check and uncheck menu items in a pop-up window
James Shao --
Friday, October 11, 1996
Environment: Visual C++ 4.2, Win95
In my project, in addition to the main frame window, we also need to have
several pop-up windows with their own menu.
For this purpose, I created a new class CMsgWnd which is derived from
CWnd class.
To have the window displayed, I first Create a new CMsgWnd object and
attach a menu to it (I used CreateEx(...LoadMenu()) command) and them use
ShowWindow to display it. I can click any menu item to perform the
corresponding task. The problem is that I cannot set check and uncheck to
the menu items and I cannot enable or disable the menu items on calling the
ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI command as I did for the mainframe window menu items.
The following is the sample code to try to set the check or uncheck a
menu item:
in the message map (in CMsgWnd class), I have
The code is:
void CMsgWnd::OnUpdateQuiet(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
if (!quiet)
where quiet is a BOOl variable.
No matter what the quiet value is, the menu item always keep the same
initial check/uncheck status.
If the menu item is in the MainFrame window, the same code works fine.
What is the problem?
James Shao
DSP Technology
Monday, October 14, 1996
[Mini-digest: 2 responses]
Environment: Visual C++ 4.2, Win95
> In my project, in addition to the main frame window, we also need to have
> several pop-up windows with their own menu.
> For this purpose, I created a new class CMsgWnd which is derived from
> CWnd class.
> To have the window displayed, I first Create a new CMsgWnd object and
> attach a menu to it (I used CreateEx(...LoadMenu()) command) and them use
> ShowWindow to display it. I can click any menu item to perform the
> corresponding task. The problem is that I cannot set check and uncheck to
> the menu items and I cannot enable or disable the menu items on calling the
> ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI command as I did for the mainframe window menu items.
> The following is the sample code to try to set the check or uncheck a
> menu item:
> in the message map (in CMsgWnd class), I have
> The code is:
> void CMsgWnd::OnUpdateQuiet(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
> {
> |if (!quiet)
> ||pCmdUI->SetCheck(0);
> |else
> ||pCmdUI->SetCheck(1);
> }
> where quiet is a BOOl variable.
> No matter what the quiet value is, the menu item always keep the same
> initial check/uncheck status.
> If the menu item is in the MainFrame window, the same code works fine.
>What is the problem?
CFrameWnd's (and hence, it's derivatives) handler for
WM_INITMENUPOPUP makes the calls to update handlers. Derive your class
from CFrameWnd instead of CWnd, and things will work as expected. If you
_have_ to derive from CWnd (for whatever reason) on the other hand, you
would need the logic for calling the update handlers duplicated in your
CWnd-derived class...
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|____(_) \____|\__,_|_| |_|\___||___/_| |_|------------------
-----From: Joseph Jones
Are you sure that the menu messages for the menu comamnds are going to
your CMsgWnd dervied class and not tou your MainFrame Window first?
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