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Owner Drawn CListCtrl derived class in a CListView

Colin Angus Mackay -- colin.angus.mackay@dial.pipex.com
Friday, August 09, 1996

Environment: Win95 NT 3.51 VC++ 4.0


I want to create a derived CListCtrl class and put it into a CListView 
derived class that I have. However I am not sure how this can be achieved.

I have looked at my problem and the only thing it appears I can't do, that 
I want to do, in the CListView derived class is overload DrawItems so that 
I can highlight the entire row, not just the first column.

Any help would be appreciated,


Alix -- AARGUELL@sys1.com
Monday, August 12, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]
[Moderator's note: Sorry folks.  I got busy and didn't read this

Microsoft has an example that implements highlighting the entire row.   
 You can get it at

The file name is ODLISTVW.EXE

Good Luck!

Alix Arguelles

From:  owner-mfc-l[SMTP:owner-mfc-l@netcom.com]
Sent:  Friday, August 09, 1996 11:54 PM
To:  'MFC Mailing List'
Subject:  Owner Drawn CListCtrl derived class in a CListView

Environment: Win95 NT 3.51 VC++ 4.0


I want to create a derived CListCtrl class and put it into a CListView
derived class that I have. However I am not sure how this can be   

I have looked at my problem and the only thing it appears I can't do,   
I want to do, in the CListView derived class is overload DrawItems so   
I can highlight the entire row, not just the first column.

Any help would be appreciated,

-----From: glachape@spherenet.com

You will find how to select the entire row in the July MSDN CD-ROM (Visual
C++ knowledge base). This is exactly what you are searching for...

Ghislain Lachapelle         (glachape@spherenet.com)
          .                            .                      .
  .                  .             -)------+====+       .
                           -)----====    ,'   ,'   .                 .
              .                  `.  `.,;___,'                .
                                   `, |____l_\
                    _,.....------c==]""______ |,,,,,,.....____ _
    .      .       "-:______________  |____l_|]'''''''''''       .     .
                                  ,'"",'.   `.
         .                 -)-----====   `.   `.              LS
                     .            -)-------+====+       .            .
             .                               .

Sajith Kumar -- sajith@wallop.com
Wednesday, August 14, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

I implemeted the same sort of customized CListCtrl to highlight
selection line. Basically to override the DrawItem method and so some
thing like this. Since the CListCtrl doent have any member/method to
givve the number of columns int he list control, you have to maintain a
column count and to manage it you have to overide all InsertColumn and
DeleteColmun methods.  Try this.

void CNBIListCtrl::DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct )
	if (m_on_item == FALSE)

	int i = lpDrawItemStruct->itemID;

	// get all rectangles
	CRect item_rect,label_rect,image_rect,full_rect;
	GetItemRect(i, item_rect,LVIR_BOUNDS);

	full_rect = item_rect; // save

	// starting point for the image
	CPoint image_point(image_rect.left,image_rect.top);

	// format the dc 
	CDC* cdc = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC);
	int	sysDC	= cdc->SaveDC();
	// get the imagelist if any
	CImageList*p_image_list = GetImageList(LVSIL_SMALL);
	int image_index;
		// get the image index

		LV_ITEM		lvitem;
		/// Set the first column
		lvitem.mask = LVIF_IMAGE;
		lvitem.iItem = i;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;

		image_index = lvitem.iImage;
		// get the bitmap details

	COLORREF back_color,for_color;
	UINT image_style;

	// find out the fore ground, back ground colors and image draw mode
		// Selected
		back_color =  ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
		for_color =  ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
		image_style = ILD_BLEND25;
		back_color= ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
		for_color =  ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
		image_style = ILD_NORMAL;
	CBrush brush;



	// out the first colum

	if(m_column_count) {
		// write th first colume sperate
		CString text = GetItemText(i,0);

		CRect rect = item_rect;
		int left = item_rect.left+GetColumnWidth(0);

