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Name mangling problem for CTreeCtrl::GetItem() in 4.2

Nicholas Van Wyen -- VANWYENN@gunet.georgetown.edu
Thursday, August 29, 1996

Environment: VC4.2, WinNT4.0 (release)

In MFC 4.0 the BOOL CTreeCtrl::GetItem(TV_ITEM *pItem) const; 
function mangles to
?GetItem@CTreeCtrl@@QBEHPAU_TV_ITEMA@@@Z, but in 4.2
the same function is mangled as
?GetItem@CTreeCtrl@@QBEHPAUtagTVITEMA@@@Z in the LIB
file. Using the mangling rules setup by Microsoft the first one is correct
for the source code that is supplied with 4.2 subscription. Now short of
recompiling MFC or tagging the structure TV_ITEM does anyone have
any ideas ? Is there a fix for this in the 4.2a patches ? Is there a 4.2b
patch that I am not aware of ? Is there an option in the IDE to avoid this
? Is there a seventh Brady Kid ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Note: This same linking problem will be encountered with
CHeaderCtrl:GetItem, CListCtrl::GetItem and CTabCtr::GetItem....

I can be e-mailed directly at vanwyenn@gunet.georgetown.edu or (202)
784 1569, but be aware that any response that I get (either internally or
externally) will be posted back to the MFC-l list server.

[Moderator's note: I would rather that people just send their answers
to the list and let it get summarized that way.  It's OK to also
send the answer to Nicholas.]

/* Source */
void CTestDlg::OnTestButton() 
	TV_ITEM itemstate;

	itemstate.mask = TVIF_STATE;
	itemstate.stateMask = TVIS_SELECTED | TVIS_FOCUSED;
	if (!m_TreeCtrl.GetItem(&itemstate)) { // <<<<< error here
		TRACE("GetItem function failed !\n");

/* Linker error messages */
CTestDlg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: int
__thiscall CTreeCtrl::GetItem(struct _TV_ITEMA *)const

Debug/ TestDlg.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Mast-CBT -- mast@ibenet.it
Tuesday, September 03, 1996

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

At 05.08 29/08/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Environment: VC4.2, WinNT4.0 (release)
>In MFC 4.0 the BOOL CTreeCtrl::GetItem(TV_ITEM *pItem) const; 
>function mangles to
>?GetItem@CTreeCtrl@@QBEHPAU_TV_ITEMA@@@Z, but in 4.2
>the same function is mangled as
>?GetItem@CTreeCtrl@@QBEHPAUtagTVITEMA@@@Z in the LIB
>file. Using the mangling rules setup by Microsoft the first one is correct
>for the source code that is supplied with 4.2 subscription. Now short of
>recompiling MFC or tagging the structure TV_ITEM does anyone have
>any ideas ? Is there a fix for this in the 4.2a patches ? Is there a 4.2b
>patch that I am not aware of ? Is there an option in the IDE to avoid this
>? Is there a seventh Brady Kid ?
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Note: This same linking problem will be encountered with
>CHeaderCtrl:GetItem, CListCtrl::GetItem and CTabCtr::GetItem....
>I can be e-mailed directly at vanwyenn@gunet.georgetown.edu or (202)
>784 1569, but be aware that any response that I get (either internally or
>externally) will be posted back to the MFC-l list server.
>[Moderator's note: I would rather that people just send their answers
>to the list and let it get summarized that way.  It's OK to also
>send the answer to Nicholas.]
>/* Source */
>void CTestDlg::OnTestButton() 
>	TV_ITEM itemstate;
>	itemstate.mask = TVIF_STATE;
>	itemstate.stateMask = TVIS_SELECTED | TVIS_FOCUSED;
>	if (!m_TreeCtrl.GetItem(&itemstate)) { // <<<<< error here
>		TRACE("GetItem function failed !\n");
>	}
>/* Linker error messages */
>CTestDlg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: int
>__thiscall CTreeCtrl::GetItem(struct _TV_ITEMA *)const
>Debug/ TestDlg.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals


Your code is not correct because I use it without problems.
Here's the code right :

void CDLGIstruttore::OnSelchangingTreIstruttori(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT*
	// Return HTREEITEM information about selected item
	HTREEITEM IstrSelezionato = m_TreIstruttori.GetSelectedItem();	

	TV_ITEM TreeCtrlIstr;

	TreeCtrlIstr.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM;
	TreeCtrlIstr.hItem = IstrSelezionato;
        // Return information about selected item
	*pResult = 0;

You need variable with HTREEITEM structure (IstrSelezionato).
This variable has used subsequently to read the information of the selected
I think that the errors of signalled linker could show that your variable
(m_TreeCtrl) has been declared like (extern) and you then have forgotten to
define it in the external module.



