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Paste to DialogBar

Friday, September 20, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win95

Hi All,

I've got a combo box in a dialog bar (inserted by the Component
Gallery) attached to my MainFrame window. I can set the focus to the
box's edit window easily, but I can't paste text into it. If a document
(based on RichEditDoc) is open, the text is inserted into the doc. How
can I get the combo box edit window to accept pasted text when it has
the focus?

Tony Rentschler
The Associated Press
New York

Mark Conway -- mrc@mfltd.co.uk
Monday, September 23, 1996

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

The problem is that the cut,copy, paste keys are being translated by
your app's accelerator table, and the standard windows controls don't
understand ID_EDIT_CUT, etc.

The easiest way round this I've found is to override
PreTranslateMessage() in your control bar, to ensure these keys get thru
to the relevant control. I define a function which I then call from each
CDialogBar's pretranslate message...as it's sometimes useful in other
places. Code is below.


BOOL CMyDialogBar::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) 
		case WM_KEYDOWN:
			if (PreTranslateClipboardKeys(pMsg))
				return TRUE;
		.. any other messages you might need to intercept....
    return CDialogBar::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

BOOL PreTranslateClipboardKeys(MSG * pMsg)
// If the message is a clipboard key (or one that a control is likely to
// then	avoid want to avoid translate accelerator tables.
    if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN)
		int nVirtKey = pMsg->wParam;
		// intercept Ctrl+X, Ctrl +C, Ctrl+V, Shift+Ins, Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Del
			case 'X':
			case 'C':
			case 'V':
				if (IsControlKeyDown())
					goto _TranslateDispatch;

			case VK_INSERT:
				if (IsControlKeyDown() || IsShiftKeyDown())
					goto _TranslateDispatch;

			case VK_DELETE:
				if (IsShiftKeyDown())
					goto _TranslateDispatch;
	return FALSE;


inline BOOL IsShiftKeyDown()
    { return (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000); }; // Returns TRUE if the
Shift key is held down ie top bit set

inline BOOL IsControlKeyDown()
    { return (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000); }; // Returns TRUE if
the Control key is held down ie top bit set

>From: 	Tony_Rentschler@ap.org[SMTP:Tony_Rentschler@ap.org]
>Sent: 	20 September 1996 21:15
>To: 	mfc-l@netcom.com
>Subject: 	Paste to DialogBar
>Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win95
>Hi All,
>I've got a combo box in a dialog bar (inserted by the Component
>Gallery) attached to my MainFrame window. I can set the focus to the
>box's edit window easily, but I can't paste text into it. If a document
>(based on RichEditDoc) is open, the text is inserted into the doc. How
>can I get the combo box edit window to accept pasted text when it has
>the focus?
>Tony Rentschler
>The Associated Press
>New York
-----From: Leonard Norrgard 

See MSJ July 95, C/C++ Q&A for how to construct a dialog bar (or
toolbar) with cut/copy/paste functionality.

-- vinsci

-----From: bliu@campbellsoft.com

     MSJ 1995, July issue  C/C++ column has a solution for this.
     Also there is an article on same issue talking about MFC message and 
     command routing. Excellent!!! Both from Paul DiLascia. 


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