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Resizing MDI child windows

Svetlana Guljajeva -- svetlana@assert.ee
Wednesday, November 13, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat , Win95


I have an MDI application and want my child windows to have the size of
Main MDI Frame client area(not maximized MDI child!).
I tried the following:(override the OnCreate function)

int CChildFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) 
	CRect rctClient;
                   CMainFrame * pMainFrame = (CMainFrame *)GetMDIFrame();

                       //as I understand the following coords in
                        //relative to parent's client area???

                  lpCreateStruct->x = rctClient.left;
                   lpCreateStruct->y = rctClient.top;
                    lpCreateStruct->cx = rctClient.right;
                    lpCreateStruct->cy = rctClient.bottom;

                if (CMDIChildWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
		return -1;
	return 0;

But window still appears with the default size.
Where did I go wrong??

Svetlana Guljajeva
//**Assert Ltd.**\\

Severino Delaurenti -- del@alpha.ico.olivetti.com
Thursday, November 14, 1996

[Mini-digest: 7 responses]

Hi Svetlana,

Try to replace the line 
                   CMainFrame * pMainFrame = (CMainFrame *)GetMDIFrame();
                   CMainFrame * pMainFrame = (CMainFrame *) AfxGetMainWnd ();

With the first line you obtain a pointer to your CChildFrame window and not to the application main frame.

				Severino Delaurenti
				Olivetti Lexikon Spa
From: 	Svetlana Guljajeva[SMTP:svetlana@assert.ee]
Sent: 	13 November 1996 14:25
To: 	mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject: 	Resizing MDI child windows

Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat , Win95


I have an MDI application and want my child windows to have the size of
Main MDI Frame client area(not maximized MDI child!).
I tried the following:(override the OnCreate function)

int CChildFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) 
	CRect rctClient;
                   CMainFrame * pMainFrame = (CMainFrame *)GetMDIFrame();

                       //as I understand the following coords in
                        //relative to parent's client area???

                  lpCreateStruct->x = rctClient.left;
                   lpCreateStruct->y = rctClient.top;
                    lpCreateStruct->cx = rctClient.right;
                    lpCreateStruct->cy = rctClient.bottom;

                if (CMDIChildWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
		return -1;
	return 0;

But window still appears with the default size.
Where did I go wrong??

Svetlana Guljajeva
//**Assert Ltd.**\\

-----From: "Tony Headford" 

We ran into similar problems.
Check out the MSJ #12(Dec) 1995 C/C++ Q&A on the MSDN.
Basically you use CDocTemplate::InitialUpdateFrame to call
CFrameWnd::InitialUpdateFrame in your CMDIChildWnd derivation to resize
itself, then it all works ok. We found the MFC resizes the window AFTER
OnCreate etc.

Hope this helps!

Tony Headford
Software Developer


-----From: berbece@itls.com

Try to change the size of your MDI child in ActivateFrame().
Override this member function to change how a frame is activated. For
example, you can force MDI child windows to be maximized. Add the
appropriate functionality, then call the base class version with an
explicit nCmdShow.
If you have a look at MFC implementation of CMDIChildWnd::OnCreate, 
you'll notice that it uses only the create parameters and the context 
from the CREATESTRUCT. So changing the x, y, cx, cy in your override 
of OnCreate() is useless because they are never used.
Maybe you can find more information from MSDN ( I have oct 96 ):
FAQ: Changing the Styles of a Window Created by MFC.

I hope this will help you.

Ioan Berbece,
Software Engineer,
InterTrans Logistics Solutions
-----From: "Underwood,Roger M." 

The CChildFrame class is of type CMDIChildWnd, I assume.  When you call
GetMDIFrame(), it returns the grandparent of the child frame, which is
the main MDI frame window for your application.  What you want is the
parent - the window of class MDICLIENT (you can see this using the Spy
utility).  To get this window, just call GetParent(), and use this
window to call GetClientRect().

-----From: Pesce Roberto 

Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat , Win95

You can try to override the CChildFrame::PreCreateWindow() in this way 

BOOL CChildFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
	CRect rctClient;
	CRect rctTB, rctSB;

	CMainFrame *pMainFrame = (CMainFrame *) AfxGetMainWnd();
            // get MainFrame Client Area Rectangle

            // if you have Toolbar and/or Status Bar you should set 
them as
            // public: in the class and not protected:, and then get 
            // WindowRect

            // Set Child Window Coordinates according to the 
previously got sizes

	cs.x = rctClient.top;
	cs.y = rctClient.left;
	cs.cx = rctClient.Width();
	cs.cy = rctClient.Height() - rctTB.Height() - rctSB.Height();

	return CMDIChildWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs);

This should work.

