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small icons in MFC/AppWizard programs

rwagner -- rwagner@genre.com
Monday, November 18, 1996

              Environment: MSVC 4.2-flat / Win95 / MSDN

              After generating an SDI app from the AppWizard, there is a
          standard app icon and a document
              icon.  The app icon is blue with the letters, 'MFC' and the doc
          icon is a page with letters on it
              as well.

              Problem is that even though I have replaced these icons entirely
          with my own, the app reverts
              to the default Microsoft icons when displaying them in small form;
           for example, on the titlebar
              or in 'Detail' view in the explorer.  How do I get my own icons in
           small form instead of the
              default ones?

              I'm new to Win 95, used to work with NT 3.51 --- is there a decent
           overview of the interface
              differences that does not require crawling through an API
          shibboleth ?  I'm barely surviving

              Rob Wagner

Ken A -- KPallise@vccbboxh.telstra.com.au
Wednesday, November 20, 1996

[Moderator's note: I shouldn't have sent this one to the list. I
sent Rob the answer and then forgot to delete it.  Thanks to all
30 of you who answered...]

HI Rob,

Fell into the same trap myself!! Its embarrassingly simple actually -   
just create a 16x16 icon.
Either click on the combo box just above the 'large' icon should do the   
trick. If that won't work click on the new icon button (just to the right   
of the combo box) and select 'small'.

Ken Palliser

Manager, NSSDG Telstra Corporation Australia
Email: kpallise@vccbboxh.telecom.com.au
WWW:  http://www-nssd.telecom.com.au (Intranet only)
FTP:   ftp://ftp-nssd.telecom.com.au (Intranet only)
2/56 Rutland Road
Box Hill, VIC  3128  Australia
Tel: +61-3-9898 5512
Fax: +61-3-9890 0030

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