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Setting the height of a CListCtrl item in report mode?

Randy Kirby -- randy@sensor.secacc.com
Monday, September 09, 1996

 Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win 95

How can I set the height of a CListCtrl item in report mode? I have a 
couple of 16x16 icons that I'm drawing in each row that are getting the 
bottom pixels chopped off (the rows are too close anyway). I tried 
changing the font for its parent - the height of the column headers 
changed, but not the height of the item rows.

Any suggestions?

Randy Kirby
Sensormatic Electronics
Boca Raton, FL

Jeff Moss -- jeff.moss@gtri.gatech.edu
Tuesday, September 10, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

>.. the height of the column headers 
>changed, but not the height of the item rows.

The only solution I could find to this limitation was making the CListCtrl
an ownerdraw-fixed. Doing this means that you have to draw each line's
output, handle redrawing on sorting (if enabled), and handle scrolling. 

I found Jeff Prosise's book, "Programming Windows 95 with MFC" very helpful
for ironing out the sorting and scrolling issues. If you do not have access
to the book or have more questions, I will elaborate.

MOSS, JEFFREY N --- Research Scientist
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta Georgia, 30332


(404) 894-5959 (voice)
(404) 894-7080 (fax)

-----From: drt@ebt.com (Randy Taylor)

Environment: VC++ 4.2, Win NT 3.51

>How can I set the height of a CListCtrl item in report mode?

I don't know for sure, but I do know that if you:

> have a 
>couple of 16x16 icons that I'm drawing in each row that are getting the 
>bottom pixels chopped off (the rows are too close anyway).

Then the problem is related to specifying LVS_SMALLICON and/or LVS_NORMAL
where it conflicts with the styles for your imagelist such as LVSIL_NORMAL
LVSIL_SMALL. Try fiddling with those styles so that the "match"


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