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CDialogBar & ToolTips

Jeffrey Smith -- wyvern@msn.com
Friday, September 20, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win 95

I'm trying to get tool tips using a CDialogBar derived class using a dialog 
with only static text controls. My OnToolTipNotify handler in this derived 
class never gets called.

What I've done:
1. 	Override Create() and or'd CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_TOOLTIP to the create flags.
2. 	Called EnableToolTips( TRUE );
3. 	Added ON_NOTIFY_EX_RANGE( TTN_NEEDTEXT, 0, 0xFFFF, OnToolTipNotify )
4. 	EnableDocking() for the object and docked the CDialogBar using 
5. 	Override int CDockView::OnToolHitTest( CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI ) 
const. I called the CDialogBar::OnToolHitTest() and checked to see if hit 
testing was working and my controls were being identified. They were.
6. 	In OnToolHitTest() I checked to see if LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK was set in the 
TOOLINFO* struct and if hwnd member was the handle to my derived class. They 
7. 	Also in OnToolHitTest() check to see if TTF_SUBCLASS was set in the flags 
for TOOLINFO*. It was not.

1.	Since TTF_SUBCLASS  was not set, the docs indicate I need to send 
TTM_RELAYEVENT?  If so, where should I do this in the code?
2. 	Am I off course? Any other ways to get my OnToolTipNotify to be called?

Jeff Smith

Mark Conway -- mrc@mfltd.co.uk
Tuesday, September 24, 1996

Jeremy, this may not be what you want, but if you just want to add
fairly standard static text tooltips to a dialog bar, you can:
1) Choose unique ID's for the controls in the dialog bar.
2) Have string table entries for these ID's in your resource file, just
as you would for a toolbar (ie \n seperating status bar from tooltip
3) Create the dialogbar with CBRS_FLYBY and CBRS_TOOLTIP - don't use


>From: 	Jeffrey Smith[SMTP:wyvern@msn.com]
>Sent: 	20 September 1996 07:15
>To: 	MFC List - Submit
>Subject: 	CDialogBar & ToolTips
>Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win 95
>I'm trying to get tool tips using a CDialogBar derived class using a
>with only static text controls. My OnToolTipNotify handler in this
>class never gets called.
>What I've done:
>1. 	Override Create() and or'd CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_TOOLTIP to the create
>2. 	Called EnableToolTips( TRUE );
>3. 	Added ON_NOTIFY_EX_RANGE( TTN_NEEDTEXT, 0, 0xFFFF, OnToolTipNotify
>4. 	EnableDocking() for the object and docked the CDialogBar using 
>5. 	Override int CDockView::OnToolHitTest( CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI
>const. I called the CDialogBar::OnToolHitTest() and checked to see if
>testing was working and my controls were being identified. They were.
>6. 	In OnToolHitTest() I checked to see if LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK was set
>in the 
>TOOLINFO* struct and if hwnd member was the handle to my derived class.
>7. 	Also in OnToolHitTest() check to see if TTF_SUBCLASS was set in the
>for TOOLINFO*. It was not.
>1.	Since TTF_SUBCLASS  was not set, the docs indicate I need to send 
>TTM_RELAYEVENT?  If so, where should I do this in the code?
>2. 	Am I off course? Any other ways to get my OnToolTipNotify to be
>Jeff Smith

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