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CWinThread::PostMessage looses messages??

Jeff Wishnie -- jwishnie@swellsoft.com
Wednesday, October 02, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win 95

I think I've found a bug where the message queue LOOSES messages. Here's my

In response to certain events in my app, I want to post a message into my
app's message queue so that I can return immediately and finish processing
later (after the current event is handled).

NOTE: this is a _single_ threaded app.

So, I do the following:

AfxGetApp()->PostThreadMessage(MY_CUSTOM_MESSAGE, NULL, NULL)

and in my app subclass:

MyApp::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
    if (pMsg->message==MY_CUSTOM_MESSAGE) {
        return TRUE;

   return CWinApp::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

According to the docs, this should work fine.

Problem is, I don't receive every message I post!

To test this I sent messages with a monotonically increasing id as such:

static UINT _id=0; // file static
AfxGetApp()->PostThreadMessage(MY_CUSTOM_MESSAGE, NULL, _id++)

and in my app subclass:

MyApp::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
    if (pMsg->message==MY_CUSTOM_MESSAGE) {
        TRACE("Got message id: %d\n", (UINT) pMsg->lParam;
        return TRUE;

   return CWinApp::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

And this is my output (paraphrased):

Got message id: 0
Got message id: 1
Got message id: 2
Got message id: 3
Got message id: 5 <--- WHAT HAPPENED TO 4?

Basically, every now and then, with no predictable pattern, the queue looses
messages AND I _really_ need to get them all! When I miss them, my app gets
out of synch and dies none-to-nicely.

Is this a BUG or am I missing some important "Give me all messages I post"



415 243-9900 (w)

David Lowndes -- David.Lowndes@bj.co.uk
Friday, October 04, 1996

[Mini-digest: 4 responses]

>I think I've found a bug where the message queue LOOSES messages. Here's my


Have you checked the return value from PostThreadMessage to see if it
returns an error?

Also you don't say when you're posting the message.

I had a problem under Windows 3.x with posting DDE requests during
WM_ACTIVATE (or was it WM_SETFOCUS?) processing. The DDE message
was posted to the server application (with no error from PostMessage), but
the server never saw it. However that's not the same as your problem as I
solved mine by using the same technique that you're having problems with.

Dave Lowndes
-----From: Koronthaly David 

I had a simmilar problem while posting messages in a loop.
The story is, that message queue can overflow - if you will not read
from it.

You should test the return value from PostMessage

David Koronthaly
Intergraph SR

-----From: Noel Burton-Krahn 

See my earlier message, "Lost thread messages".  I believe thread messages 
are lost when someone else (like a dialog box or CRectTracker) calls
	GetMessage(&msg, NULL, ...)

As far as I can tell, DispatchMessage throws away messages whose hWnd's are 
NULL (ie thread messages).  This is a real oversight, and renders thread 
messages useless for any thread that ever causes another message loop to be 
invoked.  I noticed this bug when I resized my main app window.


-----From: Marty Fried 

I don't have VC 4.2 yet, so I apologise if this is incorrect - I'm assuming
PostThreadMessage is similar to the Win32 function, and has a return value.
The docs for posting messages urge us to check for success and not assume
every post succeeds - the queue could be full.  Have you tried checking the
return value to see if the call succeeded?  Also, is it possible you are
using a message number that something else may be getting?
 Marty Fried (mfried@linex.com)
 Marin County, California

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