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how to change the slider size of the scroll bar

James Shao -- jshao@pluto.dspt.com
Friday, October 11, 1996

Environment: Visual C++ 4.2, Win95

In my application, I created a window together with a Vertical scroll bar:

I need to display a document on the window. The size of the document may 
be quite different from time to time. How can I set up the slider's size 
of the VScrollBar based on 
the size of the document as Mscosoft did in their ScrollView class?

James Shao
DSP technology

Monday, October 14, 1996

Environment: Visual C++ 4.2, Win95

> In my application, I created a window together with a Vertical scroll bar:
> VScrollBar.
> I need to display a document on the window. The size of the document may
> be quite different from time to time. How can I set up the slider's size
> of the VScrollBar based on
> the size of the document as Mscosoft did in their ScrollView class?

    Check out SetScrollInfo()...

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