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Modeless Dialog Boxes

Spencer Jones -- Spencer@azure.com
Thursday, September 05, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.1 and Windows NT 3.51

Is it possible to open a modeless dialog box and then minimize the DOC /
VIEW framework and leave the modeless (or possible many modeless) dialog
box open. I want the framework to be visible as an icon, I.E. I do not
want to make it invisible and leave the modeless dialog box to display
processing I actually want the main framework to appear as an icon and
the user still able to work on the modeless dialog boxes.

Spencer Jones ( http://www.azure.com/~spencer/)
Chief Software Developer
Azure Limited

Roger Onslow -- Roger_Onslow@compsys.com.au
Friday, September 06, 1996

[Mini-digest: 5 responses]

>Is it possible to open a modeless dialog box and then minimize the DOC /
>VIEW framework and leave the modeless (or possible many modeless) dialog
>box open. I want the framework to be visible as an icon, I.E. I do not
>want to make it invisible and leave the modeless dialog box to display
>processing I actually want the main framework to appear as an icon and
>the user still able to work on the modeless dialog boxes.

Not sure, but you could try making the parent of the Desktop window the parent 
of the modeless dialog(s) when you create it/them.  I thinkg, then, that when 
you minimize your app, it wond affect the dialogs (because they are not 
children of your app's main window).

Roger Onslow
-----From: Fabio Ferracchiati 

Have you tried to use the ShowWindow method with the SW_MINIMIZE =

^                          Fabio Ferracchiati Windows Developer          =
^                          Infobyte S.p.A (Italy)                        =
-----From: David Ohlssen 

David Ohlssen responds:
I have had a lot of success doing just that.   You need
the whole doc/view framework if you plan to do print
preview etc.  It also makes your app much more solid
and capable.   Simply create the dlg and then hide the 
main window.   You must do this after the
ProcessShellCommand line.  You get a taskbar entry or
icon depending on the OS version.    I normally use a 
prop sheet as the main app window for a certain type of
app.   Then it is easy to see different aspects of the
app by tabbing to property pages.    You have to be 
careful about where your data is stored and how you 
close the app.  The best way to close is with a button 
which closes the main frame window.  How?  

	((CMyApp *)AfxGetApp())->m_pMainWnd->DestroyWindow();

The above will work from anywhere and does a really
thorough job of closing down all windows including your
modeless dialogs etc.  It will stop timers and end the
app gracefully.   Quite a polite attitude for something
with such a ruthless name.   You also need to override 
OnCancel and let it call the same destroy.
To use print preview, simply call OnPrintPreview in
the (hidden) view class by means of a pointer to view
which you can put in the App class and init to "this" from
the view.   
*Any criticisms/queries welcome*
-----From: David.Lowndes@bj.co.uk


You can do this very easily by making your modeless dialog have the desktop
as its parent. The following snippet should illustrate how to do it:

void CTestApp::OnAboutModeless() 
	/* Create a modeless version of the about box */
	static CAboutDlg * pDlg;

	if ( pDlg == NULL )
		pDlg = new CAboutDlg;

		/* Create the dialog */
		pDlg->Create( IDD_ABOUTBOX, CWnd::FromHandle( GetDesktopWindow() ) );
		/* Destroy the dialog */

		delete pDlg;

		pDlg = NULL;

Dave Lowndes
-----From: PP mail system 

Please find following some bits I've drug out of a working
application & grafted onto a temp workspace called Fred.  I
leave the cleaning up to you, cos it's ugly as it stands.  I
just made it work with minimum effort.  Doubtless there are
cleaner approaches  --  you may wish to try grafting it on to the App
rather than the Mainframe.

Jim LW

P.S.  If it looks funny that's because this eMail system is limited to
      72 col.s, so I've done the line-wrap by hand.

BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient
    (LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext)
 // TODO: Add your specialized code here
        // and/or call the base class

     m_pFredModeless = new CFredModeless(this);
     CWnd* pFredModelessWnd = (CWnd*) m_pFredModeless;
     if (pFredModelessWnd->GetSafeHwnd() == NULL)
         delete m_pFredModeless;
         AfxMessageBox("Failed to create modeless Dialog");
         return FALSE;
     return CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext);

void CMainFrame::OnDestroy()

    // TODO: Add your message handler code here
    delete m_pFredModeless;
    //^^^^causes warning below!!! Do you care???

CFredModeless::CFredModeless(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
              : CDialog(CFredModeless::IDD, pParent)
    // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here

BOOL CFredModeless::Create()
    return CDialog::Create(CFredModeless::IDD);

void CFredModeless::OnCancel()
    // TODO: Add extra cleanup here

    CDialog::OnCancel();//this will hide it, not destroy it

void CFredModeless::OnOK()
    // TODO: Add extra validation here

    //CDialog::OnOK();<=== Do this & it hides!

void CFredModeless::Display()
    //How you get here after the 1st display is your business!

>From the DEBUG window:

Warning: calling DestroyWindow in CDialog::~CDialog --
 OnDestroy or PostNcDestroy in derived class will not be called.

Joseph M. Koral -- jkoral@tiac.net
Friday, September 06, 1996

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pjn -- pjn@indigo.ie
Saturday, September 07, 1996

On Thu, 5 Sep 1996 14:56:28 +0100, you wrote:

>Environment: VC++ 4.1 and Windows NT 3.51
>Is it possible to open a modeless dialog box and then minimize the DOC /
>VIEW framework and leave the modeless (or possible many modeless) dialog
>box open. I want the framework to be visible as an icon, I.E. I do not
>want to make it invisible and leave the modeless dialog box to display
>processing I actually want the main framework to appear as an icon and
>the user still able to work on the modeless dialog boxes.

You need to make sure that the parent of the modeless dialog is not
the mainframe off your window. That way it will not minimize when the
main window is iconized to the taskbar.

                             @ @
|                                           PJ Naughter              |
|                                                                    |
| Software Developer                   Email: pjn@indigo.ie          |
| Softech Telecom                      Tel:   +353-1-2958384         |
|                                      Fax:   +353-1-2956290         |
| Author of DTime - A Collection       URL:   http://indigo.ie/~pjn  |
| of Date & Time classes for MFC                                     |
|                                                                    |
|                  Addr: 7 Woodford, Brewery Road, Stillorgan,       |
|                        Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Republic of Ireland  |

Monday, September 09, 1996

     I am wondering this will make your applicaton contain two icons when 
     you do ALT-TAB?

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
You need to make sure that the parent of the modeless dialog is not 
the mainframe off your window. That way it will not minimize when the 
main window is iconized to the taskbar.
                             @ @
|                                           PJ Naughter              | 
|                                                                    | 
| Software Developer                   Email: pjn@indigo.ie          | 
| Softech Telecom                      Tel:   +353-1-2958384         | 
|                                      Fax:   +353-1-2956290         | 
| Author of DTime - A Collection       URL:   http://indigo.ie/~pjn  | 
| of Date & Time classes for MFC                                     | 
|                                                                    | 
|                  Addr: 7 Woodford, Brewery Road, Stillorgan,       | 
|                        Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Republic of Ireland  | 

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