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Changing Splitter Rows and Columns

John Horton -- jhorton@unitechsys.com
Thursday, October 10, 1996

     Environment: VC++ 4.2 / NT 4.0
     I have a static splitter window with two panes - one on top of the 
     other (1 col, 2 rows).  I would like to allow the user to change the 
     splitter so the panes are side-by-side (2 cols, 1 row).  
     Can this be done without having to create a new splitter and new 
     Any help would be appreciated,

Kostya Sebov -- sebov@is.kiev.ua
Saturday, October 12, 1996

>        Environment: VC++ 4.2 / NT 4.0
>        I have a static splitter window with two panes - one on top of the
>        other (1 col, 2 rows).  I would like to allow the user to change the
>        splitter so the panes are side-by-side (2 cols, 1 row).
>        Can this be done without having to create a new splitter and new
>        views?
>        Any help would be appreciated,
>        John

I didn't find easier way than hacking the internal CSplitterWnd data
structures (manually 'reshaping' the arrays) then changing child window ID's
for the panes. Although this may sound too crude from the purist's view the code
worked almost unchanged from 2.5 to 4.1.

If needed I can post the code.


Kostya Sebov. 
Tel: (38 044) 266-6387 | Fax: (38 044) 266-6195 | E-mail: sebov@is.kiev.ua

Archana -- ARANGINANI@cerner.com
Friday, October 18, 1996

I had the same issue of allowing the user to change the splitter from
vertical to horizontal . I got around it basically by creating two views
.....one with horizontal splitter and other with vertical splitter.  I
would appreciate if you can post your code 

>From: 	Kostya Sebov[SMTP:sebov@is.kiev.ua]
>Sent: 	Saturday, October 12, 1996 12:24 PM
>To: 	jhorton@unitechsys.com
>Cc: 	mfc-l@netcom.com
>Subject: 	Re: Changing Splitter Rows and Columns
>>        Environment: VC++ 4.2 / NT 4.0
>>        I have a static splitter window with two panes - one on top of the
>>        other (1 col, 2 rows).  I would like to allow the user to change the
>>        splitter so the panes are side-by-side (2 cols, 1 row).
>>        Can this be done without having to create a new splitter and new
>>        views?
>>        Any help would be appreciated,
>>        John
>I didn't find easier way than hacking the internal CSplitterWnd data
>structures (manually 'reshaping' the arrays) then changing child window
>for the panes. Although this may sound too crude from the purist's view
>the code
>worked almost unchanged from 2.5 to 4.1.
>If needed I can post the code.
>Kostya Sebov. 
>Tel: (38 044) 266-6387 | Fax: (38 044) 266-6195 | E-mail:

Kostya Sebov -- sebov@is.kiev.ua
Wednesday, October 30, 1996

>>        I have a static splitter window with two panes - one on top of the
>>        other (1 col, 2 rows).  I would like to allow the user to change the
>>        splitter so the panes are side-by-side (2 cols, 1 row).
>>        Can this be done without having to create a new splitter and new
>>        views?
>>        Any help would be appreciated,
>>        John
>I didn't find easier way than hacking the internal CSplitterWnd data
>structures (manually 'reshaping' the arrays) then changing child window
>for the panes. Although this may sound too crude from the purist's view
>the code
>worked almost unchanged from 2.5 to 4.1.
>If needed I can post the code.

So I'm doing this. Begging for your pardon for the delay I've also included the
code that switches the panes' order and keeps relative widths/heights when the
splitter is resized.

Note however that I'm pasting from my source code removing specifics on the way
so forgive me in advance if this won't compile at the very first time.

The final note is that the method was used for static splitters but I think can
be easily adapted for the dynamic ones.


