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CListCtrl drag and drop, detecting which column is being dra

Luke Stephens -- luker@tfs.net
Monday, September 30, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win95, NT 3.51, NT 4.0

How can you determine which column is being dragged in a CListCtrl?  
I'm using the control in report view and I wan't to be able to drag and
drop from one column to another within the same or different rows. 
Any ideas?
Luke Stephens

Luke Stephens -- luker@tfs.net
Wednesday, October 02, 1996

FYI: I solved my own problem. After searching the Commctrl.h header 
file (VC 4.2), I discovered that a new item was added to the
structure. Here's the new structure:

typedef struct tagLVHITTESTINFO
  POINT pt;
  UINT flags;
  int iItem;
-->  int iSubItem; // this is was NOT in win95.  valid only for

It appears that a new undocumented message (LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST) was added
to control, but not implemented in CListCtrl.
So, I used the following code to determine which column was clicked:

TRACE2("Item: %d, SubItem: %d\n",hit.iItem,hit.iSubItem);

> From: Luke Stephens 
> To: 'mfc-l@netcom.com'
> Subject: CListCtrl drag and drop, detecting which column is being dragged
> Date: Monday, September 30, 1996 6:10 PM
> Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win95, NT 3.51, NT 4.0
> How can you determine which column is being dragged in a CListCtrl?  
> I'm using the control in report view and I wan't to be able to drag and
> drop from one column to another within the same or different rows. 
> Any ideas?
> Luke Stephens
> luker@tfs.net

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