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Toolbar Activation Problem

Joseph M. Koral -- jkoral@tiac.net
Friday, July 26, 1996

In response to the toolbar problems experienced after installing the new =
COMCTL32.DLL that ships with IE 3.0 Beta 2 and MS News and Mail:

My guess is that you are not going through the new CToolBar::LoadToolBar =
method and instead performing the old style CToolBar::LoadBitmap, and =
CToolBar::SetButtons mechanism generated by MFC 3.x AppWizard.  (In =
other words, if you still have the array of button ids, static UINT =
buttons[], in your mainfrm.cpp, you are using the old mechanism).

The new mechanism, (which uses the RT_TOOLBAR resource type) calls =
CToolBar::LoadToolBar, which implicitly calls CToolBar::SetSizes.  This =
call, which sends the TB_SETBITMAPSIZE and TB_SETBUTTONSIZE, should be =
unnecessary (according to the Win32 SDK) when using the standard bitmap =
and button sizes (16x15 and 24x22, respectively) generated by MFC.

However, I found that adding this explicit call to SetSizes, fixed the =
toolbar painting problems I experienced with the new COMCTL32.DLL.  I =
reported this problem and my solution to Microsoft some time ago.

- joseph

Christine Hagberg -- CHAGBERG@datx.com
Wednesday, July 31, 1996

I had a 2.2 app which I converted to 4.0.  I created a toolbar and called   
LoadToolBar rather than LoadBitmap.
I then made a call to SetSizes right after creating the toolbar.

I still have the painting problem with the toolbar.  What am I doing   

I think my problem is I do not know where to make the explicit call to   
I am currently calling SetSizes right after I create the toolbar.

Where should I call SetSizes?

(Oh and yes I too am using the IE 3.0 Beta 2)

Thanks in advance
 Chris Hagberg (chagberg@datx.com)

>In response to the toolbar problems experienced after installing the new   
>COMCTL32.DLL that ships with IE 3.0 Beta 2 and MS News and Mail:

>My guess is that you are not going through the new CToolBar::LoadToolBar   
>method and instead performing the old style CToolBar::LoadBitmap, and =
>CToolBar::SetButtons mechanism generated by MFC 3.x AppWizard.  (In =
>other words, if you still have the array of button ids, static UINT =
>buttons[], in your mainfrm.cpp, you are using the old mechanism).

>The new mechanism, (which uses the RT_TOOLBAR resource type) calls =
>CToolBar::LoadToolBar, which implicitly calls CToolBar::SetSizes.  This   
>call, which sends the TB_SETBITMAPSIZE and TB_SETBUTTONSIZE, should be =
>unnecessary (according to the Win32 SDK) when using the standard bitmap   
>and button sizes (16x15 and 24x22, respectively) generated by MFC.

>However, I found that adding this explicit call to SetSizes, fixed the =
>toolbar painting problems I experienced with the new COMCTL32.DLL.  I =
>reported this problem and my solution to Microsoft some time ago.

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