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Problems with ActiveX Documents

David Thayer -- davon@is.netcom.com
Saturday, November 02, 1996

Environment: VC++4.2b, Windows 95, IE 3.0 with patch

I am trying to get a stand alone Application to integrate to the Internet
Explorer.  In this regard I have moved the App to the Active X DocObject
architecture.  I have some questions.

1.  Where can I find comprehensive info on using the ActiveX DocObject
features of VC++4.2b?
I have searched the MSDN CD and found info on using VC++ 2.0 of VC++4.1 and
tweaking the code but even the 4.2 Online Books seem to have a dearth of
information. A search of the 4.2 Online Books using the keyword  'ActiveX
Document' returns 22 hits of which the only coding samples are the
BindScrib Example which was written using 4.1 and writing custom classes to
extend the Classical Ole Document model to the new ActiveX Model.   

By the way the Active X Model is the coolest thing since pop-corn as it
finally moves COM objects into a position to have equivalent functionality
and transparency to the user as the SOM Model proposed by the all those
other Companies which shall remain nameless here although their initials
are IBM.

A search of the Microsoft Mailing List for Active Documents returns a few
dozen articles mostly seeking information.  A search of the various News
Groups using Alta Vista found many of the same people asking the same
questions.  A search through the MFCL Archives found little if nothing
about Active Documents.

2. I installed the B Patch to my compiler a few weeks ago.  I was reluctant
because I didn't want to have to redistribute the MFC42.dll and msvcrt.dll
to my customers. but I finally took the plunge.  (I have an incremental
distribution system where any change to the software automatically gets
replicated to all my customers w/o them even being aware anything has
happened this meant that the first change made to my applications after the
patch I had to ship the new dlls. )  The
problem I am seeing now is that when I step into the code for example in
OLESRVER1.CPP there seems to be code in the libraries that is not reflected
in my source listings making it very hard to figure out what is going on. 
Is there any patch that I can get to Update the MFC source files on my

3. I can not get my toolbars (I have three) to display.  I also cannot get
my status bar to display.  I have followed the example in the BndScrib
CreateControlBars with the exception of using a TOOLBAR Resource instead of
a bitmap.  I have also implemented the guidelines of Article Q148860 from
the KB that suggests clearing the CBRS_HIDE_INPLACE flag of the toolbar but
nothing is showing up when I run the App in IE 3.0.  I can find no
information at all about Status Bars in Active Documents.

4.  when I try to navigate away from the Page I get repeated GPFs in
OLESRVR1.CPP.   When I run through the code in the debugger I am seeing a
problem in the COleServerDoc::DestroyInPlaceFrame function.  This functions
code is as follows my comments are set within angle brackets.

void COleServerDoc::DestroyInPlaceFrame(COleIPFrameWnd* pFrameWnd)

	// connect view to original, if existing view was used
	if (m_pOrigParent != NULL)




		CView* pView = (CView*)pFrameWnd->GetDescendantWindow(

		// leaving the focus on an MDI child or one of its child windows
		// causes Windows to get confused when the child window is
		// destroyed, not to mention the fact that the focus will be
		// out of sync with activation.
		if (::GetFocus() == pView->m_hWnd)
			// move focus to somewhere safe
			HWND hWnd = ::GetParent(pFrameWnd->m_hWnd);
			if (hWnd != NULL)

			// check again
			if (::GetFocus() == pView->m_hWnd)
				SetFocus(NULL); // last ditch effort
< The first time through we get here with no problem within the body of the
function		>
RecalcLayout() which somehow fails and
recalls OnDeactivate	>

< between pView and NULL  with subsequent calls to OnDeactivate
interspersed all through the code>

< if (pView == NULL) 										>
<	OnDeactivate();										>
		ConnectView(m_pOrigParent, pView);
		m_pOrigParent = NULL;

