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Book info: MFC Problem Solver

Raja Segar -- rsz@pc.jaring.my
Thursday, September 19, 1996

 Environment: MSVC 4.0, Windows 95, NT 3.51

 He there ..
  There is a superb MFC Problem solver book release by Waite Group.
  Visual C++ 4.0 HOW TO - Scott StansField.
  It probably has answers to almost all the questions i see in
  this list. It's no nonsense approach to MFC problem solving is
  unmatched by any book in the market. Check it out.. It does not
  cover any database stuff though ..
  It is worth it's weight in gold to a MFC Programmer.

BTW here is a tip from the book ...
If you want to get a pointer to your statusbar or toolbar ..etc from
anywhere in your program just do the following..

CStatusBar* pStatusbar = (CStatusBar*)AfxGetMainWnd()->
                                                 Replace with Control ID
                                                      if applicable.  
    ____              __     _____
   / __ \ __  __ ____/ / ___/__  /
  / / / // / / // __  / / _ \ / /
 / /_/ // /_/ // /_/ / /  __// /__
/_____/ \__,_/ \__,_/  \___//____/

Roger Onslow/Newcastle/Computer Systems Australia/
Monday, September 23, 1996

>BTW here is a tip from the book ...
>If you want to get a pointer to your statusbar or toolbar ..etc from
>anywhere in your program just do the following..
>CStatusBar* pStatusbar = (CStatusBar*)AfxGetMainWnd()->

doing "GetDescendantWindow(AFX_IDW_STATUS_BAR,TRUE);" is better.
Even better still, you can use GetMessageBar() (which does the same as the 
above, but is more obvious when you try to read the code) like this...

CStatusBar* pStatusbar = 

This also works when called from a CMDIChildWnd, so if you're in a view (or 
child of a view) you could simple call GetParentFrame() and then call 

NOTE: used static_cast here rather than C-style case -- they are "safer" and 
also an aid when trying to understand and find casts in your code.  I suggest 
you always use the new C++ cast operators (especially when converting 
to/from/between pointers).

Roger Onslow

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