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CFormView-like Modeless Dialog

Steve Mark -- steve@otms.com
Wednesday, September 11, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win95, WinNT

Hi All,

Is there any way to create a window with all of the attributes of CFormView
WITHOUT having to create a CFormView.  I really don't need the document
class for this app, but I would like a scrollable, dialog-based MDI window.  

I've tried:

1. Modeless dialog: not MDI
2. CMDIChildWnd with the dialog resource created in it: background painting
needs to be handled, no scrolling.

Any other ideas?  Or did I just not go far enough with #2?


Thursday, September 12, 1996

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

I think CFormView gives you _exactly_ what you want.  CFormView does
not require a document.  Just set the CDocument pointer to NULL, or if
you are using CMultiDocTemplate, the document CRuntimeClass pointer to
NULL.  Voila, a CFormView without a document.  Works great.  I use it
all the time.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: CFormView-like Modeless Dialog
Author:  INTERNET:steve@otms.com at CSERVE
Date:    9/12/96 12:13 AM

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Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 09:29:34 -0700
To: mfc-l@netcom.com
From: Steve Mark 
Subject: CFormView-like Modeless Dialog 
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Reply-To: mfc-l@netcom.com
Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win95, WinNT
Hi All,
Is there any way to create a window with all of the attributes of CFormView 
WITHOUT having to create a CFormView.  I really don't need the document 
class for this app, but I would like a scrollable, dialog-based MDI window.
I've tried:
1. Modeless dialog: not MDI
2. CMDIChildWnd with the dialog resource created in it: background painting 
needs to be handled, no scrolling.
Any other ideas?  Or did I just not go far enough with #2?

-----From: ganeshs@nationwide.com

    You could try CFormView as a child of CMDIChildWnd (giving it the ID

    CFormView* pDlgWnd = new CFormView;
    // etc, etc...


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 ___) | | |_| | (_| | | | | __/\__ \ | |
|____(_) \____|\__,_|_| |_|\___||___/_| |_|
-----From: Gordon Weakliem 

I know you said you don't want to create a CFormView, but you can create and use CView without 
a document.  The framework will shoot out a warning that you're creating a view without a 
document, but it doesn't seem to harm anything.  Mind you, I've discovered this from fooling 
around, I've never tried to write a serious app using this technique.  Basically, what you'd 
do is:

  CChildFrame *pFrm = new CChildFrame;  // CChildFrame is a CMDIChildWnd
  CCreateContext Cx;
  Cx.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyView);
  Cx.m_pCurrentDoc = NULL;
  Cx.m_pNewDocTemplate = NULL;
  Cx.m_pLastView = NULL;
  Cx.m_pCurrentFrame = pFrm; // This may be unnecessary - I think it can safely be NULL

> 1. Modeless dialog: not MDI
> 2. CMDIChildWnd with the dialog resource created in it: background painting
> needs to be handled, no scrolling.

Option #2 is a possibility, but there's so much code in CScrollView that would have to be 
duplicated that I'd pursue trying to use the view some more.  After all, "You are not a 
machine, so stop repeating yourself" ;)
Gordon Weakliem

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