		// remove any scrollbars added because of in-place activation
		if ((m_dwOrigStyle & (WS_HSCROLL|WS_VSCROLL)) == 0 &&
			(pView->GetStyle() & (WS_HSCROLL|WS_VSCROLL)) != 0)
			::SetScrollRange(pView->m_hWnd, SB_HORZ, 0, 0, TRUE);
			::SetScrollRange(pView->m_hWnd, SB_VERT, 0, 0, TRUE);

		// restore old 3D style
		pView->ModifyStyleEx(0, m_dwOrigStyleEx & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,

		// force recalc layout on splitter window
		CSplitterWnd* pSplitter = CView::GetParentSplitter(pView, TRUE);
		if (pSplitter != NULL)

	// no active view or document during destroy

	// destroy in-place frame window

void COleServerDoc::ConnectView(CWnd* pParentWnd, CView* pView)

	// move the view to the new parent

	// Note: The currently active view on the original frame window is
	//  kept active, because some controls, especially Windows controls,
	//  continue to send notification messages to the original parent
	//  window of the control.  So, the original frame window is kept
	//  alive with the original active view pointer intact, such that
	//  these notification messages do not get lost.

	// set the active view of the new frame to newly moved view
	CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd = pParentWnd->IsFrameWnd() ?
		(CFrameWnd*)pParentWnd : pParentWnd->GetParentFrame();
	pFrameWnd->SetActiveView(pView, FALSE);




The result is that I get somewhere between five and ten ASSERTS before I
finally get an unrecoverable error such as an Access Error or a divide by
Zero Error and the Server Shuts down.  I do not know whether this is a Bug
in the code or the result of something I am doing wrong in some other part
of my Document Server.  I realize that some of the members of this list are
fairly defensive about the MFC Code and rightly so as they have sweated
blood over it so I will reserve judgment for now. I just need to get my
application working.  I believe I have researched this problem as
assiduously as the time and resources I have at my disposal allow.  I throw
myself on the tender mercies of the MFC Professional community.  

Any One that can explain this behavior or that knows where to find an
updated copy of the MFC Source will have my undying gratitude.

Here is some further information on my GPF problem when my Active Document
Deactivates itself.
The Problem was previously traced to somewhere in the RecalcLayout
function.  Further investigation 
reveals that the problem is in the very last call to RepositionBars in the
Specifically in the call to EndDeferWindowPos which is throwing a Divide by
Zero Exception and apparently messing up the stack as the function returns
to a function call in OLE32 instead of RecalcLayout.  This may be because
the first Exception Handler the code sees when it is unwinding the stack is
in the OLE32 Library.  See commented Disassemblies of relevant code
fragments below. 

2426: void CWnd::RepositionBars(UINT nIDFirst, UINT nIDLast, UINT
2427:     UINT nFlags, LPRECT lpRectParam, LPCRECT lpRectClient, BOOL
2428: {
5f439c5c   push      ebp
5f439c5d   mov       ebp,esp
5f439c5f   sub       esp,00000038
5f439c62   push      ebx
5f439c63   push      esi
5f439c64   push      edi
5f439c65   mov       dword ptr [ebp-38],ecx
2429:     ASSERT(nFlags == 0 || nFlags == reposQuery || nFlags ==

		*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *	
		*   *   *   *   Code Removed    *   *   *
		*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *	

2510:     // move and resize all the windows at once!
2511:     if (layout.hDWP == NULL || !::EndDeferWindowPos(layout.hDWP))
5f439ebd   cmp       dword ptr [layout],00000000
5f439ec1   je        CWnd::RepositionBars+0000027d (5f439ed9)
5f439ec7   mov       eax,dword ptr [layout]
5f439eca   push      eax
5f439ecb   call      dword ptr [__imp__EndDeferWindowPos@4 (5f4d435c)]


