synchronizing scrolling in two CListViews
Todd C. Englund --
Thursday, September 26, 1996
To: mfc-l
Subject: synchronizing scrolling in two CListViews
Environment: VC++ 4.2, WinNT 3.51
I have an application that displays two CListViews side
by side. Both views always contain the same number of items,
and I would like to keep the vertical scroll position of both
views synchronized.
This can (almost) be done with an OnVScroll handler something
like this:
void CTestListView::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar*
// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
CListView::OnVScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar);
m_pListCtrl->GetItemPosition(0, &pt);
CBrowserDoc* pDoc = (CBrowserDoc*) GetDocument();
POSITION pos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition();
while (pos != NULL)
CView* pView = pDoc->GetNextView(pos);
if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CCompanionListView)))
CTestListView* pListView = (CCompanionListView *) pView;
POINT otherpt;
pListView->GetItemPosition(0, &otherpt);
CSize sz; = 0; = otherpt.y - pt.y;
This OnVScroll handler looks for views that should be
synchronized and calls their Scroll() member function.
The Scroll() member simply calls Scroll() on the CListCtrl.
The one problem that I have found with this approach occurs
when one list view has a horizontal scrollbar and the other
does not. A horizontal scrollbar reduces the height of the
list control so the scroll range and position are changed
slightly. What I would like to do is force both views to
have a horizontal scrollbar when either requires one.
I thought I could add some logic to a CListView::OnSize()
handler that would determine if the list control's horizontal
scrollbar is visible, and if so, set it to visible in the
companion view. The problem is that GetScrollBar(SB_HORZ)
always returns a NULL pointer when called for the list control.
Even if I could get a pointer to the scroll bar in the list
control, I suspect that there is no way to prevent the list
control from hiding it again.
Anyone have any idea how to take charge of a scroll bar in
a list control? If not, perhaps there is another way to
synchronize the views that will handle this case?
Mario Contestabile --
Monday, September 30, 1996
>by side. Both views always contain the same number of items,
>and I would like to keep the vertical scroll position of both
>views synchronized.
An easy was of achieving this might simply be to determine which item in the
should be the first, and call
CTreeCtrl::Select() with TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE;
That way regardless of the view sizes, their first item is the same, and it
the rest of the items.
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