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CFileDialog Override Question

Tuesday, August 06, 1996

     Environment: Windows95, Visual C++ 4.1
     Hi.  I'm working on a Windows 95 platform using Visual C++ 4.1.  I am 
     attempting to override the MFC CFileDialog class so that I can respond 
     to a selection change in the "Save as type" combo box.  I'd like to be 
     able to change the "File Name" edit control text so that its file 
     extension matches the type extension from the combo box.  For example, 
     if the file name is "a.x" with file type "X Files (*.X)", and I change 
     the type to "Y Files (*.Y)", then I want to change the file name to 
     "a.y".  I have tried several methods without success.  I need to get 
     the current selection in the file type combo box and the text in the 
     file name edit box.  I have listed what I tried to do, along with the 
     source code, below.  Any help in getting this to work would be greatly 
     appreciated. Please respond directly to my e-mail address as I am not 
     on the general mfc-l mailing list.  Thanks,
     - Bobby Rigano
     Puma Technology
     What I have tried unsuccessfully:
     1. As the class wizard does not permit you to directly create message 
     handlers for the controls of a CFileDialog derived class, I tried to 
     manually add a message handler for a selection change of the cmb1 
     combo box.  The individual control ids are documented in Figure 6-6, 
     Chapter 6 of "Programming the Windows 95 User Interface" by Nancy 
     Cluts.  The ids are defined in msdev\include\dlgs.h.  This message 
     handler, OnSelchangeType, never gets called.
     2. I tried overriding the virtual CFileDialog::OnChangeType method.  
     This method is called but I cannot get at the current selection within 
     the cmb1 combo box or the file name in the edt1 edit control.  Calls 
     to GetDlgItem(cmb1) and GetDlgItem(edt1) return NULL.  So I have no 
     idea what the current values of these controls are.
     3. I tried overriding the virtual CFileDialog::OnLBSelChangedNotify 
     but it never gets called when I change file types on the dialog.
     ================== Source Code, Include File ========================= 
     // FileDlg.h : header file
     #define CFILE_NORM_ISEL 0          // The indices in cmb1 combo box. 
     #define CFILE_COMP_ISEL 1
     // CCardFileDlg dialog
     class CCardFileDlg : public CFileDialog {
     CCardFileDlg(BOOL bOpenFileDialog,              // TRUE for Open, 
     FALSE for SaveAs
     LPCTSTR lpszDefExt = NULL,
     LPCTSTR lpszFileName = NULL,
     LPCTSTR lpszFilter = NULL,
     CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL);
     // Overridable callbacks
     virtual void OnTypeChange();
     virtual void OnLBSelChangedNotify( UINT nIDBox, UINT iCurSel, UINT 
     virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
     afx_msg void OnSelchangeType();
     CString m_csFileExt;                            // Current file 
     type extension.
     ================== Source Code, Implementation File ============= // 
     FileDlg.cpp : implementation file
     #include "stdafx.h"
     #include "card.h"
     #include "FileDlg.h"
     #ifdef _DEBUG
     #define new DEBUG_NEW
     #undef THIS_FILE
     static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
     // CCardFileDlg
     IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CCardFileDlg, CFileDialog)
     CCardFileDlg::CCardFileDlg(BOOL bOpenFileDialog, LPCTSTR lpszDefExt, 
     LPCTSTR lpszFileName,
     DWORD dwFlags, LPCTSTR lpszFilter, CWnd* pParentWnd) : 
     CFileDialog(bOpenFileDialog, lpszDefExt, lpszFileName, 
     dwFlags, lpszFilter, pParentWnd)
     if ( lpszDefExt != NULL )
     m_csFileExt = lpszDefExt;
     BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CCardFileDlg, CFileDialog)
     ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(cmb1, OnSelchangeType) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
     BOOL CCardFileDlg::OnInitDialog() 
     CComboBox* pCmb = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem(cmb1);  // These 2 calls 
     CEdit* pEdt = (CEdit*) GetDlgItem(edt1);          // return NULL! 
     return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
     // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
     ** Function    : CCardFileDlg::OnSelchangeLanguage
     ** Description : Called whenever a file type is selected from the 
     **                                  listbox. It appends the updated 
     file extension to the
     **                                  file name. ** Parameters  : none
     ** Returns     : void
     void CCardFileDlg::OnSelchangeType() {
     TRACE(" MADE IT TO OnSelchangeType method!!!\n ");
     void CCardFileDlg::OnTypeChange()
     TRACE( "MADE IT TO OnTypeChange!!!\n" );
     // Get the current file type extension.
     HWND hWnd = ::GetDlgItem(GetSafeHwnd(), // handle of dialog box
     // identifier of control
     CString csWhat (GetFileExt() );  // Always returns initial value.
     CComboBox* pCombo = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem(cmb1); if ( !pCombo )
     return;         // pCombo is always NULL.
     int nSel = pCombo->GetCurSel();
     switch( nSel )
     case CFILE_COMP_ISEL:
     m_csFileExt = ZCARD_FILEEXT;
     case CFILE_NORM_ISEL:
     m_csFileExt = ECARD_FILEEXT;
     // Get the current file name.
     CEdit* pEdit = (CEdit*) GetDlgItem(edt1); if ( !pEdit )
     CString csFileName;
     pEdit->GetWindowText( csFileName );
     // Replace the old file extension with the current one. if ( 
     !csFileName.IsEmpty() )
     int nPos = csFileName.ReverseFind( TCHAR('.') );
     if ( (nPos != -1) && (nPos + 3 == csFileName.GetLength()) ) {
     csFileName = csFileName.Left(nPos) + m_csFileExt; 
     pEdit->SetWindowText( csFileName );
     void CCardFileDlg::OnLBSelChangedNotify( UINT nIDBox, UINT iCurSel, 
     UINT nCode)
     TRACE("MADE IT TO OnLBSelChangeNotify, nIDBox = 0%x\n", nIDBox );

Paul D. Bartholomew -- PaulDB@datastorm.com
Friday, August 09, 1996

     Environment: Windows95, Visual C++ 4.1

Bobby Rigano wrote:
>>     2. I tried overriding the virtual CFileDialog::OnChangeType   
     This method is called but I cannot get at the current selection   
     the cmb1 combo box or the file name in the edt1 edit control.  Calls   

     to GetDlgItem(cmb1) and GetDlgItem(edt1) return NULL.  So I have no
     idea what the current values of these controls are.<<

This is the method I use.  Under Windows 95 Explorer dialog, though,   
these controls are buried one level deeper than they were under previous   
versions.  I sub-classed the CFileDialog and replaced   
CFileDialog::OnTypeChange with my own version.  I also added a function   
to return the parent of those file dialog controls as follows:

CWnd* CEnhancedFileDialog::GetCommDlgWindow()
#ifdef WIN32
 if (m_ofn.Flags & OFN_EXPLORER)
  return GetParent();
 return this;

In my sub-classed OnTypeChange, I use this as follows:

void CEnhancedFileDialog::OnTypeChange(void)
 CComboBox* pComboBox = (CComboBox*)   
 if (!pComboBox)


Hope this helps.


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