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CWinThread extensions

Bob Weidman -- bobfox@primenet.com
Thursday, August 22, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.1, Win 95, NT 3.51+

I am (trying) to write a TAPI / MAPI program.

I would like to have 2 separate threads created to read / write to the =
It would be so much easier (for me) to send a message to the read thread =
to "Look for" a certain string, and have the thread send my main thread =
a message when it finds it or something else.

How can I change the UI thread to handle this?

Plus I do not need a window attached to the other two threads, they are =
actually worker threads, but they need their own message loop, as well =
as use MFC objects.

The class wizard will not allow me to create User Messages, and if I =
manually add them to the=20
//{{AFX_MSG... loop
 the compiler will not allow me to do this.

Alistair Israel -- aisrael@hotmail.com
Sunday, August 25, 1996

[Mini-digest: 4 responses]

If you'll only be sending 'command' type messages to the read
thread, you should get by with PostThreadMessage().  As far as I know,
Classwizard does in fact allow you to code message handlers for
CWinThread-derived classes, but only of the WM_COMMAND type.  That is,
you should be able to create some custom ID_xx command that's not 
really on your menu, but can be seen by Classwizard and that gets 
handled by your thread class.

So you simply make your UI/primary thread post a WM_COMMAND message,
use the custom ID_xx command.  The worker thread can then send a 
notification message back to the main UI/primary thread.

Now if you need to send more 'complex' user-defined messages, (of the WM_APP +
something kind), then you'll really need a window as a 'target' of your
messages.  This is the technique we use for our multi-threaded sockets apps.

Good luck!


Alistair Israel

The original message follows:

>Environment: VC++ 4.1, Win 95, NT 3.51+
>I am (trying) to write a TAPI / MAPI program.
>I would like to have 2 separate threads created to read / write to 
>the Modem. It would be so much easier (for me) to send a message to 
>the read thread to "Look for" a certain string, and have the thread 
>send my main thread a message when it finds it or something else.
>How can I change the UI thread to handle this?
>Plus I do not need a window attached to the other two threads, they 
>are actually worker threads, but they need their own message loop, as 
>well as use MFC objects.
>The class wizard will not allow me to create User Messages, and if I 
>manually add them to the=20
>//{{AFX_MSG... loop
> the compiler will not allow me to do this.

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-----From: Niels Ull Jacobsen 

If the worker threads only needs to look for one string at a time, you ca=
either put the string in a common,=20
semaphore-protected variable, or post a message telling it which string t=
look for.
If you post a message, let the worker thread hold a list of strings to lo=
for as well as
HWND's of the windows which would like notifications for them. Remember, =
can't pass
CWnd's between threads.

You'll probably want to use PostThreadMessage to communicate betweeen the

>How can I change the UI thread to handle this?
>Plus I do not need a window attached to the other two threads, they are
actually worker threads, but they need their own message loop, as well as
use MFC objects.


>The class wizard will not allow me to create User Messages, and if I
manually add them to the=20
>//{{AFX_MSG... loop
> the compiler will not allow me to do this.

Eh? Are you adding an ON_MESSAGE macro in the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP ..
Put it outside //AFX.. comments so as not to confuse ClassWizard.
Does your message handler function have the correct type? afx_msg LONG
memberFxn( UINT, LONG );

Niels Ull Jacobsen, Kr=FCger A/S (nuj@kruger.dk)
Everything stated herein is THE OFFICIAL POLICY of the entire Kruger=20
group and should be taken as legally binding in every respect.=20
Pigs will grow wings and fly.

-----From: "Rommel Songco" 

Hello there!

>The class wizard will not allow me to create User Messages, and if I
manually >add them to the 
>//{{AFX_MSG... loop
> the compiler will not allow me to do this.

	Right.  Your CWinThread class cannot handle custom messages.  What you can
do is to attach a window to your CWinThread object and direct all your
messages there.  Create a CWnd-derived object and assign it to the
m_pMainWnd member of your thread object.

	BTW, there's a sample of a TAPI application in the MSDN called "tapicomm".


-----From: Mike Blaszczak 

Are you saying that the UI thread is the "main" thread, or are you saying
that the UI thread is the "read" thread?  You use two different terms
between your question and the first paragraph.

>Plus I do not need a window attached to the other two threads,
>they are actually worker threads, but they need their own message loop,
>as well as use MFC objects.

Then you should code a message loop for them.  The easiest way to do this is
to borrow MFC's for free by creating a hidden window.

>The class wizard will not allow me to create User Messages, and if I
manually add them to the 
>//{{AFX_MSG... loop the compiler will not allow me to do this.

In MFC 4.1, to trap thread messages, you need to override
PreTranslateMessage() in your CWinThread-derived class.  There are thread
message macros and functions in MFC 4.2, but ClassWizard still doesn't
support them.

.B ekiM
These words are my own. I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.

Steve Mark -- steve@otms.com
Wednesday, August 28, 1996

>...There are thread
>message macros and functions in MFC 4.2, but ClassWizard still doesn't
>support them.
>.B ekiM
>These words are my own. I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.


Can you elaborate on the new thread message macros and functions in 4.2?  Is
there any documentation for them?

Steve Mark

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