Floating toolbar hide/unhide message
Thursday, August 22, 1996
Environment: VC++ 4.0, Win95
In the project I am working, I created a floating toolbar in the MainFrm.cpp
OnCreate() function:
int CMainFrame::ONCreate()
where m_paletteBar is an object of a class CPaleetebar -- derived
from CToolBar.
The floatingbar works fine accept one thing:
I would like to capture the message whenever one clicks on the top-right
kill the window button (cross button -- not minimize or maximize window
buttons) and perform some processing.
I have tried several methods such as to overwrite OnClose, OnDestroy ...
of the CpaletteBar class, but none of them successful.
Anyone in the net can solve this problem?
James Shao
DSP Technology
Jim McCabe -- jmccabe@mail.portup.com
Monday, August 26, 1996
[Mini-digest: 5 responses]
Hi James,
>I would like to capture the message whenever one clicks on the top-right
>kill the window button (cross button -- not minimize or maximize window
>buttons) and perform some processing.
Try capturing WM_SYSCOMMAND, wParam should be SC_CLOSE. I don't know if the
toolbars function this way, but ordinary windows do.
jmccabe@mail.portup.com - http://www.portup.com/~jmccabe
-----From: Mario Contestabile
It isn't killed or closed. It is hidden. You can check that by putting a
breakpoint in the
CpaletteBar DTOR. Write a handler for OnWindowPosChanged(), and you
can determine if indeed it is being hidden.
void CpaletteBar::OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos)
if( (lpwndpos->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) && (lpwndpos->flags & SWP_NOREDRAW) ){
CString title;
TRACE1("CpaletteBar::OnWindowPosChanged() Palette Bar closing %s\n", title);
CMainFrame* pMDIFrame = (CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd();
-----From: Mike Blaszczak
Simply overriding these functions isn't enough. You need to hook up a
message map entry that says your OnClose() or OnDestroy() function handles
WM_CLOSE or WM_DESTROY. Or did you mean to say that you did make a message
map and get everything hooked up like that and you're still not getting the
.B ekiM
http://www.nwlink.com/~mikeblas <--- trip report central
1995 Honda VFR750F (Serial number 00050!) 4 Corners 1996!
1987 Yamaha FZ700 (damaged) AMA, HRC, VFROC
These words are my own: I do not speak for Microsoft.
-----From: WnDBSoft@aol.com
Sure. I have an idea which might help, though I'm not sure. Have
ClassWizard add a message handler for WM_SYSCOMMAND to your message map.
Now, go to wincore.cpp and find CWnd::OnSysCommand( ), if it's there. Once
you find CWnd::OnSysCommand( ), copy (do not cut) the entire body of the
function to the Clipboard.
Then, in the CPaletteBar::OnSysCommand( ) handler, select the comments in the
body and then paste the Clipboard contents over the selection. NOTE: Change
over all the calls to CWnd::OnSysCommand( ) to CToolBar::OnSysCommand( ).
In OnSysCommand( ), there is a switch(nID & 0xFF0) { } series, with case:
SC_* in it.
Let all of the case: SC_* fall through, except for case: SC_CLOSE. Then,
write a function which does your close processing, then call the base class
OnSysCommand( ).
You see, clicking the close button on the titlebar send WM_SYSCOMMAND with a
wParam of SC_CLOSE.
For example:
void CPalletteBar::DoCloseProcessing( )
// ...
// TODO: Add code here to do processing on close
// ...
// WM_SYSCOMMAND handler
void CPalletteBar::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam )
if (AfxGetMainWnd( )->m_bHelpMode)
// help processing...
// switch/case on nID & 0xFF0, or something like that, I'm not
switch (nID & 0xFF0)
case SC_CLOSE:
DoCloseProcessing( );
CToolBar::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);
// let's put a default here for brevity
// call base class for all other system
CToolBar::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);
-----From: Mark Conway
Two things to note about the close button on the CToolBar:
1) The toolbar is inside a frame window MFC creates - the undocumented
CMiniDockFrameWnd class. When a control bar is floated, this is created
dynamically by the frame work, and your toolbar is parented off it.
2) The default action for this close button on the frame window is to
just to hide the control bar, so you won't get close/destroy messages.
It is possible to replace the CMiniDockFrameWnd class yourself - MFC
provides a hook (more of a loophole really) for doing this:
CFrameWnd::m_pFloatingFrameClass points to a runtime class structure for
the class to create for a floating frame. Derive from CMiniDockFrameWnd,
and slot your own class in here. Although not quite what you want,
download MRCEXT from
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mrconway/mrcext.htm and you'll
find some source code that uses this technique for something a bit more
You can also hook into your toolbars WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED/CHANGING
messages, and when you receive them workout whether it's visible or not.
The toolbar gets these messages when the toolbar is being floated,
docked, hidden or shown, as well as in more normal circumstances. This
is an indirect way, and more problematic, but you may prefer it.