< This causes the Following Trace Statement to be output						>

5f439ed1   test      eax,eax
5f439ed3   jne       CWnd::RepositionBars+0000028f (5f439eeb)
2512:         TRACE0("Warning: DeferWindowPos failed - low system
5f439ed9   push      5f4b41c0
5f439ede   push      5f4b20d8
5f439ee3   call      AfxTrace (5f41a900)
5f439ee8   add       esp,00000008
2513: }
5f439eeb   jmp       CWnd::RepositionBars+00000294 (5f439ef0)
5f439ef0   pop       edi
5f439ef1   pop       esi
5f439ef2   pop       ebx
5f439ef3   leave
5f439ef4   ret       001c


2745: STDMETHODIMP COleServerDoc::XOleInPlaceObject::InPlaceDeactivate()
5f582d84   push      5f59a9a0
5f582d89   mov       ecx,dword ptr [pThis]
5f582d8c   call      CCmdTarget::GetInterface (5f5646af)
5f582d91   mov       dword ptr [lpActiveObject],eax
2746: {
5f582d94   mov       eax,dword ptr [fEnterMode]
5f582d97   push      eax
5f582d98   mov       eax,dword ptr [lpActiveObject]
5f582d9b   push      eax
5f582d9c   mov       eax,dword ptr [lpActiveObject]
5f582d9f   mov       eax,dword ptr [eax]
5f582da1   call      dword ptr [eax+10]
5f582da4   jmp      
COleServerDoc::XOleInPlaceObject::ContextSensitiveHelp+00000039 (5f582da9)
2747:     METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(COleServerDoc, OleInPlaceObject)
5f582da9   pop       edi
5f582daa   pop       esi
5f582dab   pop       ebx
5f582dac   leave
5f582dad   ret       0008
2748:     ASSERT_VALID(pThis);
2750:     pThis->InternalAddRef();    // protect this object	
5f582db0   push      ebp						
5f582db1   mov       ebp,esp					%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
5f582db3   push      ffffffff
5f582db5   push      5f582edb
5f582dba   mov       eax,dword ptr fs:[00000000]
5f582dc0   push      eax
5f582dc1   mov       dword ptr fs:[00000000],esp
5f582dc8   sub       esp,00000004
5f582dcb   sub       esp,00000014
5f582dce   push      ebx
5f582dcf   push      esi
5f582dd0   push      edi
5f582dd1   mov       dword ptr [ebp-10],esp

This function eventually calls COleServerDoc::OnDeactivate()
Which Calls COleServerDoc::DestroyInPlaceFrame(COleIPFrameWnd* pFrameWnd)
Which Calls  CWnd::GetDescendentWindow
Here is the Code fragment where the call to GetDescendentWindow is called

1314:     {
1315:         CView* pView = (CView*)pFrameWnd->GetDescendantWindow(
1316:             AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, TRUE);
5f57f096   push      00000001
5f57f098   push      0000e900
5f57f09d   mov       ecx,dword ptr [pFrameWnd]
5f57f0a0   call      ?GetDescendantWindow@CWnd@@QBEPAV1@HH@Z (5f54b782)
5f57f0a5   mov       dword ptr [pView],eax
1317:         ASSERT_VALID(pView);



5f57f0a8   push      00000525
5f57f0ad   push      5f5adf20
5f57f0b2   mov       eax,dword ptr [pView]
5f57f0b5   push      eax
5f57f0b6   call      ?AfxAssertValidObject@@YGXPBVCObject@@PBDH@Z
1319:         // leaving the focus on an MDI child or one of its child
1320:         // causes Windows to get confused when the child window is
1321:         // destroyed, not to mention the fact that the focus will be
1322:         // out of sync with activation.
1323:         if (::GetFocus() == pView->m_hWnd)
5f57f0bb   call      dword ptr [__imp__GetFocus@0 (5f5b3138)]
5f57f0c1   mov       ecx,dword ptr [pView]
5f57f0c4   cmp       eax,dword ptr [ecx+20]



5f57f0c7   jne       COleServerDoc::DestroyInPlaceFrame+000000b7 (5f57f10b)

David Thayer
NCS Apps Development Team
Internet: davon@ix.netcom.com
ATTMail: attmail!dthayer

Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@nwlink.com
Sunday, November 10, 1996

At 14:53 11/2/96 -0500, David Thayer wrote:
>Environment: VC++4.2b, Windows 95, IE 3.0 with patch

Which IE patch do you have?  IE 3.0a or IE 3.01?

