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[help] Thread.

Hieu Nguyen -- Hieu_Nguyen@cpqm.mail.saic.com
Monday, October 21, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.1, WindowNT 4.0
   At the start up of my app., I'm using thread to display a crest which is a
dialog has bitmap on it.  And at main thread, I display a dialog to ask name
and password before the application goes on.
   The problem now is the second dialog from main thread always sits on top of
the first dialog that comes from my thread, which I don't want.
   My question is:
- Is there a way to force dialog from thread to display on top?
Thanks for any idea.


Wednesday, October 23, 1996

[Mini-digest: 4 responses]

>Environment: VC++ 4.1, WindowNT 4.0
>   At the start up of my app., I'm using thread to display a crest which is a
>dialog has bitmap on it.  And at main thread, I display a dialog to ask name
>and password before the application goes on.
>   The problem now is the second dialog from main thread always sits on top of
>the first dialog that comes from my thread, which I don't want.
>   My question is:
>- Is there a way to force dialog from thread to display on top?
>Thanks for any idea.

Try adding the WS_EX_TOPMOST extended style to your window.

Frederic Steppe

-----From: Mario Contestabile

>- Is there a way to force dialog from thread to display on top?


-----From: "Brian V. Zaino (516) 434-6278" 


Try making the name and password dialog a topmost Window.  From inside
the dialog, do a SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost,...);  A good place might be
inside of the OnInitDialog method.


-----From: "MHENRY.UMI.COM" 

Just a thought:  did you try setting the WS_EX_TOPMOST window style on the 
dialog you always want to remain on top? 
  Matthew Henry  -- UMI            
  mhenry@umi.com     (Work)              
  mhenry1384@aol.com (Home)  

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