OCX Custom Font Property at Runtime (CFont to CFontHolder)
Martin Schlaghecke -- 100316.450@CompuServe.COM
Friday, September 13, 1996
Environment: VC++ 4.2, NT 3.51, NT 4.0 (Beta2)
Hi all,
I am implementing a OCX subclassed from a TreeView I want to have a Custom
Font Property Page on RunTime. Using the "normal" Font Dialog a get a CFont
back. The CFont could not be converted to the CFontHolder used in
Is it possible to use the OLE Font-PropertyPage from the COleControl or is
it possible to get a CFontHolder out of the Dialog?
Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@nwlink.com
Sunday, September 22, 1996
At 10:54 AM 9/13/96 +0200, "Martin Schlaghecke" <100316.450@CompuServe.COM>
>Environment: VC++ 4.2, NT 3.51, NT 4.0 (Beta2)
>I am implementing a OCX subclassed from a TreeView I want to have a Custom
>Font Property Page on RunTime. Using the "normal" Font Dialog a get a CFont
>back. The CFont could not be converted to the CFontHolder used in
CFont provides enough information to initialize a FONTDESC that you'd provide
to CFontHolder::InitializeFont().
You might be better-off getting the information directly from CFontDialog
of getting a CFont first. Check out CFontDialog's m_cf member, which has
a pointer to a LOGFONT structure.
.B ekiM
Don't look at my hands: look at my _shoulders_!
These words are my own. I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.
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