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Accelerators/focus in CPropertySheet based MDI

Pete Chestna -- pchestna@highground.com
Monday, October 21, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.1, NT 4.0

I am developing an MDI application and have chosen to embed modeless
CPropertySheets inside CScrollView based MDI windows.  I am working on
accelerators and focus issues and have found some interesting behavior.

When the property page has focus:
Top level menu accelerators (alt-f for &File) work
Alt-F4 works to close the application
Ctrl-F4 doesn't work to close the current MDI
Alt-VK_SPACE and Alt- work for window menus work
None of my defined menu accelerators work

Also, when I first create the MDI, I haven't been able to figure out how to
give the property page the initial focus.  In fact, in this state, all of my
accelerators work.  As soon as I click on a control, I get the above behavior.

I have been diving in MFC to try to figure out how message routing has
changed, but haven't come across anything yet.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

"To you -- is it movement or is it action?       Peter J. Chestna
 It is contact or just reaction?                 HighGround Systems
 And you -- revolution or just resistance?       PChestna@highground.com
 Is it living, or just existence?" - RUSH        (508) 263-5588 x.125

Doug Persons -- persons@esca.com
Wednesday, October 23, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

Pete Chestna wrote:
> Environment: VC++ 4.1, NT 4.0
> I am developing an MDI application and have chosen to embed modeless
> CPropertySheets inside CScrollView based MDI windows.  I am working on
> accelerators and focus issues and have found some interesting behavior.

The problem is that 'IsDialogMessage' message is eating all the frame window 
accelerators.  MFC handles this problem for you in CFormView::PreTranslateMessage 
- it lets the frame windows translate the accelerators before the call to 
'IsDialogMessage' is made.  You will have to do the same thing since you are not 
using CFormView.  

I'm not sure I have found the best place to override PreTranslateMessage, but I 
overrode it in my class derived from CPropertySheet.
To set focus to the first property page, add a message handler to your view class 
for WM_SETFOCUS.  When your view gets the WM_SETFOCUS, call the SetFocus method 
on your PropertySheet, which will put the focus on the first page on the sheet.

Doug Persons                206-822-6800    persons@esca.com
Cegelec ESCA Corporation    Bellevue, WA    http://www.esca.com
-----From: ganeshs@nationwide.com

    Override  your CPropertySheet-derived  class's PreTranslateMessage()
and call TranslateAccelerator() from over there, chain to the base-class
version if no translation occurs...

> Also, when I first create the MDI, I haven't been able to figure out how to
> give the property page the initial focus.  In fact, in this state, all of my
> accelerators work.  As soon as I click on a control, I get the above

    To give  the focus to a  particular control on a  property page when
the    page   is    activated,    override    OnSetActive()   in    your
CPropertyPage-derived class, and post a  user message to the page, which
in turn sets the focus to the desired control...

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