>1.  Where can I find comprehensive info on using the ActiveX DocObject
>features of VC++4.2b?

Try the Visual C++ 4.2 online documentation.  Topics with these

Internet Basics: ActiveX Documents
Internet First Steps: ActiveX Documents
ActiveX Documents


>I have searched the MSDN CD and found info on using VC++ 2.0
>of VC++4.1 and tweaking the code but even the 4.2 Online
>Books seem to have a dearth of information.

If you think about it, MSDN CD will always be out of date with
respect to the Visual C++ documentation (or vice-versa) because the
products don't have synchronized ship dates and development cycles.

>A search of the 4.2 Online Books using the keyword  'ActiveX
>Document' returns 22 hits of which the only coding samples are the
>BindScrib Example which was written using 4.1 and writing custom classes to
>extend the Classical Ole Document model to the new ActiveX Model.   

Unfortunatey, when the Visual C++ 4.2 documentation was written,
the technology was called "the OLE DocObject Architecture". It was
changed to be "the ActiveX Document Architecture" just before it was
possible to switch all the references in the MFC documentation.

It turns out, though, that you're wrong: the VC++ 4.2 version of the
BINDSCRB sample was updated from the version that shipped with VC++ 4.1
and now uses the intrinsic MFC support rather than the hand-written

The BINDSCRB sample abstract even says that:


Note that a sample with this same name was provided in the MFC 4.1
package. This sample has been significantly revised, and can only
be built using MFC 4.2 because it relies on DocObject support now
available MFC 4.2.


>2. I installed the B Patch to my compiler a few weeks ago. 

The 4.2B patch doesn't patch the compiler.  It patches the MFC source
and headers, the MFC libraries, the MFC DLLs, one of the Wizards,
and most of the files in the main INCLUDE and LIB directories.  The
documentation for the patch explains as much.

>I was reluctant
>because I didn't want to have to redistribute the MFC42.dll and msvcrt.dll
>to my customers.

You should be redistributing and correctly installing the files
wether you've installed the patch or not.

>problem I am seeing now is that when I step into the code for example in
>OLESRVER1.CPP there seems to be code in the libraries that is not reflected
>in my source listings making it very hard to figure out what is going on. 
>Is there any patch that I can get to Update the MFC source files on my

The only patch available is the 4.2B patch. It does update the source files
on your machine, assuming you follow all the directions and install it

>3. I can not get my toolbars (I have three) to display.  I also cannot get
>my status bar to display. 

I can't understand what you mean by "get to".

>I can find no
>information at all about Status Bars in Active Documents.

The status bar is stil handled by the container, if I recall correctly,
and you end up asking the server to update it for you via IOleCmdTarget.
It's covered in the ActiveX Document Object Specification, which comes
with the ActiveX SDK--you can find the correct answers there, even if
I'm cloudy.

>4.  when I try to navigate away from the Page I get repeated GPFs in

Do you mean "Access violations" or "unahndled exceptions"?  Win32
doesn't generate things called "GPF's"--only Win16 does.  The
proper name  of the error message provides a world more information.

>When I run through the code in the debugger I am seeing a
>problem in the COleServerDoc::DestroyInPlaceFrame function.  This functions
>code is as follows my comments are set within angle brackets.

Are you changing frame windows?  Are you changing views?  Are you using
splitter windows?

>I realize that some of the members of this list are
>fairly defensive about the MFC Code and rightly so as they have sweated
>blood over it so I will reserve judgment for now.

That's pretty kind of you--most people can't show quite so much
professional courtesy and, instead, jump to conclusions and make
offensive and ill-informed assertions.

>Any One that can explain this behavior or that knows where to find an
>updated copy of the MFC Source will have my undying gratitude.