Roberto Pesce

-----From: Dave_Rabbers@Quinton-Eng.CCMAIL.CompuServe.COM

     Instead of overriding OnCreate (which is too late), override 
     PreCreateWindow as follows:
     BOOL CYourMDIChildWnd::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) 
        cs . style = WS_CHILD
                                  | WS_VISIBLE
                                  | WS_OVERLAPPED
                                  | WS_CAPTION
                                  | WS_SYSMENU
                                  | WS_THICKFRAME
                                  | WS_MINIMIZEBOX
                                  | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX
                                  | FWS_ADDTOTITLE;
        CMDIFrameWnd* pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CMDIFrameWnd, 
     AfxGetMainWnd() );
        CRect rectFrameWnd;
        pMainFrame -> RepositionBars( 0, (UINT) -1, AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, 
     reposQuery, &rectFrameWnd );
        cs . x = 0;
        cs . y = 0;
        cs . cx = rectFrameWnd . Width();
        cs . cy = rectFrameWnd . Height();
        return CMDIChildWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs);

-----From: Peter.Walker@ubs.com

Read CWnd::OnCreate....
Note   This member function is called by the framework to allow your application
to handle a Windows message. The parameters passed to your function reflect the 
parameters received by the framework when the message was received. If you call 
the base-class implementation of this function, that implementation will use the
parameters originally passed with the message and not the parameters you supply 
to the function.
Try overidding CWnd::PreCreateWindow

Peter Walker
Peter Walker@ubs.com

Roma -- roma@neonet.lv
Sunday, March 16, 1997

[Mini-digest: 4 responses]


Ken Sutherland wrote:
> Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win NT 4.0
> (Note: I'm using Japanese versions)
> I'm sorry if this has been discussed here before.
> I am trying to resize MDI child windows. The windows are suppose to
> display .BMP files, so I want to make the size of the window the same
> as the .BMP image. But the windows are always opened with the default
> size.
> My OnInitUpdate() looks like this:
>   void CMyView::OnInitialUpdate()
>   {
>         CView::OnInitialUpdate();
>         CMyDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
>         RECT rect;
>         GetWindowRect(&rect);
>         MoveWindow(rect.left, rect.right, pDoc->Width, pDoc->Height, TRUE);
>   }

This code will move view window itself. What you need is to move parent
frame window.
Like this:
   void CMyView::OnInitialUpdate()
         CMyDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
         RECT rect;
         GetParentFrame()->MoveWindow(rect.left, rect.right,
pDoc->Width, pDoc->Height, TRUE);

  Note, that this will affect whole parent frame - with caption and
borders, so you
probably have to increase Width/Heigth so the client area of the frame
window (which
is actuaslly occupied by your view) will be of desired size.

> I don't want to user to be able to re-size the window, so I am
> calling:
>         ModifyStyle(WS_THICKFRAME, 0);
> But this style also seems to be getting over-ridden, along with the
> window size.
Again, by calling ModifyStyle() from View member function you are
changing style
of the view itself, but you have to do that to parent frame.

> - Clueless in Sapporo
> ------------------------------- Ken Sutherland J-MAC SYSTEM, Inc.
> ken@j-mac.co.jp http://www.j-mac.co.jp/ http://www.voicenet.co.jp/~ken
-----From: "John Bundgaard" 

U need to resize the Parent frame of the View, which actually controls
the size of the view.

void CMyView::OnInitialUpdate()
 	CMyDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
	GetParentFrame()->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, pDoc->Width, pDoc->Height,

And U'r other question:

U need to create a new Frame class, inherited from the CMDIFrameWnd class.
Override the PreCreateWindow function. In this function, clear the
CREATESTRUCT.style, and call the baseclass PreCreateFunction.

NOTE: Be sure to register the view, to use the new frame window class.

> I am trying to resize MDI child windows. The windows are suppose to
> display .BMP files, so I want to make the size of the window the same
> as the .BMP image. But the windows are always opened with the default
> size.
> Also,
> I don't want to user to be able to re-size the window, so I am
> calling:
> 	ModifyStyle(WS_THICKFRAME, 0);
> But this style also seems to be getting over-ridden, along with the
> window size.