// CRvSplitter

class CRvSplitter : public CSplitterWnd
    DECLARE_DYNAMIC( CRvSplitter )

// Construction / destruction
    virtual ~CRvSplitter();

// Attributes
    int     m_nSplitRatio;
    BOOL    m_bPanesSwapped;

    void SetSplitRatio( int nRatio );

    BOOL IsSplitHorizontally() const;
    BOOL IsSplitVertically() const { return !IsSplitHorizontally(); }

    BOOL ArePanesSwapped() const { return m_bPanesSwapped; }

// Operations
    BOOL UpdateSplitRatio();

    BOOL UpdatePanes( int cx, int cy );
    BOOL UpdatePanes();

    void Flip();

    void SplitVertically();
    void SplitHorizontally();

    void SwapPanes();

// Implementation

    // Generated message map functions
    afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);




#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "RvApp.h"

#include "RvSplit.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CRvSplitter

IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC( CRvSplitter, CSplitterWnd )

:   m_nSplitRatio( -1 ),
    m_bPanesSwapped( FALSE )


BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CRvSplitter, CSplitterWnd)

void CRvSplitter::SetSplitRatio( int nRatio )
    m_nSplitRatio = nRatio;

BOOL CRvSplitter::IsSplitHorizontally() const
    ASSERT(( m_nRows > 1 ) != ( m_nCols > 1 ));
    ASSERT( max( m_nRows, m_nCols ) == 2 ); // This assertion comes from my specifics.
                                            // Hopefully it can be removed for more than 2 panes.

    return ( m_nCols > 1 );

void CRvSplitter::SplitHorizontally()
    if( IsSplitHorizontally())

    ASSERT( m_nCols = 1 );
    ASSERT( m_nRows = 2 );

    // Get the last pane.
    // We need one to change its child ID later but not to produce the assertion
    //    falure in the IdFromRowCol.
    // There's no need to change ID for the first one.
    CWnd* pPane = GetDlgItem( IdFromRowCol( 1, 0 ));
    ASSERT( pPane );

    // swap the H/V information
    m_nMaxCols = m_nCols = 2;
    m_nMaxRows = m_nRows = 1;

    CRowColInfo* pTmp = m_pColInfo;
    m_pColInfo = m_pRowInfo;
    m_pRowInfo = pTmp;

    // change the last pane's ID reference
    pPane->SetDlgCtrlID( IdFromRowCol( 0, 1 ));
    ASSERT( GetPane( 0, 1 )->GetSafeHwnd() == pPane->GetSafeHwnd() );

    if( UpdatePanes())

void CRvSplitter::SplitVertically()
    if( IsSplitVertically())

    ASSERT( m_nCols = 2 );
    ASSERT( m_nRows = 1 );

    // Get the last pane.
    // We need one to change its child ID later but not to produce the assertion
    //    falure in the IdFromRowCol.
    // There's no need to change ID for the first one.
    CWnd* pPane = GetDlgItem(IdFromRowCol( 0, 1 ));
    ASSERT( pPane );

    // swap the H/V information
    m_nMaxCols = m_nCols = 1;
    m_nMaxRows = m_nRows = 2;

    CRowColInfo* pTmp = m_pColInfo;
    m_pColInfo = m_pRowInfo;
    m_pRowInfo = pTmp;

    // change the last pane's ID reference ( no need to change ID for the first one )
    pPane->SetDlgCtrlID( IdFromRowCol( 1, 0 ));
    ASSERT( GetPane( 1, 0 )->GetSafeHwnd() == pPane->GetSafeHwnd() );

    if( UpdatePanes())

void CRvSplitter::Flip()
    if( IsSplitHorizontally())
        ASSERT( IsSplitVertically());


void CRvSplitter::SwapPanes()
    if( IsSplitHorizontally())
        ASSERT( m_nCols = 2 );
        ASSERT( m_nRows = 1 );

