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CMSCommCtrl class

Michel NIALON -- nialon@besancon.ts.slb.com
Tuesday, July 30, 1996

Environment: MSVC 4.0, Win 95

Does anybody have an example of how to use the CMSCommCtrl
class provided with he MSCommCtrl OCX.
My problem is with the parameter to use with the SetOutput function
and I didn't manage to find information about it.

Thanks in advance!

Software Engineer

Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@msn.com
Saturday, August 03, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

From: 	owner-mfc-l@netcom.com on behalf of Michel NIALON

> Environment: MSVC 4.0, Win 95

> Does anybody have an example of how to use the CMSCommCtrl
 > class provided with he MSCommCtrl OCX.

One of the guys in PSS scratched out some code. We  cleaned it up and made it 
a sample. It's in the VC++ 4.2 box.

.B ekiM
What's that ugly square thing in my mirror that says "ovloV" on it?

-----From: Doug Robb 

On Tue, 30 Jul 1996, Michel NIALON wrote:

You are not alone Mike. Can anybody tell me why most (all)
of the help seems to be for vb or something but is definately
not written for mfc programmers? I find the ? icon after selecting
an OLD control to be useless most of the time. I was thought it
was just me. But to answer your question Mike.

What I had to do was insert the control into my project and
then look at the function prototypes in the .cpp files.
>From this you can see what functions you can use and what the
arguments and return types are. For you to write to the port
you need to do something like this (assume m_port is the variable
for the control)

m_port.SetPortOpen(TRUE) ;	// open the port etc
COleVariant propval ;		// this is the datatype needed
propval = OLESTR("hello") ;
m_port.SetOutput(propval) ;	// spits hello out of port
m_port.SetPortOpen(FALSE) ;	// close if you want

You set the baud etc of port using the ole control property
sheets or you can do this dynamically , see the funtion
prototypes for details.

Now if all this is documented somewhere could someone please
point us to it, the doco for the internet controls (http, ftp etc)
would also be nice, but only the vb and visual foxpro are with the
control pack!

Email  - doug@psy.uwa.edu.au  ,-_|\    Doug Robb
Phone  - +61 9 380 2507      /     \   Senior Analyst Programmer
Fax    - +61 9 386 7564  --> *_,-._/   Psychology Department
                                   v   University of Western Australia
>From U.S. 011-61-9-380-2507    (EST +12hrs)
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Homepage: http://www.psy.uwa.edu.au/user/doug/doug.html

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