-----From: CADS Software Developer 

The sizing of a CView derivative class must occur in the CMDIChildWnd class
that you use.
You can put sizing code in the PreCreateWindow member function of this
class and it will
size the window accordingly.

This is be your CMDIChildWnd is the frame for the view (ie. the title bar,
system menu, etc and border). The CView is the client bit in the middle.

Hope this helps.

@:-) Jonathan Cox (jonathan@pindar.com)

> From: Ken Sutherland 
> To: mfc-l@netcom.com
> Subject: Resizing MDI Child Windows
> Date: 12 March 1997 05:47
> Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win NT 4.0
> (Note: I'm using Japanese versions)
> I'm sorry if this has been discussed here before.
> I am trying to resize MDI child windows. The windows are suppose to
> display .BMP files, so I want to make the size of the window the same
> as the .BMP image. But the windows are always opened with the default
> size.
> My OnInitUpdate() looks like this:
>   void CMyView::OnInitialUpdate() 
>   {
> 	CView::OnInitialUpdate();
> 	CMyDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
> 	RECT rect;
> 	GetWindowRect(&rect);
> 	MoveWindow(rect.left, rect.right, pDoc->Width, pDoc->Height, TRUE);
>   }
> If I call GetWindowRect(), the size seems to be set correctly. My guess
> is that MFC is setting the window size again, *after* OnIntialUpdate().
> Should I be doing this from another over-ridable function?
> I tried doing this from PreCreateWindow() and Create(), but I can't
> call GetDocument() because the document class has not been created at
> that point, so it throws a nasty exception. I've also just tried
> hard-coding the sizes, but nothing seems to have any effect.
> I have also tried SetWindowPos() without much improvement.
> I have also tried moving CView::OnInitialUpdate() to the end of the
> CMyView::OnIntialUpdate().
> Also,
> I don't want to user to be able to re-size the window, so I am
> calling:
> 	ModifyStyle(WS_THICKFRAME, 0);
> But this style also seems to be getting over-ridden, along with the
> window size.
> - Clueless in Sapporo
> ------------------------------- Ken Sutherland J-MAC SYSTEM, Inc.
> ken@j-mac.co.jp http://www.j-mac.co.jp/ http://www.voicenet.co.jp/~ken
-----From: Josue Andrade Gomes 

Ken Sutherland wrote:
> Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win NT 4.0
> (Note: I'm using Japanese versions)
> I'm sorry if this has been discussed here before.
> I am trying to resize MDI child windows. The windows are suppose to
> display .BMP files, so I want to make the size of the window the same
> as the .BMP image. But the windows are always opened with the default
> size.
> My OnInitUpdate() looks like this:
>   void CMyView::OnInitialUpdate()
>   {
>         CView::OnInitialUpdate();
>         CMyDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
>         RECT rect;
>         GetWindowRect(&rect);
>         MoveWindow(rect.left, rect.right, pDoc->Width, pDoc->Height, TRUE);
>   }
> If I call GetWindowRect(), the size seems to be set correctly. My guess
> is that MFC is setting the window size again, *after* OnIntialUpdate().
> Should I be doing this from another over-ridable function?
> I tried doing this from PreCreateWindow() and Create(), but I can't
> call GetDocument() because the document class has not been created at
> that point, so it throws a nasty exception. I've also just tried
> hard-coding the sizes, but nothing seems to have any effect.
> I have also tried SetWindowPos() without much improvement.
> I have also tried moving CView::OnInitialUpdate() to the end of the
> CMyView::OnIntialUpdate().
> Also,
> I don't want to user to be able to re-size the window, so I am
> calling:
>         ModifyStyle(WS_THICKFRAME, 0);
> But this style also seems to be getting over-ridden, along with the
> window size.
> - Clueless in Sapporo
> ------------------------------- Ken Sutherland J-MAC SYSTEM, Inc.
> ken@j-mac.co.jp http://www.j-mac.co.jp/ http://www.voicenet.co.jp/~ken


I ran in the same problem some months ago. All MDI children windows are
the same way (using the same styles) even if you try to change the
The solution is create the MDI client windows with style
(0x0001). This way you can create the children with any style. 
Windows won't use its default styles for the children.
This is pretty easy using the API. I guess this could be a little tricky

Josue Andrade Gomes           jgomes@labplus.com.br
Analista de Sistemas            Hotsoft Informatica

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