Again, the updated source si right inside the patch.  Read the INSTALL.TXT
file that is included in the patch.

>Here is some further information on my GPF problem when my Active Document
>Deactivates itself.

It would really help to know which server you're using your document in.
Further, it would help to know exactly how you're activating the server 
inside that document--it sounds like you're using Internet Explorer, and
using IE you can activate a DocObject server in four or five different
ways and deactivate it in a few different ways, too.

You also mention that you've made lots of changes and done lots of different
things in your application, but you don't say much about what those
things are.  As such, it's impossible to decide if you're:

 1) Doing nothing and MFC is entirely at fault
 2) Doing something which is unreasonable and MFC isn't at fault
 3) Doing something which is reasonable and MFC should handle it
 4) Doing something which is reasonable and MFC isn't at fault, but
    some other code (eg, the container) is at fault

By the way, you might, in the future, want to only post one question
per note.  I think most people find it easier to respond to questions
which are sent that way.

.B ekiM
http://www.nwlink.com/~mikeblas/      <-- trip report central!
95 Honda VFR-750F / 88 Yamaha FZ-700 (damaged) / 94 Mazda RX-7
Serial #00050!    /      AMA - HRC - VFROC     / Wang Dang Wankel
  These words are my own - I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.

David Thayer -- davon@is.netcom.com
Tuesday, November 12, 1996

> From: Mike Blaszczak 
> To: mfc-l@netcom.com; MFC Mailing List 
> Subject: Re: Problems with ActiveX Documents
> Date: Sunday, November 10, 1996 10:03 PM
> At 14:53 11/2/96 -0500, David Thayer wrote:
> >Environment: VC++4.2b, Windows 95, IE 3.0 with patch
> Which IE patch do you have?  IE 3.0a or IE 3.01?
I believe it's 3.01 the version number didn't change to 3.01 but that was
what I was supposed to have downloaded.
> Unfortunatey, when the Visual C++ 4.2 documentation was written,
> the technology was called "the OLE DocObject Architecture". It was
> changed to be "the ActiveX Document Architecture" just before it was
> possible to switch all the references in the MFC documentation.
> It turns out, though, that you're wrong: the VC++ 4.2 version of the
> BINDSCRB sample was updated from the version that shipped with VC++ 4.1
> and now uses the intrinsic MFC support rather than the hand-written
> classes.
> The BINDSCRB sample abstract even says that:
> Note that a sample with this same name was provided in the MFC 4.1
> package. This sample has been significantly revised, and can only
> be built using MFC 4.2 because it relies on DocObject support now
> available MFC 4.2.
Sorry My Mistake.  This was not very obvious when I first read through the
project as the first place I usually go is to the source code.

> >2. I installed the B Patch to my compiler a few weeks ago. 
> The 4.2B patch doesn't patch the compiler.  It patches the MFC source
> and headers, the MFC libraries, the MFC DLLs, one of the Wizards,
> and most of the files in the main INCLUDE and LIB directories.  The
> documentation for the patch explains as much.
I view the entire package as one integrated tool that has many various
facets.  So to me all the things that you mentioned are part of a whole
that I refer to in my mind as the "compiler" this is just my own peculiar
view of things however so we have here a semantical point  of little
bearing on the main problem. 
> >I was reluctant
> >because I didn't want to have to redistribute the MFC42.dll and
> >to my customers.
> You should be redistributing and correctly installing the files
> wether you've installed the patch or not.
With thousands of customers and a narrow bandwidth for our distribution
channel this is a distinct problem even if we only have to do it every
three months.  It does help though that the names of the files are the same
as we can use RTPatch to create difference files.  This issue was
significant enough that we almost decided to go to a different development

> The only patch available is the 4.2B patch. It does update the source
> on your machine, assuming you follow all the directions and install it
> correctly.
I believe I followed the directions correctly they were fairly simple.  
To patch the files in the \msdev tree:

 - Close all applications using MFC, and close Developer Studio
 - Copy patch-nt.exe, patchw32.dll and vc42b.rtp to your \msdev directory.
 - Run the command "patch-nt vc42b" at a command prompt in that directory.
The file says that the src files are updated  and the patch ran to
completion with the only error messages being files for options I had not
installed.  However I maintain that when I trace through OLESRVR1.CPP The
library code does not match that in the source files.
This is the header for the file.  There is nothing here to indicate that
the file has been revised from its initial content.

// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
// Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.

> >3. I can not get my toolbars (I have three) to display.  I also cannot
> >my status bar to display. 

> I can't understand what you mean by "get to".
When I run my app as a standalone executable I have three toolbars that
appear neatly lined up along the top of the document frame.  When I run the
App as a DocObject the toolbars do not appear.  The menu appears but no
tool bars.

> >I can find no
> >information at all about Status Bars in Active Documents.
> The status bar is stil handled by the container, if I recall correctly,
> and you end up asking the server to update it for you via IOleCmdTarget.
> It's covered in the ActiveX Document Object Specification, which comes
> with the ActiveX SDK--you can find the correct answers there, even if
> I'm cloudy.

How can you get a control to display on the containers status bar; ie a
progress indicator? How can you set up additional individual panes unique
to your own app? ie to show lattitude and longitude on a real time basis in
a map or gps system.

> >4.  when I try to navigate away from the Page I get repeated GPFs in
> Do you mean "Access violations" or "unahndled exceptions"?  Win32
> doesn't generate things called "GPF's"--only Win16 does.  The
> proper name  of the error message provides a world more information.
Sorry  too many years working with win16.  I am getting an Access error
which is the same thing as a General Protection Fault just the name has
been changed.

> >When I run through the code in the debugger I am seeing a
> >problem in the COleServerDoc::DestroyInPlaceFrame function.  This
> >code is as follows my comments are set within angle brackets.
> Are you changing frame windows?  Are you changing views?  Are you using
> splitter windows?
This happens when with my document in the Frame I try to move to a
different   URL it can be either a web-site or a different file such as a
word document or an Excel Spreadsheet.  Yes I am using splitter windows or
I was; I removed the splitter window support thinking that that might be
the problem but it did not help.
> >I realize that some of the members of this list are
> >fairly defensive about the MFC Code and rightly so as they have sweated
> >blood over it so I will reserve judgment for now.
> That's pretty kind of you--most people can't show quite so much
> professional courtesy and, instead, jump to conclusions and make
> offensive and ill-informed assertions.
I have been in this business a long time and know how difficult it can be
just to get something to work much less make it work perfectly under all
conceivable and inconceivable conditions.

> >Any One that can explain this behavior or that knows where to find an
> >updated copy of the MFC Source will have my undying gratitude.
> Again, the updated source si right inside the patch.  Read the
> file that is included in the patch.
I did.
> >Here is some further information on my GPF problem when my Active
> >Deactivates itself.
> It would really help to know which server you're using your document in.
> Further, it would help to know exactly how you're activating the server 
> inside that document--it sounds like you're using Internet Explorer, and
> using IE you can activate a DocObject server in four or five different
> ways and deactivate it in a few different ways, too.
I am activating the server by opening a file with the file extension I have
registered for my server  *.gis  This is really a dummy file just to kick
the server into gear  It is a geographical database of TIGER/Line street
level data  for the US.  The data for a view is retrieved based on the
coordinates of the corners of the  view window and changes each time the
user zooms in or out or pans the map.
since the different views in each pane of the splitter window of my
original app could each contain unique sets of data and the entire database
is potentially over a hundred Gigabytes and is incapable of being contained
within a single document object I use the document object as a dummy class
that simply acts to make a connection from the frame to the view.

