Scrolling Lists of Edit controls
Ross Cutler --
Monday, August 19, 1996
Environment: Windows NT 4.0, Visual C++ 4.2
I need to create a control that looks like a scrollable list of CEdit
controls (along with labels) in a dialog box. The number of edit controls
and the label contents need to be programable. The number of rows will
be almost always be small (< 8).
Does anyone have a suggestion of a way to do this? Thanks. Ross.
Kostya Sebov --
Friday, August 23, 1996
[Mini-digest: 8 responses]
> Environment: Windows NT 4.0, Visual C++ 4.2
> I need to create a control that looks like a scrollable list of CEdit
> controls (along with labels) in a dialog box. The number of edit controls
> and the label contents need to be programable. The number of rows will
> be almost always be small (< 8).
> Does anyone have a suggestion of a way to do this? Thanks. Ross.
If the view class is Ok then you may create CFormView-derived class based on
dialog template consisting of max number of rows (8?). Then in OnInitialUpdate
or OnUpdate (whatever is more appropriate) show/hide extra labels/edits and
SetScrollSizes to adjust the scrolling range.
If you really need control you can use CListCtrl whith in-place label editing
enabled if you can survive with edit fields FOLLOWED by the labels. Or implement
two-columned listbox (using LVS_USETABSTOPS style or something alike) and
roll your own in-place editing (there must be an article on the MSDN devoted to
such in-place editing -- didn't check, just heard).
Kostya Sebov.
Tel: (38 044) 266-6387 | Fax: (38 044) 266-6195 | E-mail:
-----From: John Simmons
How about building a dialog template that has (for the sake of example) 5
static text controls in a column, 5 edit controls in a colum , and then a
scrollbar. Next, build a linked list of structs that hold descriptions and
edit field contents, and use the scrollbar to update the fields in the dialog.
2nd Idea - put a listbox on the dialog with an edit control beside it. Fill
the list box with the descriptions and update the edit control based on
which description is selected.
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-----From: Paul Roub
I'm doing something similar -- one scrollable pane in a splitter window,
which holds different controls at different times, depending on tree
selections in another window. Again, the number and types vary
dynamically with the data.
Anyway, I just derived from CScrollView and set about creating and
destroying the controls on the heap as needed. It's working very well
for me.
// Paul Roub, Galacticomm Technical Operations
// (954)583-5990
There was an article a few months ago in Microsoft Systems Journal
that did exactly this.
Their web site is at :
You can download the source to their class there. You might also be
able to order a back-issue if you want the explaination - but once you
have the source, you should be all set.
-----From: Steve Mark
FWIW I did this but not using a control. I dynamically create edit controls
and put them on a CFormView-derived class. Each control has the same ID
(e.g. ID_EDIT_BOX) and I keep an array matching CWnd*'s to identifying
information about each control. When the user does something with a control
I do a table lookup into the array and then I know which control the user is
accessing. In fact, it is database-table-based and can handle several
different kind of controls, allowing for runtime and modular changes of the
screen layout.
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-----From: "Greg Tighe"
If you have a limit on the number of edit controls you will need you
1) Use the ResourceView to create a dialog with the maximum number
of edit controls with labels (be sure to give the static text
controls unique ID if you want to programmatically set the label
text.) Set this dialog's style to 'Child' and enable the vertical
and/or scrollbar options.
2) You can vary the number of edit controls in use by showing the
ones you want and hiding the ones you don't
3) You will need to handle WM_VSCROLL/WM_HSCROLL messages to scroll
the controls in your dialog. ScrollWindow() works well for this.
To use this dialog as a control in another dialog:
1) Add a member variable of type CMyScrollingEditControlDlgControl
to your dialog.
2) In the parent dialog's OnInitDialog() method you will need to
call CMyScrollingEditControlDlgControl::Create().
3) Move/size the control to the desired location within the parent
4) You may need to reflect some WM_COMMAND messages from the control
back to the parent dialog (especially IDOK and IDCANCEL messages.)
If you allow a totally arbitrary number of edit controls within the
scrolling dialog control then you will need to dynamically Create()
CStatic and CEdit controls within your scrolling dialog.
Hope this helps some.
-Greg Tighe
Applied Intelligent Systems, Inc.
Ann Arbor, MI
If you make the listbox the parent of the CEdit's during the Create
phase. Then add a numer of strings to the listbox corresponding
to each line of the text in the edit you create. The edits will
'magically' appear in the listbox.
-----From: "Ramos-Bonilla, Ibsen"
Hi Ross,
If I what you're asking is what I did just a couple of months ago, then
you're in luck, if not sorry.
What I did is the following:
STEP #1: Create your dialog box (CMyDialog) and add a picture box where
you want your scrollable list to appear and give it and ID (ID_MY_PIC).
Here is my header file:
class CMyDialog : public CDialog
// Construction
CMyDialog(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor
CRect m_rectFrame, m_rectView; // (m_rectFrame = picture box,
m_rectView = CFormView);
Here is my implementation file:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MyApp.h"
#include "MyDialog.h"
#include "MyScrollList.h"
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
// get a pointer to a new frame and view for the scrollable list
CFrameWnd* pScrollListFrame = new CFrameWnd;
CMyScrollList* pScrollListView = new CMyScrollList;
// set the frame coordinates
CWnd* pScrollListWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_MY_PIC);
// create the scroll list frame
pScrollListFrame->Create(NULL, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,
this, NULL, 0, NULL);
// set the view coordinates
m_rectView.SetRect(0, 0, m_rectFrame.right - 24, m_rectFrame.bottom -
108); // (set these coordinates depending on the size of your scroll
list form).
// create the scroll list view
m_rectView, pScrollListFrame, IDD_SCROLL_LIST, NULL);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
STEP #2: Create a CFormView (IDD_SCROLL_LIST) that contains all of your
CEdit controls and labels. Make it's Style = Child, no title.
Here is my header file:
class CMyScrollList : public CFormView
friend class CMyDialog; //<-very important !!!!!
CMyScrollList(); // protected constructor used by dynamic
// Form Data
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add data members here
With this setup, you can continuously, keep on adding new controls to
the CFormView, without having to change your Dialog box. Well, let me
know if that helped in any way..................!!!!!! Have fun.....
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