Question : Where to capture WM_CHAR message from parent
Thursday, October 17, 1996
Environment: MSVC 4.0 / Win95
After reading from many discussions on the steps for creating in-place
editing of list control, I have finally made it. I can update any
subitems when EN_KILLFOCUS is captured. In addition, I want it to be
updated when Enter is pressed in the in place edit box. I think
WM_CHAR should be captured to check for enter key pressed, but where
and how can I capture the WM_CHAR message?? I don't want to derive a
new CEditinplace class and subclass it to the edit control of my list
control, since I only use it here and nowhere else.
By the way, how can I achieve the effect that when the number of
characters entered into the edit box exceed the length of the box, the
box will expand automatically instead of auto HSCROLL, just like the
default CListCtrl implementation on the edit label box?? Do I have to
handle it in WM_CHAR also???
Thanks in advance..
Edward , PEI,
Ravi --
Thursday, October 17, 1996
[Mini-digest: 3 responses]
You need to override pretranslatemessage for that. And that will solve
your problem.
Ravi Kumar Bikkula
Off :
GE Fanuc Automation
Albany, NY 12203 5189
Ph # (518) 464-4695
mail :
Environment: MSVC 4.0 / Win95
After reading from many discussions on the steps for creating
editing of list control, I have finally made it. I can update any
subitems when EN_KILLFOCUS is captured. In addition, I want it to be
updated when Enter is pressed in the in place edit box. I think
WM_CHAR should be captured to check for enter key pressed, but where
and how can I capture the WM_CHAR message?? I don't want to derive a
new CEditinplace class and subclass it to the edit control of my
control, since I only use it here and nowhere else.
By the way, how can I achieve the effect that when the number of
characters entered into the edit box exceed the length of the box,
box will expand automatically instead of auto HSCROLL, just like the
default CListCtrl implementation on the edit label box?? Do I have
handle it in WM_CHAR also???
Thanks in advance..
Edward , PEI,
-----From: "Randy Taylor"
Environment: MSVC 4.2 WinNT 4.0
You have two reasons to use a CEdit derivative:
1. You wish to use the DC::GetTextExtent to measure
the text in the CEdit to determine whether to "grow" the CEdit
to the right when the user types a lot of text.
2. You need to grow the CEdit to the right.
The best way is to derive from CEdit.
-----From: Mario Contestabile
Given you can capture a click on any column & retrieve the item text,
you call "fct(pszItemText);" where fct is a hypothetical function name.
RECT rect;
INT result = YourListCtl.GetItemRect(Item, &rect, LVIR_LABEL);
EditClass* pEdit = new EditClass;
rect.bottom += 4; // Either this or remove the WS_BORDER for a good look
under 1024x768
rect, YourListCtl.FromHandlePermanent(YourListCtl.m_hWnd), (UINT)-1);
CFont* pFont = GetFont();
EditClass is derived from CEdit and has the following members.
void EditClass::OnKillFocus(CWnd*)
PostMessage(WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
// "override" base class member function
void EditClass::PostNcDestroy()
delete this;
// "augment" base class member function
BOOL EditClass::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if(pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN){
CString string;
PostMessage(WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
return TRUE;
}else if(pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE){
PostMessage(WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
return TRUE;
return CEdit::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
NotifyOwner() can tell the parent CWnd the string that was entered,
and YourListCtrl can modify the item's text...
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