Low Virtual Memory-finding out why
Robert Sterling -- RSterling@msn.com
Thursday, August 22, 1996
Environment: MSVC 4.1 Windows NT 3.51
Application uses ODBC classes - access 32 bit driver from 3.0 driver pack
My NT application is an ODBC application that I have written that stores
textual and bitmap data in the database. It retrieves it and displays it.
Problem is that after awhile I get a "System is running low on Virtual memory"
error. I can then exit out of the application and rerun it to clear it out.
I have done the Process-Virtual Bytes tracking in the Performance Monitor and
can see every so often the virtual bytes for my process going up. The first
record that I retrieve it jumps up a bit. Then, every so often when I
retrieve a record it jumps up and doesn't clear. I know that I am clearing
the memory that allocate for the bitmap, I put some trace messages in there.
There are only two minor memory leaks on shutdown, nothing major.
How can I track down where memory is getting allocated and not cleared?
Lior Messinger -- 100274.2607@compuserve.com
Monday, August 26, 1996
>>How can I track down where memory is getting allocated and not cleared?
One automated way is using Bounds Checker, a software available from www.numega.com. You can also look in Performance Monitor, and see if your "available bytes" decline with time.
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From: "Robert Sterling", INTERNET:RSterling@msn.com
DATE: 8/26/96 1:48 AM
RE: Low Virtual Memory-finding out why
Sender: owner-mfc-l@majordomo.netcom.com
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Date: Thu, 22 Aug 96 17:08:18 UT
From: "Robert Sterling"
To: "mfc-l"
Subject: Low Virtual Memory-finding out why
Sender: owner-mfc-l@majordomo.netcom.com
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Reply-To: mfc-l@netcom.com
Environment: MSVC 4.1 Windows NT 3.51
Application uses ODBC classes - access 32 bit driver from 3.0 driver pack
My NT application is an ODBC application that I have written that stores
textual and bitmap data in the database. It retrieves it and displays it.
Problem is that after awhile I get a "System is running low on Virtual memory"
error. I can then exit out of the application and rerun it to clear it out.
I have done the Process-Virtual Bytes tracking in the Performance Monitor and
can see every so often the virtual bytes for my process going up. The first
record that I retrieve it jumps up a bit. Then, every so often when I
retrieve a record it jumps up and doesn't clear. I know that I am clearing
the memory that allocate for the bitmap, I put some trace messages in there.
There are only two minor memory leaks on shutdown, nothing major.
How can I track down where memory is getting allocated and not cleared?
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