ToolTips sometimes don't work
Jim Adams --
Tuesday, October 15, 1996
Environment: VC++ 4.2 / NT 4.0
I have created a subclass of the CToolBar class which catches the
TTN_NEEDTEXTW and TTN_NEEDTEXTA messages. The reason I have overridden
this message is that I allow the user to add their own tools to my
toolbar. The tooltip is thus a user entered string and not a resource
in the string table. The toolbar resides in a frame that is in a
CDialogBar so that it can be docked much like the tool palette in the
VC++ Dialog Editor.
My problem is that the tooltip does not always display. Sometimes it
is there and sometimes it just flashes. I have put a breakpoint in the
code and see that it breaks here twice when there going to be no
tooltip. when there is one it keeps breaking over and over again. I
can find no clue as to why it suddenly starts working. I have to open
another MDIChild window or click on the owning frame or something. It
doesn't always work.
I am puzzled. I have used Spy++ to watch for timer messages that I may
not know about but there are only the flyby timers and one to update
the clock in the status bar.
I am looking for clues. I have looked in the July 96 MSDN and found
|James Adams | Something's better than nothing |
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| Barbershop Chorus | |
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Randy Taylor --
Wednesday, October 16, 1996
Environment: VC++ 4.2 / NT 4.0
Part of the key to tooltips is in the implementation of
BOOL CFrameWnd::OnToolTipText(UINT msg, NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult).
You should create this message map entries for your CMDIChildWnd
and your CMDIFrameWnd:
Then in your implemention of your CMDIFrameWnd::OnToolTipText you can
send the TTN_NEEDTEXT message to the CMDIChildWnd which happens to
be active. Make sure that you copy the code from the MFC's
that you may need...
Below is my code.
BOOL SmWebDisplayFrame::OnToolTipText(UINT msg, NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
*pResult = 0;
// allow top level routing frame to handle the message
if (GetRoutingFrame() != NULL)
return FALSE;
UINT nID = pNMHDR->idFrom;
if (pTTTA->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND) {
// idFrom is actually the HWND of the tool
nID = _AfxGetDlgCtrlID((HWND)nID);
; // message handled below
else {
CWnd* wnd = CWnd::FromHandlePermanent((HWND)pNMHDR->idFrom);
TCHAR *pText = NULL;
POINT pt = GetCurrentMessage()->pt;
wnd->SendMessage(WMSM_TTNEEDTEXT, (WPARAM)&pt, (LPARAM) &pText);
if (pText) {
_tcsncpy(pTTTA->szText, pText, sizeof pTTTA->szText);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
.... code ommitted here....
Jim Adams --
Thursday, October 17, 1996
Environment: VC++ 4.2 / NT 4.0
> I have created a subclass of the CToolBar class which catches the
> TTN_NEEDTEXTW and TTN_NEEDTEXTA messages. The reason I have overridden
> this message is that I allow the user to add their own tools to my
> toolbar. The tooltip is thus a user entered string and not a resource
> in the string table. The toolbar resides in a frame that is in a
> CDialogBar so that it can be docked much like the tool palette in the
> VC++ Dialog Editor.
> My problem is that the tooltip does not always display. Sometimes it
> is there and sometimes it just flashes. I have put a breakpoint in the
> code and see that it breaks here twice when there going to be no
> tooltip. when there is one it keeps breaking over and over again. I
> can find no clue as to why it suddenly starts working. I have to open
> another MDIChild window or click on the owning frame or something. It
> doesn't always work.
> I am puzzled. I have used Spy++ to watch for timer messages that I may
> not know about but there are only the flyby timers and one to update
> the clock in the status bar.
> I am looking for clues. I have looked in the July 96 MSDN and found
> nothing.
I hate to answer my own question but it turned out to be really
simple. The code I used to put the string in the tool tip was taken
from the online doc(Programming with MFC:ToolTips). It has lines like:
if (pTTT->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND)
nID = ::GetDlgCtrlId((HWND)nID);
My problem was that was using the TTN_NEEDTEXTA and TTN_NEEDTEXTW
messages which don't pass in data in the same format. In particular,
the uFlags datum is in different places in the two structures. I was
looking at a pointer instead of a flag value and sometimes the pointer
was an odd value and sometimes even. To work the code needed to be
more like:
if (((pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTA) &&
(pTTTA->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND) ) ||
((pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTW) &&
(pTTTW->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND) ))
nID = ::GetDlgCtrlId((HWND)nID);
|James Adams | Something's better than nothing |
| | but nothing's better than |
| Bari - RTP General Assembly | more more more |
| Barbershop Chorus | |
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