		for(int j=1;jExtTextOut(rect.left,rect.top,ETO_CLIPPED,&rect,GetItemText(i,j),




Sajith Kumar
1155 Triton Drive, Suite E
Foster City, CA 94404
(415) 341 1177x227

>From: 	Arguelles, Alix[SMTP:AARGUELL@sys1.com]
>Sent: 	Monday, August 12, 1996 10:44 AM
>To: 	'MFC'
>Subject: 	RE: Owner Drawn CListCtrl derived class in a CListView
>[Mini-digest: 2 responses]
>[Moderator's note: Sorry folks.  I got busy and didn't read this
>Microsoft has an example that implements highlighting the entire row.  
> You can get it at
>The file name is ODLISTVW.EXE
>Good Luck!
>Alix Arguelles
> ----------
>From:  owner-mfc-l[SMTP:owner-mfc-l@netcom.com]
>Sent:  Friday, August 09, 1996 11:54 PM
>To:  'MFC Mailing List'
>Subject:  Owner Drawn CListCtrl derived class in a CListView
>Environment: Win95 NT 3.51 VC++ 4.0
> Hi,
>I want to create a derived CListCtrl class and put it into a CListView
>derived class that I have. However I am not sure how this can be   
>I have looked at my problem and the only thing it appears I can't do,  
>I want to do, in the CListView derived class is overload DrawItems so  
>I can highlight the entire row, not just the first column.
>Any help would be appreciated,
>-----From: glachape@spherenet.com
>You will find how to select the entire row in the July MSDN CD-ROM
>C++ knowledge base). This is exactly what you are searching for...
>Ghislain Lachapelle         (glachape@spherenet.com)
>          .                            .                      .
>  .                  .             -)------+====+       .
>                           -)----====    ,'   ,'   .                 .
>              .                  `.  `.,;___,'                .
>                                   `, |____l_\
>                    _,.....------c==]""______ |,,,,,,.....____ _
>    .      .       "-:______________  |____l_|]'''''''''''       .    
>                                  ,'"",'.   `.
>         .                 -)-----====   `.   `.              LS
>                     .            -)-------+====+       .            .
>             .                               .
-----From: Sajith Kumar 

I implemeted the same sort of customized CListCtrl to highlight
selection line. Basically to override the DrawItem method and so some
thing like this. Since the CListCtrl doent have any member/method to
givve the number of columns int he list control, you have to maintain a
column count and to manage it you have to overide all InsertColumn and
DeleteColmun methods.  Try this.

void CNBIListCtrl::DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct )
	if (m_on_item == FALSE)

	int i = lpDrawItemStruct->itemID;

	// get all rectangles
	CRect item_rect,label_rect,image_rect,full_rect;
	GetItemRect(i, item_rect,LVIR_BOUNDS);

	full_rect = item_rect; // save

	// starting point for the image
	CPoint image_point(image_rect.left,image_rect.top);

	// format the dc 
	CDC* cdc = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC);
	int	sysDC	= cdc->SaveDC();
	// get the imagelist if any
	CImageList*p_image_list = GetImageList(LVSIL_SMALL);
	int image_index;
		// get the image index

		LV_ITEM		lvitem;
		/// Set the first column
		lvitem.mask = LVIF_IMAGE;
		lvitem.iItem = i;
		lvitem.iSubItem = 0;

		image_index = lvitem.iImage;
		// get the bitmap details

	COLORREF back_color,for_color;
	UINT image_style;

	// find out the fore ground, back ground colors and image draw mode
		// Selected
		back_color =  ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
		for_color =  ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
		image_style = ILD_BLEND25;
		back_color= ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
		for_color =  ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
		image_style = ILD_NORMAL;
	CBrush brush;



	// out the first colum

	if(m_column_count) {
		// write th first colume sperate
		CString text = GetItemText(i,0);

		CRect rect = item_rect;
		int left = item_rect.left+GetColumnWidth(0);

		for(int j=1;jExtTextOut(rect.left,rect.top,ETO_CLIPPED,&rect,GetItemText(i,j),




Sajith Kumar
1155 Triton Drive, Suite E
Foster City, CA 94404
(415) 341 1177x227

Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@nwlink.com
Friday, August 16, 1996

At 09:02 AM 8/14/96 -0700, you wrote:

>Since the CListCtrl doent have any member/method to
>givve the number of columns int he list control,

It doesn't have one only because the list control doesn't directly
offer one.

>you have to maintain a
>column count and to manage it you have to overide all InsertColumn and
>DeleteColmun methods. 

Actually you don't need to do that.  If the list control has columns,
you know the list control is in report mode.  If the list control is
in report mode, you can get the header control by calling GetDlgItem(0)
on the list control.  The header control will happily tell you the
number of columns it has.

That all might look something like:

        CListCtrl* pLister = (CListCtrl*) GetDlgItem(IDC_YOURLIST);
        ASSERT(pLister != NULL);
        CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = pLister->GetDlgItem(0);
        ASSERT(pHeader != NULL);
        int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();

> you have to maintain a column count and to manage it
> you have to overide all InsertColumn and DeleteColmun methods.

Goodness, no.  You can just use the above code to get the count wherever
you need it and avoid managing your own count.

.B ekiM
These words are my own. I do not speak on behalf of Microsoft.

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