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Supporting multiple foreign languages

Devin Dow -- devin@rsi-inc.com
Friday, October 25, 1996

Environment: Windows 95 MSVC 4.0

We want a mechanism for users translating menu strings, string table
strings, etc. and our program loading the new strings at run time. We are
selling our product in Japan, and we want our japanese dealer to be able to
translate onsite without recompiling.

We are NOT interested in doing the translating in house and shipping
different language versions.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
|Devin Dow - devin@rsi-inc.com                            |
|Router Solutions, Inc. - Interface tools for CAE/CAD/CAM |
|   __ _              http://www.rsi-inc.com              |
|  /  \.\ EVIN        Check Out CAMCAD for Windows        |
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Kevin L McCarthy -- Kevin_L_McCarthy@iacnet.com
Thursday, October 31, 1996

>We want a mechanism for users translating menu strings, string table
>strings, etc. and our program loading the new strings at run time. We are
>selling our product in Japan, and we want our japanese dealer to be able to
>translate onsite without recompiling.
>We are NOT interested in doing the translating in house and shipping
>different language versions.

First, you probably want to put the strings that need translating into a 
dll. There is an MSJ article about this, as well as other references on MSDN.
>From here, you have a couple of options.

If the dealer has a programming staff, supply the source for the resource dll.
Then they can use the resource editor to change the strings and rebuild the dll.

Otherwise, you could place all the strings in a text file which the dll loads at
startup. The dealer could then replace the text file. If this process needs to 
bulletproof, you probably need to store the strings in a binary file. Then 
write an app
which displays the old string, takes a new string, and writes a verified new 
This allows you to check for string length, maintain consistency between 
and strings, ensure that every id has a string, etc.


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