: MSVC 4.2b Windows 95

I have implemented title bar with gradient colors using a file created by
Paul DiLascia:
(distributed in ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/SOFTLIB/MSLFILES/Msjjan97.exe)
(files: C++ Q&A/mainfrm.cpp and mainfrm.h)

I have modified the CMainFrame class to be

class CShadeCaptionFrame : MAINFRAMEBASECLASS

where I let MAINFRAMEBASECLASS be CFrameWnd for SDI and CMDIFrameWnd
for MDI.  I took away everything but the functions needed for the
titlebar painting from it.

Then I derive my CMainFrame from CShadeCaptionFrame.

Pauls sample app is an SDI so it works fine for me when I use it for SDI.
It works partly for MDI too. The Frame title bar is painted correctly. 
However, the title bars of the Views does not get painted correctly. 

  If the application is deactivated the active view is 
  still painted as activated. 

  If the application is inactive and I click on an inactive 
  view, that is partly hidden by the active application only
  the part of the title bar that was not hidden will be painted.

I also made a trial with deriving a Shaded CMDIChildWnd and include
that in the project.  I did this by copying the class CShadeFrameWnd
and deriving it from CMDIChildWnd instead.  Then the the view titles
got painted better, but not fully. When the application was out of
focus it still had one view painted as active and if I clicked on a
non-active view to activate the appliction none of the views would be
painted as active.

Does anyone know what I need to do to make this work for MDI too.
The answer I need is both how to make the View title bars work at all
and to have them gradient as well.


Mats Mеnhav (Mats Manhav for 7-bit people)
email:manhav@connectum.skurup.se   WWW: http://connectum.skurup.se/~manhav
FAX:  (int) 46 (0) 414 243 05      Phone: (int) 46 (0) 414 243 05         

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