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Setting the height of a list control

Monday, August 19, 1996

     Environment: VC++ 4.0, Win 95
     Hi Everybody,
     I am trying to double the height of the list control in a form view 
     with the following code.
        CListCtrl*   plist = (CListCtrl*) GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1);
        CHeaderCtrl* pHead = (CHeaderCtrl*) plist->GetDlgItem(0);
        HD_LAYOUT layout;
        plist->InsertColumn(0,"Some Text", LVCFMT_LEFT, 500,0);
        layout.pwpos->cy = layout.pwpos->cy * 2;
        CWnd* pWnd = pHead->FromHandle(layout.pwpos->hwndInsertAfter);
        pHead->SetWindowPos(pWnd, layout.pwpos->x, layout.pwpos->y,         
                            layout.pwpos->cx, layout.pwpos->cy,             
     But, I found the SetWindowPos function returns false and the height 
     have not been set. Have I ignored something or done something wrong?? 
     What is the proper place to put the code??(I have try 
     OnInitialUpdate() but it cause an assertion error. Currently, I just 
     place them in OnDraw()).
     Thanks for any suggestion.
     Wallace PEI, 

Wednesday, August 21, 1996

>     I am trying to double the height of the list control in a form view 
>     with the following code...
>        pHead->SetWindowPos(pWnd, layout.pwpos->x, layout.pwpos->y,         
>                            layout.pwpos->cx, layout.pwpos->cy,             
>                            layout.pwpos->flags);


Have you checked the layout.pwpos->flags? It might contain flags that excluse
the resize operation you'll need. You could try passing:


Dave Lowndes

Sunday, August 25, 1996

Here's how I set the height of a CListCtrl from my CMainFrame class:

    // Adjust size of ClistCtrl and its frame
    CListCtrl* pListCtrl = (CListCtrl*)theApp.mpView->GetListCtrl();
    CWnd* pParentFrame = pListCtrl->GetParentFrame();
    pParentFrame->MoveWindow(xcoord, ycoord, cx, cy);

Good luck.

>     Environment: VC++ 4.0, Win 95
>     I am trying to double the height of the list control in a form view.

Michael Thal        michael@datatree.com                              
Data Tree Corp.     http://www.datatree.com

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