        CWnd* pLeft = GetDlgItem( IdFromRowCol( 0, 0 ));
        ASSERT( pLeft );
        CWnd* pRight = GetDlgItem(IdFromRowCol( 0, 1 ));
        ASSERT( pRight );

        pLeft ->SetDlgCtrlID( IdFromRowCol( 0, 1 ));// will be right
        pRight->SetDlgCtrlID( IdFromRowCol( 0, 0 ));// will be left

        ASSERT( GetPane( 0, 0 )->GetSafeHwnd() == pRight->GetSafeHwnd() );
        ASSERT( GetPane( 0, 1 )->GetSafeHwnd() == pLeft->GetSafeHwnd() );

        ASSERT( IsSplitVertically());

        ASSERT( m_nCols = 1 );
        ASSERT( m_nRows = 2 );

        CWnd* pUpper = GetDlgItem( IdFromRowCol( 0, 0 ));
        ASSERT( pUpper );
        CWnd* pLower = GetDlgItem( IdFromRowCol( 1, 0 ));
        ASSERT( pLower );

        pUpper->SetDlgCtrlID( IdFromRowCol( 1, 0 ));// will be lower
        pLower->SetDlgCtrlID( IdFromRowCol( 0, 0 ));// will be upper

        ASSERT( GetPane( 0, 0 )->GetSafeHwnd() == pLower->GetSafeHwnd() );
        ASSERT( GetPane( 1, 0 )->GetSafeHwnd() == pUpper->GetSafeHwnd() );


    m_bPanesSwapped = ~m_bPanesSwapped;

    if( UpdatePanes())

int CRvSplitter::UpdateSplitRatio()
    CRowColInfo* pPanes;
    int czSplitter;
    if( IsSplitHorizontally())
        pPanes     = m_pColInfo;
        czSplitter = m_cxSplitter;
        pPanes     = m_pRowInfo;
        czSplitter = m_cySplitter;

    TRACE( "CRvSplitter::UpdateSplitRatio: 1:%i, 2:%i\n",
           pPanes[0].nCurSize, pPanes[1].nCurSize

    if(( pPanes[0].nCurSize != -1 ) &&
       ( pPanes[0].nCurSize + pPanes[1].nCurSize != 0 )
        m_nSplitRatio = CProfile::splitResolution * pPanes[0].nCurSize /
                            ( pPanes[0].nCurSize + pPanes[1].nCurSize + czSplitter );


    TRACE("m_nSplitRatio=%i\n", m_nSplitRatio );
    return m_nSplitRatio;

BOOL CRvSplitter::UpdatePanes()
    CRect rcClient;
    GetClientRect( rcClient );

    return ( !rcClient.IsRectEmpty() &&
             UpdatePanes( rcClient.Width(), rcClient.Height())

BOOL CRvSplitter::UpdatePanes( int cx, int cy )
    TRACE("UpdatePanes: cx=%i, cy=%i\n", cx, cy );

    CRowColInfo* pPanes;
    int cz;

    if( IsSplitHorizontally())
        pPanes = m_pColInfo;
        cz     = cx;
        pPanes = m_pRowInfo;
        cz     = cy;

    BOOL bRes = UpdateSplitRatio();

    if( m_nSplitRatio >= 0 )
        ASSERT( (ULONG)m_nSplitRatio * cz / CProfile::splitResolution <= (ULONG)INT_MAX );
        pPanes[0].nIdealSize =
            int( (ULONG)m_nSplitRatio * cz / CProfile::splitResolution );

    return bRes;

// CRvSplitter message handlers

void CRvSplitter::OnSize( UINT nType, int cx, int cy )
    TRACE("CRvSplitter::OnSize: cx:%i, cy:%i\n", cx, cy );
    if(( nType != SIZE_MINIMIZED )&&( cx > 0 )&&( cy > 0 ))
        UpdatePanes( cx, cy );

    CSplitterWnd::OnSize( nType, cx, cy );

Kostya Sebov. 
Tel: (38 044) 266-6387 | Fax: (38 044) 266-6195 | E-mail: sebov@is.kiev.ua

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