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HELP! MFC DLL can't do messages.....

David Little -- dlittle@communique.net
Saturday, September 28, 1996

Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.1, PS4.0

I am writing a DLL using MFC, and plan to call it from PS FORTRAN.  I =
exported this function from the DLL:

BOOL __stdcall DISPLAYABOUTDIALOG(int* Parent)

	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));

	HWND hWndParent =3D (HWND)(*Parent);

		CAboutDlg dlg(CWnd::FromHandle(hWndParent));
		if (dlg.DoModal() !=3D IDOK)
			return FALSE;
		// a failure caused an exception.
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

The CAboutDlg is generated by the ClassWizard, with no changes.  When I =
call this function, the about box paints, then I get an assert here:

		// phase2: pump messages while available

			// pump message, but quit on WM_QUIT
	if (!AfxGetThread()->PumpMessage())  <=3D=3D=3D ASSERT HERE..
		return -1;

because AfxGetThread() returns a null, and therefore can't handle =



Shanku Niyogi -- shanku@accent.net
Monday, September 30, 1996

>From: David Little 
>To: 'mfc-l@netcom.com'
>Subject: HELP! MFC DLL can't do messages.....
>Date: Saturday, September 28, 1996 10:05 PM
>Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.1, PS4.0
>I am writing a DLL using MFC, and plan to call it from PS FORTRAN.  I
>exported this function from the DLL:
>because AfxGetThread() returns a null, and therefore can't handle

David, the main problem is that MFC has not initialized a CWinApp-type
object in the DLL. To do this, you need to compile the DLL to statically
link MFC - the _USRDLL define, and include a CWinApp derived object
in your app.

This would not have been a problem in MFC 2.0, but MFC 4.0 implements
all modal dialogs as modeless dialogs with its own message loop. 

For details see MFC Technical Note 11.



Shanku S. Niyogi                                                      
Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada

David Little -- dlittle@communique.net
Thursday, October 03, 1996

>David, the main problem is that MFC has not initialized a CWinApp-type
>object in the DLL. To do this, you need to compile the DLL to =
>link MFC - the _USRDLL define, and include a CWinApp derived object
>in your app.
>This would not have been a problem in MFC 2.0, but MFC 4.0 implements
>all modal dialogs as modeless dialogs with its own message loop.=20
>For details see MFC Technical Note 11.

I do have a CWinApp derived object in my DLL, and I read TN11.  I also =
have read through DLLTRACE and DLLHUSK, neither of which really helps =
much.  DLLTRACE is the closest that I can come to what I want, but it =
forces the calling app (.EXE) to call PreTranslateMessage and OnIdle in =
the DLL.  I don't even have a message loop (at least easily) in my =
FORTRAN QuickWin app.  I made my modal dialogs work using the =
old-fashioned way of DialogBox(....) and my own message loop, but that =
doesn't help the modeless ones...

Still looking for ideas!  Thanks!


From: 	Shanku Niyogi[SMTP:shanku@accent.net]
Sent: 	Monday, September 30, 1996 10:27 AM
To: 	mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject: 	Re: HELP! MFC DLL can't do messages.....

>From: David Little 
>To: 'mfc-l@netcom.com'
>Subject: HELP! MFC DLL can't do messages.....
>Date: Saturday, September 28, 1996 10:05 PM
>Environment: Win95, VC++ 4.1, PS4.0
>I am writing a DLL using MFC, and plan to call it from PS FORTRAN.  I
>exported this function from the DLL:
>because AfxGetThread() returns a null, and therefore can't handle

David, the main problem is that MFC has not initialized a CWinApp-type
object in the DLL. To do this, you need to compile the DLL to statically
link MFC - the _USRDLL define, and include a CWinApp derived object
in your app.

This would not have been a problem in MFC 2.0, but MFC 4.0 implements
all modal dialogs as modeless dialogs with its own message loop.=20

For details see MFC Technical Note 11.



Shanku S. Niyogi                                                     =20
Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada

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