-----From: "GoroKhM1" 

     Here is your code:
     >void CTestDlg::OnTestButton() 
     >  TV_ITEM itemstate;
     >  itemstate.mask = TVIF_STATE;
     >  itemstate.stateMask = TVIS_SELECTED | TVIS_FOCUSED;
     >  if (!m_TreeCtrl.GetItem(&itemstate)) { // <<<<< error here
     >    TRACE("GetItem function failed !\n"); ASSERT(FALSE);
     >  }
     I think the problem is not in GetItem() itself but in m_TreeCtrl.
     Here are snippets from my program which are working fine in VC 4.2
     void CMyTreeView::SetItemState(HTREEITEM hItem)
       . . .
       int iImage;
       iImage = IMAGE_DATA_DELETED;
       CTreeCtrl& ctlTree = GetTreeCtrl();
       TV_ITEM tvi;
       tvi.hItem = hItem;
       tvi.mask = TVIF_STATE;
       tvi.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK;
       if (ctlTree.GetItem(&tvi))
         tvi.state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(iImage);
     void CMyTreeView::SomeOperation(...)
       CTreeCtrl& ctlTree = GetTreeCtrl();
       . . .
       HTREEITEM hItem = (hParent == TVI_ROOT) ? 
                  ctlTree.GetRootItem() :
       . . .
       TV_ITEM tvi;
       tvi.hItem = hItem;
       tvi.mask = TVIF_STATE;
       if (!ctlTree.GetItem(&tvi))
       if (tvi.state & TVIS_EXPANDED)
         . . .

-----From: Nicholas Van Wyen 

The VC42a patch fixes this and can be found at

Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@nwlink.com
Tuesday, September 03, 1996

At 05:08 AM 8/29/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Environment: VC4.2, WinNT4.0 (release)

>In MFC 4.0 the BOOL CTreeCtrl::GetItem(TV_ITEM *pItem) const; 
>function mangles to
>?GetItem@CTreeCtrl@@QBEHPAU_TV_ITEMA@@@Z, but in 4.2
>the same function is mangled as
>?GetItem@CTreeCtrl@@QBEHPAUtagTVITEMA@@@Z in the LIB

This is because the parameter types to the function have changed. You
should examine the COMMCTRL.H file to see what's going on.  The Visual
C++ 4.2 product shipped with a newer version of the system headers than
the VC++ 4.0 product did.

>Using the mangling rules setup by Microsoft the first one is correct
>for the source code that is supplied with 4.2 subscription.

Actually, they're both correct given the different version of COMMCTRL.H
that ships with each version of the product. The compiler did not change
its name manging rules [for this kind of function and data types] between 
the 4.0 and 4.2 release.

>Now short of recompiling MFC or tagging the structure TV_ITEM does
>anyone have any ideas ?

There's not a problem in MFC--you don't need to recompile anything.  It
sounds like you have the new (from 4.2) MFC libraries and the old 
(from 4.0) system headers.  You need to get the new system headers into your
system and build against those, because that's what MFC 4.2 requires.

Maybe, your machine already has the correct headers.  Maybe you're just pointing
to the old headers first on your INCLUDE path.

>Is there a fix for this in the 4.2a patches ? Is there a 4.2b
>patch that I am not aware of ? Is there an option in the IDE to avoid this?

I don't think there's anything to fix in MFC or in VC++.  I think that your
machine has a configuration or setup problem.

>Is there a seventh Brady Kid?


>Note: This same linking problem will be encountered with
>CHeaderCtrl:GetItem, CListCtrl::GetItem and CTabCtr::GetItem....

This points squarely at the COMMCTRL.H header.

>[Moderator's note: I would rather that people just send their answers
>to the list and let it get summarized that way.  It's OK to also
>send the answer to Nicholas.]

I agree.

>	itemstate.stateMask = TVIS_SELECTED | TVIS_FOCUSED;

You'll find that the new, correct header doesn't include TVIS_FOCUSED. 

.B ekiM
These words are my own. I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.

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