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C2674 Error W/ Derived Class Operator=

William G Dempsey -- DEMPSEY@dempsey.com
Monday, August 26, 1996

Environment: VC 1.52, MFC 2.52, WfW 3.11

I am getting an error message C2674: '=' : no acceptable conversions
from 'int' to 'class ::CWDString' from code that attempts to initialize
a variable.

The variable is "RecVer" (shown below) declared as CWDString wich is a
class derived from CString.  CWDString has a empty constructor.  I was
expecting that the operator = implementation of the base class would be
available in the derived class.

Perhaps I am misinterpreting the error message.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

   class CWDString : public CString

   void  CWDConfig::InitCfg()
   	CWDString   RecVer;
   	RecVer    =  "00";    //  This is line 42

   clas.cpp(42) : error C2674: '=' : no acceptable conversions from 'int'
   to 'class ::CWDString'

 William G Dempsey     William G Dempsey & Associates     Tel: (408) 248-0544
                            840 Jefferson Street          FAX: (408) 248-0544
 dempsey@dempsey.com       Santa Clara, CA  95050

John Young -- jyoung@gol.com
Thursday, August 29, 1996

[Mini-digest: 10 responses]

Hi William, 

> From: William G Dempsey 
> To: mfc-l@netcom.com
> Subject: C2674 Error W/ Derived Class Operator=
> Date: 27 August 1996 11:34am
> Environment: VC 1.52, MFC 2.52, WfW 3.11
> I am getting an error message C2674: '=' : no acceptable conversions
> from 'int' to 'class ::CWDString' from code that attempts to initialize
> a variable.
> The variable is "RecVer" (shown below) declared as CWDString wich is a
> class derived from CString.  CWDString has a empty constructor.  I was
> expecting that the operator = implementation of the base class would be
> available in the derived class.
> Perhaps I am misinterpreting the error message.
> Any ideas?

Yup.  Derived classes do not inherit constructors and overloaded operators.
 You have to re-do them yourself in the derived class.  Its a pain, I know,
but cannot be avoided.



-----From: "Tomasz Pawlowski" 

Just add one more constructor:

  CWDString(const char *s):CString(s) { }

This allows to construct CWDConfig object from 'const char*' (i.e. from
"00"), and then in your statement
    	RecVer    =  "00";    //  This is line 42
memberwise copy will be applied (assuming that you didn't implement
assignment operator).


-----From: "S. Balachandar" 


The problem in your case is, the '=' operator is not inherited!!!.

Please note : The only operator that is not Inherited is the assignment                      operator!!.

I think this helps you.


S. Balachandar                                e-mail : chandar@adca01.enet.dec.com
Software Engineer                             Phone  : 3370445 Ext : 479
Digital Equipment (I) Ltd.,                   Fax    : 3371498
Digital House, 45/14 Tumkur Road,   
Yeshwanthpur II Stage,                    
Bangalore 560 022.                          
-----From: IAND@wcom.co.uk

You're not misinterpreting the message.
operator=3D is not inherited by a derived class.
You'll need to explicitly declare operator=3D and cut and paste some code f=
the MFC sources.

-----From: Dean Henkel 

You still need to overload the = operator for the type of 
operation you are  performing.  The other alternative is to 
initialize all data members of RecVer in the constructor of 
CWDString.  My preferred way assuming you never need to 

-----From: Zhilin Li 

According to Bjarne Stroustrup's book "The C++ Programming Language",
operator functions are inherited except operator=().

Have a nice day!



 Zhilin Li                           Infolytica Corporation        
 Software Developper                 300 Leo Pariseau #2222          
 Tel: (514) 849-8752 ext. 252        P.O.Box 1144, Place du Parc  
 Fax: (514) 849-4239                 Montreal, QC, Canada, H2W 2P4    
 e-Mail: zhilin@infolytica.qc.ca                            

-----From: David Little 

You need to write your own "operator =".  Operators aren't inherited.
Here is an example:

class CMyString : public CString

operator=(LPCSTR str)
  char* s = GetBuffer(strlen(str));  //allocate memory from CString
  strcpy(s,str);                     //copy string
  ReleaseBuffer();                   //release memory


You can also write operators for other data types.  I have a
CString-derived class that accepts ints, longs, and floats as
assignment.  I just do a Format() when I get those....

Hope this helps!

-----From: "Lee, Benny" 

operator= and the copy ctor is not inherited.

-----From: Peter Turpin 

>From VC 1.52 
C++ Language help

The assignment operator has some additional restrictions. It can be
overloaded only as a nonstatic member function, not as a friend
function. It is the only operator that cannot be inherited; a derived
class cannot use a base class's assignment operator.----------
-----From: "(Bobby)Babak Lashkari" 

overloaded operator = is not inherited and neither is the copy constructor.
you should implement a operator = for your new class and copy the code from
CString::operator =.

Babak Lashkari (604)221-8996

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