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Passing functions via OLE Automation

Nayab Khan -- nkh069@iadfw.net
Monday, September 16, 1996

Environment: VC++4.1/MFC/OLE, Win95 

I have created an MFC based application that supports OLE Automation. I
know how to Map properties but how can I pass a CALLBACK function. Seems
like a function is not the supported type. Here is my declaration of the
function that I want to pass:

BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT ProductType( BSTR data, short Index)

the argument it comes to is:
BOOL (CALLBACK EXPORT ProductType *)( BSTR data, short Index)

Andreas Riel -- riel@fstgds08.tu-graz.ac.at
Thursday, September 19, 1996

[Mini-digest: 5 responses]


an OLE Automation callback mechanism is to be realized using Connection
Points. Passing function pointers is not the correct way for an automation
server to reply to its clients.

Using the Connection Point mechanism, OLE Automation servers may expose an
"outgoing interface", over which they can fire events to all connected
clients. Originally, this mechanism worked for inproc-servers only, but
with NT 4.0 Connection Point interfaces (IConnectionPoint,
IConnectionPointContainer, IEnumconnections and IEnumConnnectionPoints)
are supported for out-of-process objects also. In the MS KB (article
Q149231) there is a DLL CXPRX.DLL providing marshalling code for NT 3.51.
I'm afraid, I don't known what the situation is like for Win95.

For additional information on Connectable Objects consult chapter 4 of Kraig
Brockschmidt's "Inside OLE2". Also, in the MS KB there is a nice sample for
the implementation of Connection Points in MFC apps; it's in article
Q152087, archive CONNPTS.EXE.

Hope this helps, good luck!


> Environment: VC++4.1/MFC/OLE, Win95 
> I have created an MFC based application that supports OLE Automation. I
> know how to Map properties but how can I pass a CALLBACK function. Seems
> like a function is not the supported type. Here is my declaration of the
> function that I want to pass:
> BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT ProductType( BSTR data, short Index)
> the argument it comes to is:
> BOOL (CALLBACK EXPORT ProductType *)( BSTR data, short Index)

-----From: levandep@dgabby.mfldclin.edu (Paul Levande)

We recently wrote an automation server that also needed to support being 
passed a callback address.  After a little unsuccessful experimenting, we 
finally realized that since our automation server was running out-of process, 
it wasn't reasonable to expect that we'd even be able to invoke a callback 
defined in the client.

The solution we came up with was to have the client "register" an HWND with 
the server (we used a property of type long and type-cast it in the server) 
and then have the server post a WM_USER+nnn message to the window identified 
by that HWND instead of trying to invoke a callback.  The WM_USER+nnn 
message handler for the window then carried out the tasks that would normally 
have been done in the callback.  In our particular case, we opted not to pass 
or return any information in the WPARAM and LPARAM of the message, but 
instead just shared data between the server and client via properties in the 
server.  In a client where there isn't a window that is an obvious choice for 
"registering" with the server, a small, invisible window that exists only to 
handle the WM_USER+nnn message can be created for this purpose.  This scheme 
has proven to work quite well for our particular needs and was actually very 
simple to implement.

Hope this may give you some helpful ideas,
	-- Paul Levande --                                                  
-----From: Roger Onslow/Newcastle/Computer Systems Australia/AU

>I know how to Map properties but how can I pass a CALLBACK function.
I believe you pass an IDispatch (ie other OLE automation object) interface

-----From: raz 

Its not clear to me exactly what you want to do, but I'll assume that =
you want the controller to pass the server a callback function so that =
the server can execute it sometime later on (something like an =
asynchronous event).

If this is what you want to do then I think you're out of luck.  You =
must remember that there is probably a process boundary between the =
controller and the server.  Passing the address of a function across the =
process boundary would be meaningless, since the address would only be =
valid in the context of the controller, not the server.

If you want to do this sort of thing, I think that you have to implement =
an event sink on your controller and a connection point on the server.  =
The server can then cause an event to take place on the client.  As part =
of the event handler functionality, the client can fetch the required =
parameters from the server and execute the callback function in its =
correct context.

Dave Razzetti

-----From: mjmo@lubrizol.com

     I think what you're talking about is an OLE control.  Controls support 
     properties and methods like Automation, and additionally support 
     events.  An event is really just the controlling program telling the 
     server what function to call when something happens, much like a 
     callback function.
     Mike Morel
     Mushroom Software

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