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Modeless Dlg Tooltips sans F

PP mail system -- LAWSONW@sydney.ccur.com
Tuesday, October 29, 1996

No joy, I'm afraid.

1)  "OnToolHitTest()" doesn't get invoked in the ToolBarCtrl,
the dialog that owns it, or the MainFrame.

2)  I can find no TTN_ALWAYSTIP in my 4.1 MVC, but there is a TTS_ and a

TTF_ defined.  Adding these singly & in combination, e.g.,

ok=m_pBar->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |

had no effect.

Thanks for consideration.
Jim LW

                          Forwarded Mail Item.
Subject:Re: Modeless Dlg Tooltips sans F   Created by: /Gateway ocpt
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        To: mfc-l@netcom.com
        Subject: Re: Modeless Dlg Tooltips sans Focus
        Errors-To: owner-mfc-l@majordomo.netcom.com
Send to:  LAWSONW

Dated at:  11:51    on 25 October 96
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Reply-To: mfc-l@netcom.com
Sender: owner-mfc-l@majordomo.netcom.com
From: jimt1@voicenet.com (Jim Tannenbaum)

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

>Problem:  How to get Tooltips displayed when the owning modeless
>          dialog does not have the focus?


        Enable the TTN_ALWAYSTIP attribute for ToolTips.


JJM Systems, Inc                 Phone: (215) 672-3660
1 Ivybrook Blvd, Suite 190       Fax:   (215) 672-5702
Ivyland, PA  19874               Net:   jimt1@voicenet.com

-----From: Dong Chen 

Try to overwrite the OnToolHitTest() function.
Inside the function, use ChildWindowFromPoint() to get a CWnd* pointer.
will ensure you get one no matter if it has the focus. Then display your
This worked in my App Bar application.
Hope this help.

Mario Contestabile -- Mario_Contestabile.UOS__MTL@UOSMTL2.universal.com
Thursday, October 31, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

>2)  I can find no TTN_ALWAYSTIP in my 4.1 MVC, but there is a TTS_ and a
>TTF_ defined.  Adding these singly & in combination, e.g.,
>ok=m_pBar->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |
>                  rectBar,this,IDR_LINES);
>had no effect.

With a CToolBarCtrl you should use TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS style for creation
and handle OnNotify() for tooltips. Although you won't have tooltips when it 
have the focus, this seems to be the standard (aka MSVC, IE 3.1).
Note this is #defined in commctrl.h to be 0x100 [line 534].

YourCToolBarDerivedClass::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* 
 NMHDR* pNMHDR       = (NMHDR*)lParam;
 if(pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTA || pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTW){

In your case, you're using TTF_ALWAYSTIP as a style bit. That flag should be 
only for the TOOLINFO::uFlags structure. What you might of done is
making sure you set ti.uFalgs to TTF_ALWAYSTIP.

I guess it can get confusing. You got
CBRS_TOOLTIPS              // Use for CToolBar creation         [afxres.h]
TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS      // Use for CToolBarCtrl creation  [commctrl.h]
TTS_ALWAYSTIP             //  [winres.h] ??
TTF_ALWAYSTIP             //  Use with CToolBarCtrl::SetToolInfo()  [afxwin.h]


-----From: PP mail system 

I takes me hat off to you, Mario.  You're a better man than I.
Throwing the TTF ALWAYSTIP into the CToolBarCtrl::Create() was
more in hope than anticipation.  I'd chucked Get/SetToolInfo
into the Too-Hard basket because the Documentation starts off

BOOL GetToolInfo( LPTOOLINFO lpToolInfo, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nIDTool = 0)
Return Value
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
lpToolInfo   Pointer to a TOOLINFO structure.
pWnd         Pointer to the window that contains the tool.
nIDText   ID of the string resource that contains the text for the tool.
and then it gets confusing.  Follow the instructions by defining a
TOOLINFO and you get

error C2664: 'GetToolInfo' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'struct
tagTOOLINFOA' to 'class CToolInfo &' (new behavior; please see help)

So I've pressed on:  code-slab follows.  But you still have to click
somewhere on the damn dialog for the tips to become available.

How DID you get this thing to work????

Yours in extreme puzzlement,
Jim LW

static UINT BASED_CODE button[] =
    // same order as in the bitmap 'fredtoolbar.bmp'

// CFredToolBar message handlers

BOOL CFredToolBar::Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect,
                   CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID,
                   CCreateContext* pContext)
    // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
    BOOL ok;
    ok= CToolBarCtrl::Create(dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID);
    if (!ok)
       return -1;

    int nButtons = sizeof(button)/sizeof(button[0]);
    m_pTBButtons = new TBBUTTON[nButtons];

    for  (int i=0;iGetToolInfo(toolInfo,this,button[i]);
        if  (!ok)
            return -1;

    return ok;

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