Hope this helps
Shane -- shane_trenary@penmetrics.com
Tuesday, August 27, 1996
Two people below hit upon your solution--however, the last person
below also has an additional solution you may want to use.
-- Shane
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Floating toolbar hide/unhide message
Author: mfc-l@netcom.com at Internet
Date: 8/27/96 9:34 AM
Received: by ccmail
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From: jmccabe@mail.portup.com (Jim McCabe)
X-ccAdmin: postmaster@bashir
To: mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: Floating toolbar hide/unhide message
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 08:32:37 -0400
Message-ID: <322198be.460434@mail.portup.com>
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Reply-To: mfc-l@netcom.com
[Mini-digest: 5 responses]
Hi James,
>I would like to capture the message whenever one clicks on the top-right
>kill the window button (cross button -- not minimize or maximize window
>buttons) and perform some processing.
Try capturing WM_SYSCOMMAND, wParam should be SC_CLOSE. I don't know if the
toolbars function this way, but ordinary windows do.
jmccabe@mail.portup.com - http://www.portup.com/~jmccabe
-----From: Mario Contestabile
It isn't killed or closed. It is hidden. You can check that by putting a
breakpoint in the
CpaletteBar DTOR. Write a handler for OnWindowPosChanged(), and you
can determine if indeed it is being hidden.
void CpaletteBar::OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos)
if( (lpwndpos->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) && (lpwndpos->flags & SWP_NOREDRAW) ){
CString title;
TRACE1("CpaletteBar::OnWindowPosChanged() Palette Bar closing %s\n", title);
CMainFrame* pMDIFrame = (CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd();
-----From: Mike Blaszczak
Simply overriding these functions isn't enough. You need to hook up a
message map entry that says your OnClose() or OnDestroy() function handles
WM_CLOSE or WM_DESTROY. Or did you mean to say that you did make a message
map and get everything hooked up like that and you're still not getting the
.B ekiM
http://www.nwlink.com/~mikeblas <--- trip report central
1995 Honda VFR750F (Serial number 00050!) 4 Corners 1996!
1987 Yamaha FZ700 (damaged) AMA, HRC, VFROC
These words are my own: I do not speak for Microsoft.
-----From: WnDBSoft@aol.com
Sure. I have an idea which might help, though I'm not sure. Have
ClassWizard add a message handler for WM_SYSCOMMAND to your message map.
Now, go to wincore.cpp and find CWnd::OnSysCommand( ), if it's there. Once
you find CWnd::OnSysCommand( ), copy (do not cut) the entire body of the
function to the Clipboard.
Then, in the CPaletteBar::OnSysCommand( ) handler, select the comments in the
body and then paste the Clipboard contents over the selection. NOTE: Change
over all the calls to CWnd::OnSysCommand( ) to CToolBar::OnSysCommand( ).
In OnSysCommand( ), there is a switch(nID & 0xFF0) { } series, with case:
SC_* in it.
Let all of the case: SC_* fall through, except for case: SC_CLOSE. Then,
write a function which does your close processing, then call the base class
OnSysCommand( ).
You see, clicking the close button on the titlebar send WM_SYSCOMMAND with a
wParam of SC_CLOSE.
For example:
void CPalletteBar::DoCloseProcessing( )
// ...
// TODO: Add code here to do processing on close
// ...
// WM_SYSCOMMAND handler
void CPalletteBar::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam )
if (AfxGetMainWnd( )->m_bHelpMode)
// help processing...
// switch/case on nID & 0xFF0, or something like that, I'm not
switch (nID & 0xFF0)
case SC_CLOSE:
DoCloseProcessing( );
CToolBar::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);
// let's put a default here for brevity
// call base class for all other system
CToolBar::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);
-----From: Mark Conway
Two things to note about the close button on the CToolBar:
1) The toolbar is inside a frame window MFC creates - the undocumented
CMiniDockFrameWnd class. When a control bar is floated, this is created
dynamically by the frame work, and your toolbar is parented off it.
2) The default action for this close button on the frame window is to
just to hide the control bar, so you won't get close/destroy messages.
It is possible to replace the CMiniDockFrameWnd class yourself - MFC
provides a hook (more of a loophole really) for doing this:
CFrameWnd::m_pFloatingFrameClass points to a runtime class structure for
the class to create for a floating frame. Derive from CMiniDockFrameWnd,
and slot your own class in here. Although not quite what you want,
download MRCEXT from
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mrconway/mrcext.htm and you'll
find some source code that uses this technique for something a bit more
You can also hook into your toolbars WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED/CHANGING
messages, and when you receive them workout whether it's visible or not.
The toolbar gets these messages when the toolbar is being floated,
docked, hidden or shown, as well as in more normal circumstances. This
is an indirect way, and more problematic, but you may prefer it.
Hope this helps
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