> You also mention that you've made lots of changes and done lots of
> things in your application, but you don't say much about what those
> things are.  As such, it's impossible to decide if you're:
I am using the DAO SDK to connect to my data.  I have separate table files
for each county in the USA. plus I have a table of boundary info for each
state and each county.  I have also a table of corporate information to be
displayed at geographical locations at our sites throughout the USA.  I
have at any one time only three files open but the file representing the
county file can change many times in the course of drawing a single view if
the view encompasses more than a single county.  The only other thing a
little different is that I have a drop-down list box added to the file tool
bar so that they can select a county as their primary area of view.  The
other toolbars are a Drawing Tool bar that allows zoom-in, zoom-out, pan,
and goto features.  And a editing toolbar that allows the technician to
view lists of features on the screen select features to change their
attributes or add new features that represent new sites of particular
corporate interest.  These edits get collected on a regular basis attached
to an e-mail message and sent to a central location.

>  1) Doing nothing and MFC is entirely at fault
>  2) Doing something which is unreasonable and MFC isn't at fault
>  3) Doing something which is reasonable and MFC should handle it
>  4) Doing something which is reasonable and MFC isn't at fault, but
>     some other code (eg, the container) is at fault
> By the way, you might, in the future, want to only post one question
> per note.  I think most people find it easier to respond to questions
> which are sent that way.
I will do that.. I did not know which aspect of the problem I was asking
about would provide the one essential bit of information as to what was
going wrong.

> .B ekiM
> http://www.nwlink.com/~mikeblas/      <-- trip report central!
> 95 Honda VFR-750F / 88 Yamaha FZ-700 (damaged) / 94 Mazda RX-7
> Serial #00050!    /      AMA - HRC - VFROC     / Wang Dang Wankel
>   These words are my own - I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.

Erik Funkenbusch -- chucks@isd.net
Wednesday, November 13, 1996

> From: David Thayer 
> I believe I followed the directions correctly they were fairly simple.  
> To patch the files in the \msdev tree:
>  - Close all applications using MFC, and close Developer Studio
>  - Copy patch-nt.exe, patchw32.dll and vc42b.rtp to your \msdev
>  - Run the command "patch-nt vc42b" at a command prompt in that
> The file says that the src files are updated  and the patch ran to
> completion with the only error messages being files for options I had not
> installed.  However I maintain that when I trace through OLESRVR1.CPP The
> library code does not match that in the source files.
> This is the header for the file.  There is nothing here to indicate that
> the file has been revised from its initial content.

Did you install both patches that are in the archive you downloaded?  One
patches the MSDEV tree the other Windows\system tree.

Did you download the correct patch?  There is one version for people that
have installed 4.2a (beta) and one version for those going from 4.2

David Thayer -- davon@is.netcom.com
Friday, November 15, 1996

Yes  and Yes. The patch that patched the windows/system directory would not
have touched the source files under the msdev tree. I used the patch from
4.2 clean to 4.2b as I had not installed the 4.2a patch.

> From: Erik Funkenbusch 
> To: mfc-l@netcom.com
> Subject: Re: Problems with ActiveX Documents
> Date: Wednesday, November 13, 1996 9:35 PM
> ----------
> > From: David Thayer 
> > I believe I followed the directions correctly they were fairly simple. 

> > To patch the files in the \msdev tree:
> > 
> >  - Close all applications using MFC, and close Developer Studio
> >  - Copy patch-nt.exe, patchw32.dll and vc42b.rtp to your \msdev
> directory.
> >  - Run the command "patch-nt vc42b" at a command prompt in that
> directory.
> > The file says that the src files are updated  and the patch ran to
> > completion with the only error messages being files for options I had
> > installed.  However I maintain that when I trace through OLESRVR1.CPP
> > library code does not match that in the source files.
> > This is the header for the file.  There is nothing here to indicate
> > the file has been revised from its initial content.
> Did you install both patches that are in the archive you downloaded?  One
> patches the MSDEV tree the other Windows\system tree.
> Did you download the correct patch?  There is one version for people that
> have installed 4.2a (beta) and one version for those going from 4.2
> clean...

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